3 Zodiac Signs Can't Commit To A Relationship On January 23, 2024

We have our ideals and priorities already set up and established.

3 Zodiac Signs Can't Commit To A Relationship On January 23, 2024 sketchify and Monstera from Pexels via Canva 

On this day, January 23, 2024, we have an interesting twist going on when it comes to love and commitment. We want love, but we don't want commitment. So, where's the twist? The twist reveals itself in the idea that we are already committed ... to ourselves, in so much as we have our ideals and priorities already set up and established and committing to another person — even for love — doesn't exactly fit into our original plan.


When there's a transit like Moon trine Saturn in the cosmic sky, we are always going to look at how things stop and go; Saturn allows and prevents — at the same time, and this works on our minds, in positive ... and negative ways. Three zodiac signs may very well be madly in love, but the timing is just not right for us to 'say yes to the dress' in TV-speak. We're just not up for commitment. Moon trine Saturn shows us that we have to listen to our inner timer.

It's not as though we aren't turning around on our romantic partners; we're not leaving them or rejecting them. We're simply sticking to our own set of rules, and Moon trine Saturn is all about those rules. Once we adhere to Saturn's energy, we will do what we want. Right now, on this day, January 23, 2024, what we want is to continue 'as we go' without having to sign our name on the dotted line.


Three zodiac Signs can't commit to a relationship on January 23, 2024

1. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

Experience has taught you that you don't necessarily have to sign a contract in order to have what love has to offer, and the reality of the matter is that romance has scared you away ... to a degree. It's not that you are off the market, though; you still want to date and have fun. What you don't want is a commitment, and on January 23, 2024, you may find that the person you are with at this moment is very interested in sealing the deal, once and for all.

During the transit of Moon trine Saturn, you will refer to your history and your prior experience, which says, 'Wait.' You feel as though you want to listen to your heart and that leaping in isn't for you, no matter how cool, spontaneous, or even romantic it may seem. You see commitment as something that both parties must agree upon and that that agreement must be created in the heart. Right now, your heart isn't there yet. Also, it is very typical of Moon trine Saturn.

You feel very fortunate to have a partner who wants you this much, and you might end up feeling bad that you can't give them what they want, but is what you have to offer so bad? Not in your mind, it isn't, as you're not running away. You are merely suggesting that maybe you wait a bit longer; your heart tells you to wait, not to commit, and you feel better when you listen to your heart, as you will on January 23, 2024, during Moon trine Saturn.


RELATED: How To Get Each Zodiac Sign To Commit In A Relationship

2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

Getting into a committed relationship is something you'd love to do, but not on this day, January 23, 2024. The transit of Moon trine Saturn influences you, and it is telling you to go with your gut and your gut says no, thanks. You aren't trying to be rude, but you've seen that it's best to go with your gut, as experience has shown you that if you do what your heart tells you not to do, you end up suffering for it, and you're not into suffering.

During Moon trine Saturn, you'll see just how intense your partner's feelings for you are, and, believe it or not, their feelings may just scare you away. Yes, they love you, but they suddenly seem so clingy and needy, and you don't know if you have enough love inside you to fill their bottomless pit of need. They scare you on January 23, 2024, and you may feel that 'flight or flight' feeling coming on.


You just want them to hang on and work with you; you aren't here to hurt them and in all honesty, you really like this person ... you just haven't gotten to the 'love' part of the relationship as of yet. You'd like to get there without being forced into making a lifelong commitment with them. You just need time and you should have it, Scorpio. At this point, accepting a commitment that you don't want would only lead to a broken promise.

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3. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)

This day, January 23, 2024, feels like it's about to hit you with an ultimatum that you are so completely not into that you might even find yourself laughing in the face of the person who is handing it to you. During Moon trine Saturn, you will be asked to commit to the relationship you are presently in. You didn't see this coming because you thought that the two of you had an understanding: let's explore this romance first.


Well, it seems that your partner is done with exploring and is now into the 'sign, seal and deliver' part of the romance, which you find to be anything but romantic. In fact, during this transit, Moon trine Saturn, you feel pressured and that makes you want to flee in terror. You never told them you were up for that kind of intensity, and on some level, you resent the pressure being put on you. You don't like being told what you need to do.

On January 23, 2024, your partner will give you that ultimatum and being that it is 'ultimate,' you will end up having to tell them the truth: you're not into it. It's not that you're not into them; you are, and haven't you proved that a thousand times? Yes, you have, but what they want — a commitment — is something that, at this point, you are not willing to give. You are true to yourself, Capricorn, and there can be no other way for you.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.