3 Zodiac Signs Find Their True Love On January 27, 2024

Because the power is so strong, we will find this special person.

3 Zodiac Signs Find Their True Love On January 27, 2024 Chikovnaya and Ron Octabranz from The Brave Creator both from via Canva Pro/5933179 from Pixabay via Canva

Anytime a major planet comes out of a retrograde, as will happen on this day, January 27, 2024, during Uranus Direct, we can anticipate something good to come. This is a very strong astrological event, and it can move three zodiac signs into a place of confidence and self-recognition. When we know ourselves, we are able to open ourselves to others.

And it will be on this day, January 27, 2024, that three zodiac signs are able to use the power that comes off of Uranus Direct to better their lives in terms of love and openness. It is on this day that we are able to expand our horizons in such a way that we literally send out a psychic message to the one whom we might call our 'true love.' And, because the power is so strong, we will find this person.


Some people believe in true love, and some do not. But we all know that when we feel something special, a wave of power flows through us, and Uranus Direct can start the wave. Three zodiac signs will say yes to the idea of true love on this day, January 27, 2024, and by doing so, we create the 'beacon' that brings our true love right to our door.


Three zodiac signs who find their true love on January 27, 2024:

1. Leo 

(July 23 - August 22)

When Uranus goes direct on January 27, 2024, you may feel as though the scales have finally fallen from your eyes, in so much as this one person that you know starts to reveal themselves to you as so much more than just a friend. Could it possibly be? After all this time, that one person whom you've come to love, trust and adore is actually the one person you have fallen in love with to the point where you believe they are your true love? Yes, Leo. It is possible.

Uranus Direct is a cosmic event that spins everything on an axis and has us seeing it all differently. This is what will happen to you regarding love and romance. What you were totally not expecting comes to you as a huge surprise, but during Uranus Direct on January 27, 2024, you will be very happy to accept what seems suddenly so obvious to you.

It's one of those 'the answer was there all along' moments, and you will recognize that there is no reason to fight it any longer. This person ... who may be a good friend or even a casual acquaintance, suddenly presents as something much more. You can't shy away from this profound realization, Leo, and the more you give yourself over to this wild idea, the more you'll find that this really is happening. Your true love is there, right in front of your eyes.


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2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

True love? Moi? This might be your way of thinking on this day, January 27, 2024, as you delight in the idea that this one person in your life may just be someone that you are more than curious about. There's just something about them that tickles you; they make you laugh, they have you wondering about what they'd be like to kiss, and you may even find yourself fantasizing about a life together with them. What is UP with you, Scorpio?

Well, what's up is Uranus Direct, and it's a very big 'up' in the way that it's about to change your life. You aren't expecting a major romantic upsurge. In fact, you've kind of gotten used to your regular old 'hopeful' life when it comes to love and romance. What you aren't expecting is what Uranus Direct is here to deliver, and that is true love right at your doorstep- as if you 'ordered in.' Love delivery!


While all this sounds goofy and frivolous, well, that's how life works. You will find your true love on this day, January 27, 2024, simply because you aren't expecting it to happen this way. You can't hide behind your pretense of self-defense anymore; you will give yourself completely to the gooey-sweet idea that, yes, true love can happen to you and that it IS happening right now, on this day, January 27, 2024. Woohoo!

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3. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)

You are such a realist that you can hardly buy into the idea that you're slated for true love. Love, sure, but what's all this hyped-up 'true love' stuff? You laugh off the idea that such idealism should take place, which is exactly what is all the more intense and dreamy on January 27, 2024, when it DOES happen for you, Capricorn. Because of Uranus Direct, you will see things differently, which means you'll be more open to the things you don't believe in right now.


When the person that you will know as your 'true love' comes into view on this day, January 27, 2024, during Uranus Direct, you will know immediately that this is the one you are meant to be with. Hey, it happens, and even a diehard realist like you, Capricorn, will have to deal with the idea of this romance thing. It's awesome! If anything, it's totally new to you, and you will love every minute of this new feeling.

So, let it in. Let it happen. Don't stand in the way of true love. You don't have to meet a quota on how jaded you can be; you can let yourself go and get to have the experience that might be a once-in-a-lifetime event. Just believe in it and let it happen. Someone is willing to believe in YOU, so let them have their minute...it might be the minute that turns into a lifetime of love...why say 'no' to that? Go with it, Capricorn.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.