5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Who Will Have The Luckiest Horoscopes All Week

The path forward is golden — and very lucky!

5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Who Will Have The Luckiest Horoscopes All Week Photodjo from Getty Images, Robert Gruszecki from Pexels | Canva Pro

Sometimes, to truly tap into one's good luck, one can find space and quiet to hear where that luck wants to lead them. That's the energy of this week for five Chinese zodiac signs — Ox, Snake, Rabbit, Rooster, and Rat — who will have the best horoscopes if they lean into this wisdom.

This week's I Ching hexagram of luck is Mountain over Fire (#22), changing to Heaven over Water (#6). It urges you to remember that luck cannot favor you if you don't even know what you want from life.


Anything and everything can sway you then. You wouldn't even know the difference between what to be curious about and what to leave alone.

So, find some time this week to journal your thoughts on what you truly want in life. You can be as elaborate as you want or as succinct as you desire. Then, wait for the universe to conspire in your favor to bring your wishes to you. Belief is the first step in any manifestation.

Just remember: luck can only take you so far. If you think you want something but actually don't want it in your heart, you will lose interest even on your supposed victory run.

This applies to romantic relationships, careers, having children or not, and every other aspect of life. Now, let's focus on the five Chinese zodiac signs with the best and luckiest horoscopes this week.


The five Chinese Zodiac signs with the luckiest and best horoscopes all week:

1. Ox: Beginner's luck

Ox, here's the thing. You are in the good books of the cosmic forces this week and will enjoy a lot of "easing" in all aspects of life because of it. Just make sure to send gratitude into the ether for this supernatural help, and don't confuse it with your hard work and grit. The latter will lead to disaster, while the former will help you keep the positive channels open.

You are also encouraged to try new things this week. Good luck will help you explore without anxiety and may help you step out of your box further when you least expect it. For some, there's a distinct overlap between this and your love life.

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2. SnakeSinging luck

Snake, it doesn't mean what you think it means. At least, not literally. Your good luck this week is centered around you being your true self and expressing yourself fully. Yes, some naysayers may not appreciate it, but why should you care about their twisted opinion?


This luck extends to your wardrobe, too and the outfits you choose to wear this week. The more you lean into your style, divorced from the esthetics of what's popular and what's not, the luckier you will be.

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3. RabbitDiscerning luck

Rabbit, your luck this week is tied to your intuition. It will act through it. So be alert and don't brush off those nudges. Sometimes, it may encourage you to continue interacting with a new person, even if you are an introvert. Other times, it will ask you to back off from a person with shady motives behind the scenes.

You may not feel this good luck like winning the lottery or something equally big, but it will protect you from nuisance and bad experiences. A gratitude ritual won't be amiss.


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4. RoosterEntertainment luck

Rooster, let your creative side take over the reins this week. Let it dazzle the world around you and then some. Your good luck this week depends on it. Plus, it's always a good day to let the inner child come out and play.

Suppose you are part of the entertainment industry in some capacity, whether as a singer, dancer, actor, etc., you will feel this luck more keenly. For some, it will connect you to the right people and take you to the right places.

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5. RatLuck of the believer

Rat, there's a simple rule to manifestations: You must believe, or your manifestations will not appear. This week, your good luck will help you believe in yourself, but only if you have some basic belief to begin with.


Think of it like a positive feedback loop. As long as you are willing to dare and be fantastic, your cosmic luck will ensure that you continue to feel that way by rewarding you for your daring. In short, you will either get this luck to work for you, or nothing will happen at all. So focus on strengthening your self-belief!

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.