3 Zodiac Signs Are Empowered To Choose Themselves During Moon Conjunct Uranus On January 19

We aren't here for approval; we are here to get things done.

woman and moons Taylor Deas-Melesh via Unsplash / Gabrielle Scarlett via Canva

January 19, 2024, will have several people figuring things out about their lives that they feel need further scrutiny to understand fully. During the transit of Moon conjunct Uranus, we will see that three zodiac signs get a clue as to what's really going on in their lives, and this covers both career and romance.

What we may reveal to others on this day, if we are heavily influenced by Moon conjunct Uranus, is that we really don't care what others think. It's not that we want to offend, but if someone does happen to get offended by our ideas, behaviors and actions, then that one is on them, not on us. Moon conjunct Uranus supports individuality, even if we tend to be a little obnoxious.




What's very important to know about how Moon conjunct Uranus affects us is to understand that it's all good; what we discover on this day is helpful. We may not be able to get that round of applause for our insights, but it's not about 'them.' It's about us. We see the change we need to implement, and we will do it at our own pace. We aren't here for approval; we are here to get things done according to our own 'natural law.'


3 zodiac signs empowered to choose themselves over others during Moon conjunct Uranus on January 19, 2024

1. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

You really aren't interested in being told how selfish you are because you don't feel as though you are being selfish in the slightest. What you are is self-protective, and on January 19, 2024, you feel you have every right to be that way as you are the person who decides what you should or should not do ... or feel. During the transit of Moon conjunct Uranus, you will be locked into your ways, and if someone 'chooses' to misunderstand you, then that one's on them.

You have something very optimistic to look forward to, and you know that it takes focus and concentration. Because you believe both in this thing you are looking forward to and in your ability to make it so, you feel as though you'd be better off alone on this day, January 19, 2024. You are open to suggestions and friends are welcome to say whatever they wish, but you more than likely will only 'allow' them this liberty to be friendly.

You've already made up your mind as to how this day progresses, and you've built in your excuses as to why you cannot be too social on this day. During the transit of Moon conjunct Uranus, all you really want is to create on your own, knowing that if left to your own devices, you'll figure out your way to a happy day. You are all too happy to take it all on by yourself without the input of others. You've done it before and you'll do it again.


RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Needs Most In January 2024, Per The Tarot

2. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)

When you're on a mission, as you are on January 19, 2024, you rarely take time to hear anyone else out, even if they can add to your experience. What you'd really rather do on this day, during the transit of Moon conjunct Uranus, is find success on your own, your way. There is something extra satisfying for you when you do it on your own. You aren't into sharing the credit and you'd rather be the one who gets to claim that credit, anyway.

Because you are very success-oriented, you've also developed a certain style that allows you to reach the success you set in motion for yourself. You can't be disturbed, and during Moon conjunct Uranus, you'll go out of your way to make sure that your actions on this day, January 19, 2024, are uninterrupted. You are in control, as you would prefer it to be, and most people in your life respect you for your dedication to perfection.


And, of course, this perfection can only come into being if you are left alone to brainstorm it all by yourself. You feel like a mad scientist on this day, all giggles and gleeful mania, but it's all in good fun, Capricorn, as there really is nothing better than getting what you want done when you want it done your way. You choose yourself as the number one 'go-to' friend on this day. Let them make fun of you ... you know who's right in the long run.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Resolve Tough Problems By The End Of January 2024

3. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

Choosing yourself is something you've done all your life, Aquarius, and while this is probably the thing most people misunderstand about you, it's just who you are and on January 19, 2024, during the transit of Moon conjunct Uranus, you might find that it's just easier on you to back away from people and do what you want, on your own, by yourself.


You have always been independent, and while someone else might see you as lonely, you know that loneliness is far from the truth. You are simply one of a kind; you like doing things your way and as life progresses, you find that that never changes. In fact, on January 19, 2024, you might see that it's not only better doing it all on your own, but it's the only way you can, at this point. You've stayed away from public opinion for so long that it all sounds like noise to you now. During the transit of Moon conjunct Uranus, you'll see everyone's opinion as wrong for you. Why not? You're the one doing the 'seeing.'

If it comes down to you spending time with a friend on this day or taking the time to just chill on your own, you'll weigh the value of each experience, and you'll end up choosing yourself as the right mate for the day. You don't care. You are totally into your wonderful Aquarius world and you're not waiting around for opinions on the matter, either. During Moon conjunct Uranus, you are more YOU than at any other time ... and tomorrow brings the first day of Aquarius season, so ... YIPPEE.

RELATED: How To Know He Has Feelings For You, Based On His Zodiac Sign


Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.