3 Zodiac Signs Have Good Luck In Love On January 15, 2024

This day is about gut feelings and intuition.

3 Zodiac Signs Have Good Luck In Love On January 15, 2024 sketchify, laflor from Getty Images Signature, ewxy from pixabay | Canva Pro

January 15, 2024, is about making dreams come true for three zodiac signs and their romantic relationships. These dreams aren't spur-of-the-moment visions, either. These dreams are the ideas that we've had brewing for a long time. 

During the transit of Moon conjunct Neptune, we are able to see how, if we apply action to idealism, we might just get what we want in our love lives.

This works well in love and romance and during this day, three zodiac signs will see some serious changes going on in their love lives.


With Neptune being the focal point of the transit on this day, January 15, 2024, we can trust our instincts. This day is about gut feelings and intuition; we feel empathy and care during this time. We have wild dreams and we are compelled to find out the deeper meanings that unfold before us. For lovers, this day brings us together through imagination.


We are not reliant on the physical during Moon conjunct Neptune; we are fully trusting that our minds will bring forth what we need. What this basically means is that on January 15, 2024, romantic couples are able to seek each other out through the ether. We don't need to go on a date ... we can 'feel' each other 'out there.' You know what I'm talking about.

Three zodiac signs are luckiest in love on January 15, 2024:

1. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

Because you are somewhat of a romantic idealist, you really aren't waiting around for someone to fulfill your ideal because you know that it's not going to happen ... in real life. However, during the transit of Moon conjunct Neptune, you fully believe that if you reach out with your mind, you will be able to send out a beacon that attracts the right person, and on January 15, 2024, you will be right. This is not only possible but probable.

You feel emotionally open on this day, January 15, 2024, and this gives you a feeling that you are not limited by any previous projections about what love is or what it should look like. You know what you want and you know, in your heart, that you can have what you want. What the transit Moon conjunct Neptune does for you is that it confirms the idea that you don't have to do things the conventional way when it comes to love and romance.


So, what this really means is that you'll probably do a lot of flirting with someone online during this day, and well, things could be worse, right? This day is not about getting together with someone or going out on a date. This day is much more about dreaming the same dream with someone open enough to let their mind work rather than their body. January 15, 2024, belongs to those who believe in the power of their spirit body.

RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Can Teach You About Love

2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

Leave it to you to seek out a new path for love, as this day, January 15, 2024, provides you with the perfect storm of cosmic aspects. You'll see that during Moon conjunct Neptune, you will be much more in touch with your mental-emotional state than your physical-emotional state. You will be only too happy to engage in a conversation with someone who has both of you dreaming big and imagining even bigger.


We are not restricted to the physical package on this day, January 15, 2024, and while nobody admits to the idea that there's more to love than just physical relating, this day really brings out the need in you to explore what this is really about. You may find that during Moon conjunct Neptune, you will be texting with someone and something they write will blow your mind. You didn't need a romantic dinner, and you didn't need to get together with them; what they write says it all.

This is because during the transit of Moon conjunct Neptune, your imagination is your power source, and it allows you to pick up on those 'out there' who are into this kind of thing. Not everyone needs the standard 'dinner and move' scenario to know romantic love. During Moon conjunct Neptune on January 15, 2024, you'll join ranks with those of us who rely on the mind for romance. Here, in the mind ... it's endless.

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3. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)


You're basically the teacher on this day, as you lead the pack when it comes to being turned on by someone's mind rather than their body. Oh sure, it doesn't hurt to be with an attractive person, but that's not what Moon conjunct Neptune is about for you. This transit is all about you being the person you like to be most, the one who relies on imagination and vision.

Your love life will soar on this day, and you won't even be within touching distance of your lover. You don't need physical touch right now as you've discovered that during transits like Moon conjunct Neptune, the mind works so much better and it's so much less restricted. January 15, 2024, has you sharing a moment with a romantic partner that can take place anywhere in the universe. Perhaps a date on Neptune while you're there? Why not. The mind can take you there.

Yes, you'll be called an escapist, but that's a laugh riot to you, as you really don't care what others think of you. What you may even notice is that conventional couples are jealous of your wild and daring decision to have a non-conventional relationship with someone. You certainly aren't suffering, and you might be able to create fantastic memories for the future. Doing things uniquely is your calling card, and on this day, it's all unique in love.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.