Love Horoscopes Are Very Lucky For 3 Zodiac Signs On January 26

This is no passive event; we are participants and we are happy to be a part of it all.

January 26 Love Horoscopes Are So Lucky For 3 Zodiac Signs Joshua Resnick | Canva Pro

This day, January 26, 2024, brings us a Waning Gibbous Moon that crosses from Leo into Virgo, and for three zodiac signs, this has great meaning. We may find that we can settle into a routine or, rather ... make a reality out of a dream that we've been working on for a while. Leo's energy gets us there, and Virgo takes over ... for the win.

This is when we start to see that our romantic lives are actually working out. Leo's energy had us wanting to continue, while Virgo is the key to seeing 'how' it can work. This waning Moon will give these three zodiac signs the clarity to know what the next moves should be. We feel confident and refreshed on this day, January 26, 2024. We are happy to move from Leo into Virgo. We accept it.




And ... we accept our romantic relationships are living, growing entities. This is no simple event; we are participants, and we are happy to be a part of it all. The Waning Gibbous Moon brings us a jolt of loving energy that is accompanied by the ambitious knowledge that we will do whatever it takes to make our love lives healthy because it's easy enough if we believe in it.


Three zodiac signs are luckiest in love on January 26, 2024:

1. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

There's a certain degree of power that you will be feeling during this day's Waning Moon event, as you are happy to see what Leo brings you as it morphs into what Virgo delivers. This is a great time for you when it comes to your romantic life, Cancer, as you can finally see that all the previous efforts that the two of you have put into this relationship are really starting to blossom. You can't help but smell success as everything is finally falling into place romantically. 

You may also be coming out of a particularly rough patch with your partner. Still, you were determined to come out as a winner, and the transit of the Waning Leo-Virgo Moon shows you that practice not only makes perfect but that effort leads to reality-based action. You did it, Cancer. You and your partner aced the test; you can now move on, and you appreciate whatever arguments got you to this place.

Leo energy gives you the nerve to fight for what you believe in, and Virgo finishes that effort off by showing you that you, too, can make sense of this thing called 'love.' You aren't ready to give it up, so you've made peace with the idea that you're in it to win it, and winning it is exactly what you'll do during the Leo-Virgo Moon on January 26, 2024.


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2. Leo 

(July 23 - August 22)

While you might have expected a fairy tale romance, as this is the kind of thing that you believe comes along with your magical Leo life, you've come to see that being in a romantic relationship is something that not only takes time but effort and maintenance as well. If you were told at the beginning how hard it would be, you might have backed out right at the top, but as January 26, 2024, approaches, you'll see that sticking with it was the right thing to do.

This means that you are maturing, Leo. You have come to adapt, and that's a sign of high intelligence. Of course, you'd adapt! You love the person you are with, and you've finally gotten the whole point of this thing ... it takes work. During the Leo-Virgo Moon, you'll see that you are in your full power; you can make this happen very easily if you adjust your point of view. With an attitude of success, you are very easily able to see this relationship as a 'piece of cake.'


You also don't believe that it can't go back to the playful stages, as that's what made you fall in love with this person in the first place. Sure, you can accept that we all have to grow up at some point, but that doesn't mean you have to leave childish fun in the past. During the Leo-Virgo Moon, you'll know that you can split the difference and that the future has just as much youthful glee in it as did the past.

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3. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

You may have expended a lot of energy to get where you are with your romantic relationship. Still, you've also seen that there's a time and a place for high desire and that you have to learn that even during the moments of ennui, you are still in love with the person you are with. This transit, the Leo-Virgo Moon, lets you know that life is made up of slow seasons and fast seasons, and when it comes to you and your partner, you will make it through them all just fine.


This day's transit is here to stabilize you. That feels good in your Virgo life, as you need the little things that convince you that all is well and that everybody is doing OK. Today may open up the gates to some very interesting conversation between you and your partner. It's about time, isn't it? You've got the nerve to speak up, and you now have the temperance to do so without going 'too' far. This could potentially be a great day for you, Virgo.

January 26, 2024, brings you the knowledge that romance takes work and that even when it seems dull or even ... apathetic, it's still worth coming home to. Life isn't a nonstop party, and while you know you've got a lot of desire and drive inside of you, you also know that you need a break, too, now and then. During the Leo-Virgo Moon, you will see that there's a time and place for everything in your relationship, as long as you have the patience for it.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.