3 Zodiac Signs Find Inner Strength On January 28, 2024

Three zodiac signs will face themselves in the mirror.

3 Zodiac Signs Find Inner Strength On January 28, 2024 DjelicS from Getty Images Signature, Thanapol sinsrang from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Being that it's now the end of January and we have to face the reality that February is just around the corner, meaning...those neglected resolutions are going to have to be 'attempted' at one point or another, we may find that this particular day, January 28, 2024, brings us harsh realizations and the feeling of pressure...to accomplish.

We can get away with it for just so long, and we know it. No matter how 'cool' or uncool we pretend resolutions to be, we all keep a secret resolution in our mind, and the reason we keep it secret is because we don't want anyone to pressure us into 'making it happen.'


During the transit of the Moon opposite Saturn, which joins us on this day, January 28, 2024, we will feel that pressure, but it will only be coming from our minds.

Three zodiac signs will face themselves in the mirror and own up to the fact that they have not yet attempted to make real what was only a dream yesterday. We put the pressure on ourselves to 'get it done' and yet, it's the end of January, and for lack of a better example...we still haven't 'hit the gym.' Am I wrong? You know I'm not. Which three zodiac signs will 'get the point' during Moon opposite Saturn?


Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on January 28, 2024:

1. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

You promised yourself last year that this year would be 'it' and that you'd be so flawless that you'd impress even yourself. While all of that is lofty and noble, it was still quite unattainable if not attempted in earnest, and by the time this day, January 28, 2024, rolls around, you will know — in earnest — that you definitely did not give it your best shot. While you aren't fond of putting yourself down, you'll see that, in all reality, you're the one who didn't live up to your own set of expectations.

This day comes with the transit of the Moon opposite Saturn, and this kind of energy is known for its ability to show us our flaws. And while you can't really stay with that, as you know you're not 'flawed' per se, you may realize that what you actually are is...lazy. It's OK. It happens, and while you know and accept that as well, you feel as though you've let yourself down. Come on, it's January 28, 2024, and in your mind, you should have made your amazing moves by this point.

In a way, it's all taking place at the end of the month for a reason: to give you the idea that next month is GO TIME. While Moon opposite Saturn has you conceding to the idea that you were lazy and inconsistent and possibly even slothful, you can still make a go of it in the very near future. Moon opposite Saturn only brings you down just so much, Cancer. You'll snap out of it just in time to get your self-esteem back on track. No worries here.


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2. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

What really disappoints you most on this day, January 28, 2024, is that you had bigger dreams for yourself and feel that what you've manifested 'so far' is quite mediocre. As a Libra, you strive for excellence; mediocrity is not in your vocabulary. Yet, during the transit of the Moon opposite Saturn, that's all you see, and you are unhappy with it. Yet, you recognize that you put yourself in this lackluster position.

If excellence is your goal, then you will have to grapple with the lessons that come along with the Moon opposite Saturn, as what's being shown to you on this day, January 28, 2024, is the kick in the pants you truly do need. Will you listen to your inner self as it begs you to rise above, or will you pridefully shut that voice of reason out? This is why January 28 is rough; it pits you against yourself in a duel for righteousness and reason.


What you do know about yourself is that you are very adaptable when it comes to improving yourself. You might not want others to think that you ever do anything wrong, but you hold yourself to a very high standard, and you will see that during Moon opposite Saturn, you are able to confront your inner demons and get them to step aside. You are ready to meet the new month with open arms, as you can admit what's gone wrong, and you now know what to do about it.

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3. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)

Well, you've found yourself here on this day, January 28, 2024, and you are not happy with your progress so far, which implies that you probably had a few 'resolutions' that you wanted to at least start, and you. I might not have started any of them. It's all OK, and the reason it is that way is because, first of all...you're a Capricorn, and nothing stays 'down' for too long with you. Second, you've got the transit of Moon opposite Saturn kicking you in the butt...and when that happens, you take action.


You know that you want to be honest with yourself, and that means taking a look at how you got yourself into this 'nothingness' position. Well, it took a whole lot of sloth and a heaping ton of laziness, and there's your answer. Nice and concise, and that's the stuff that allows you to really understand what the next move needs to be. You will find that while January 28, 2024, may feel like a rough day, it's also the kind of day that inspires you to change seriously.

This is really what you need in order to see things clearly. You needed to see yourself in the mirror in such a way that you could recognize the things that hold you back. You need to understand that you are not only part of the process but that you ARE the process, and you will find that on January 28, 2024, during Moon opposite Saturn, the momentum suddenly kicks in BIG TIME. Go for it, keep it going, Capricorn.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.