3 Zodiac Signs May Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships The Week Of January 22 - 28

For some, this may be the time to rejoice.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love & End Their Relationships From January 22 - 28, 2024 Georgejportfolio, Fizkes From Getty Images Pro For Canva Pro

The week of January 22 - 28, 2024, brings us good news or bad news, depending on what you make of the idea that three zodiac signs are going to end their romantic relationships this week. For some, this may be the time to rejoice, as ending this love affair comes at an appropriate time.

For Others, this could be a very hard week, as we have some rather stressful transits joining us during this time. There is one thing that both sides can agree on, and the breakup that is coming comes as no surprise. We've got far too much skin in the game at this point, and we know what's coming. Whether we like it or not is a whole other story.


Our week starts with Moon opposite Venus, which automatically lets us know that 'something is up.' We're also looking at a Full Moon in Leo on January 25, which may add fuel to whatever fire we find ourselves stewing in, and with the planet of Uranus going direct after a period in retrograde, we're going to want that ending to happen sooner, rather than later. So, brace yourselves for zodiac signs because this week has meaning.


Here are the three zzodiac signs who fall out of love & end their relationships from January 22 - 28, 2024:

1. Gemini 

(May 21 - June 20)

You may find that during the week of January 22 - 28, 2024, you are plum out of patience when it comes to discussing things with your romantic partner, and so much of that is due to the fact that you believe you've done it all before and that there is no much left to be salvaged at this point. You've tried, you've worn the rose-colored spectacles and you've put your best foot forward and all you're feeling at this point is redundancy.

That Full Moon in Leo really pushes you to finally 'make it over,' too, as this transit isn't messing around with the power you feel inside you. There's a lot of Saturn energy happening this week and it makes you feel pressured to act; you can do one of two things with that action. You can stay put and try one more time, knowing it's not going to do anything, or you can take that Full Moon power boost and do what you know you're going to do anyway: end it.

There's a lot of good, solid Mercury energy supporting you, so what you 'say' to your partner is not going to end up with you looking like the meanest person on Earth. You will appeal to the person you are with, knowing that they feel the same and you'll both agree to do this in the most amicable way possible. That will help. Keep it 'nice.' Don't bring the rude out.


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2. Leo 

(July 23 - August 22)

With a Full Moon in your, Sun sign and the Sun squaring Jupiter, you might feel very confused about how to brooch the topic of breaking up with the person you've been with for so long that breaking up is almost unthinkable, and yet ... it's thinkable, alright. Shortly after Venus enters Capricorn on the 23rd, you'll be thinking right along those lines, as breaking up seems to be the most logical next step.

Both you and your partner really aren't into pretending anymore. With Moon opposite Mercury and Mars at the same time on the same day, you'll start the week off slowly but surely, working the conversation around to the topic of going your separate ways. Yes, it's devastating, but you both can't take it anymore. Life isn't what it used to be and the ideal love affair has turned into something wholly un-ideal.


Moon in Virgo basically pushes you over the edge when you realize that this isn't going to be done unless you are the 'bad guy' and that basically means that the soft talk and kind approach are not moving things in the right direction, basically because you both know it's fake. With Venus in harmony with Saturn at the end of the week, you can pretty much count on the fact that you'll have both crossed the hump and now the only left to do is ... break up.

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3. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)

This week supplies you with so much confidence and personal power that it's almost unfair to your partner as they don't stand a chance when it comes to communication. You have made up your mind and you don't see a way out of it. This may or may not come as a shock to your partner, but once they see what's going on in your eyes, they will know that the inevitable breakup has now arrived for manifestation.


It's very sad and heartbreaking for both of you because you both really put in a lot to make it all work out. However, because of transits like Uranus direct and Venus with Saturn, you'll see that you've changed, Capricorn, and that change has you wanting to enter new horizons. You are not the same person as you were when you met your partner, and well, neither are they.

This is only natural, and even though it's sad, it's what must be and you'll see that during transit, such as Sun square Jupiter and Mercury conjunct Mars, you want out and you don't want to argue about it. You have made up your mind, and it is done. You made up your mind about this a while back, but it's not until this week, January 22 - 28, 2024, that you put your plan into action. Welcome to the new life and good luck with all you do.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.