3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Their Specific Hardships On January 31

We will find that balance...through trial and error.

3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Tough Times On January 31, 2024 mechichi, Andrew from pexels, Luis Felipe Alburquerque Briganti from Pexels | Canva Pro

We've all been in situations where we just wish we had thought it out before we leaped ahead, and on January 31, 2024, we will once again be confronted with the idea that we have to think first and act later. Impulse drives three zodiac signs on this day, and it is an impulse that will lead to some very bad decision-making.

We will learn from our mistakes on this day, but we will have to make those mistakes first, and this could happen because of one of several factors. One, we have the transit of Moon Square Mars in the sky, and two, we use this transit's power to express ourselves too energetically because we can't tell the difference between what we need and what we think we need.


This day brings about a conflicted state of mind, and when we don't take the time to sort things out, we end up jumping to conclusions and acting on impulse with emotional intensity. We are determined about our choices, thinking we're doing the right thing when all we're really doing is acting on impulse. What's needed on this day, January 31, 2024, is balance, and we will find that balance ... through trial and error.


Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on January 31, 2024:

1. Aries 

(March 21 - April 19)

You get things into your mind before you have a chance to really think them through, and because you are so forceful when it comes to making a decision, you may find that you've overstepped your bounds on this day, January 31, 2024. You want nothing more than to believe you are right, and so when you are shown that you are definitely 'not' right, you feel very put out and aggravated.

During the transit of Moon Square Mars, you'll find that your desire to be right outweighs the reality of what you need to focus on, which is exactly what will balance you out on this day, January 31, 2024. If there are specifics to be mentioned, we might say that you want to control something you can't control, and when you figure out that you have no say in the matter, you might know then to step back and just accept it.

What you can do to get through this day is to take a breath and realize that nothing has been taken away from you, Aries. You are still just as smart and on the ball as ever. You're just being taken down a notch for overestimating the situation. This shows you that you need to trust in the universe as everything is still in working order. Work with the timing rather than against it during Moon Square Mars.


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2. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

There's something about this day, January 31, 2024, being the last day of the month that gets on your nerves, as you feel you owe yourself more than what you've given yourself as of this moment. You may do something very impulsive and rash during this time to show yourself that you can still act up and get things done, but you will also realize halfway through the day that during a transit like Moon Square Mars, you need to slow down and just re-think.

Regrouping is what this day is all about for you, Taurus, and that needs to be fine with you. Yes, you may feel as though you've let yourself down, but who are you kidding? You know that February is right around the bend and that you can do all you need to do as soon as the month begins. OK, so you didn't become the superhero that you intended to be this month; it happens. You can don the cape tomorrow.


What you can hold on to during this day is the idea that you most confidently aren't alone in your feelings of pseudo-failure. This is January, and if you want to laugh, understand that most of planet Earth has not lived up to its resolutions. So, relax, Taurus. You'll get to it. You aren't going to win the Sloth of the Year Award. You know what you need to do, and even if Moon Square Mars has you feeling down on yourself ... get over it! You'll be fine.

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3. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

On January 31, 2024, you may find that you are way too hard on yourself, and this might take on epic proportions during Moon Square Mars. You are spending a lot of this day looking over what you've done so far, and you do not like what you see. How could you be so lazy or ignorant? These kinds of self-putdowns will haunt you through the day, but they are unnecessary, Scorpio.


So, you may see that while Moon Square Mars has you fighting against yourself, there's that other side to you that really doesn't want to believe the worst about you, and this inner conflict will go back and forth throughout the day. Fortunately, you are still you, Scorpio, and that naturally implies that if there's a winner in the house, it's you, and by 'you,' we mean the person who knows themselves to be good, true and worthy of a second chance.

Moon Square Mars may make you feel hostile towards yourself for making choices that didn't work out, but what's tomorrow about if not to allow you the freedom to believe you can start again? It's ON, Scorpio, and there really is nothing for you to worry about. Stay with the positive feeling that you know exists inside you, and let that rise to the top. Don't let this day swallow you whole. You'll be fine.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.