3 Zodiac Signs Likely To Have More Challenging Horoscopes On February 4

The universe has our backs and won't let us get ourselves into trouble.

3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Their Challenges On February 4, 2024 Alyssa Babasa from Sketchify, jokerpro from Getty Images, Yuri_Arcurs from Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

February 4, 2024, shows us that because of transits such as Moon square Saturn, we may have to either deal with the day's restrictions or fight against them.

What is suggested here is that, for many of us, we will be up against a set of rules that really throw us off our target and that the sudden restriction will anger us.

Because it's February, we want to start moving along briskly. We dragged along through January, knowing full well that we'd really 'attack' our tasks during the next month, and now that it's February 4, 2024, we feel as though all we want to do is accomplish that which we set out to do.


What comes up on this day, for three zodiac signs, is the full-throttle halt of Moon square Saturn, which shows us that the whole idea of 'doing it our way' is a cosmic joke. 

If the universe sees an opening for us, then it will get out of the way, and we'll get to move on, but the universe has our backs and won't let us get ourselves into trouble, so in a way, we need to be grateful for whatever 'signs' let us know that perhaps this day is NOT the day for leaps and bounds. It's all OK.

Zodiac signs with challenging horoscopes on February 4, 2024:

1. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

When push comes to shove on this day, February 4, 2024, you, Virgo, will give up and allow yourself to be pushed, and this happens because you realize that you can't win.


During the transit of Moon square Saturn, you'll be put to the test, and you will be very adamant about letting those who are putting this kind of stress on you know that you are not interested in their games or their ways.

There's a good chance this is work-related. What you don't like is that things never change for you at work, and you are no longer interested in waiting around for someone else to make it all better for you.

This environment does not promote good health and happy workers. So, during the Moon's square to Saturn on February 4, 2024, you will reject an offer that seems so cheap and flimsy that you can barely muster up a laugh.

What you can do to make this day a better one for yourself is to stick to your guns and let it slip by without a world. Yes, you know that nothing here will change, but you can get on top of the situation by showing no one that you are ruffled. Don't let them see you sweat, in other words.


During Moon square Saturn, you may be tempted to blow your stack, but you'll feel much better if you take the high road and just ... let them be.

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2. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

You may be in a fantastically productive mood on this day, February 4, 2024, and you may feel as though accomplishment is on your raster for the day.

However, you also have Moon square Saturn working to show you that whatever it is that you want must be put on the back burner for now. This might anger and upset you, as you won't be able to reconcile how such a sluggish response meets your productive attitude.


During the transit of Moon square Saturn, you, Libra, will be shown that just because you have high spirits doesn't mean that the world has caught up to you yet and that, like it or not, you will have to play by the rules.

Playing by the rules is almost hysterically against your nature. The rules never worked for you, so why would they now?

What you'll come to see is that on February 4, 2024, you are personally more bark than bite and that it's you who is making it harder for yourself. Lighten your load by accepting that you needn't accomplish miracles on this day.

With the Moon square Saturn at your back, you may have to take a more humble stance, knowing that there's always tomorrow to share your brilliance with the world.


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3. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

This day may grind your gears a bit, Scorpio, as none of your well-thought-out plans will actually see the light of day on February 4, 2024. This is OK, and the quicker you see it this way, the better because with the transit of Moon square Saturn influencing your mood, you may find that if you don't find a way to adapt quickly, you'll spend this day and perhaps the rest of the week feeling frustrated and confused.

What you've got going on is a great attitude that conflicts with a closed door. So, that means that all of your amazing nerves and determination will be met with a lack of opportunity.


So much of this really bums you out because you expected it all to go another way for you on this day, February 4, 2024. You anticipated a great opportunity for yourself, and you weren't prepared to wait another day or week if it came to that.

So, your only intelligent option is to accept and wait. Being patient may not be your greatest virtue, but you may have to deal with it, as Moon square Saturn will not deliver the good on this day as you'd like them.

You will absolutely get another chance to put all of that outstanding positive energy into a worthy project, so relax and know it's going to happen. It's just not happening on February 4, 2024, during Moon square Saturn. It's all OK.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.