5 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On January 12, 2024

A new dawn and a new day.

5 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On January 12, 2024 nd3000 and Thanapol sinsrang both from Getty Images via Canva Pro

As the Moon waxes in the new cycle and the new year inches towards its second week, we are being urged to hold fast to our plans and promises. Luck favors those who are persistent. Today, on January 12, 2024, five zodiac signs will have the best horoscopes if they lean into this wisdom. They are: Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces, Sagittarius and Aries.

Interestingly, the asteroid Juno is going retrograde today in the zodiac sign of Virgo. So now's also a good time to figure out where your loyalties lie and identify the people who are willing to be true friends to you. That knowledge will help you as the days progress and the year grows old.


Just remember that true friends and supporters are not yes-men/women. Sometimes hindsight can reveal good wisdom that was brushed aside because of stubbornness or because we were caught up in the thrall of what was popular back then.

Moon in Aquarius urges you to journal your thoughts on this subject today so you can be more surefooted as you move forward.

Also, what is conventional wisdom for one generation or culture may be totally unconventional for another. Wouldn't you like to live more true to your soul and personal vision? Let's now focus on the five zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on January 12, 2024.


Five zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on January 12, 2024:

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Pisces

Best area to focus on: Writing or dancing

Best time of the day: 5 am/pm

The universe is conspiring in your favor, Taurus. Whatever you set your mind to will be accomplished. And if your desires require more time than one day, you will directly see signs of the cosmic forces coming together to make your wishes come true.

With this in mind, try to do a gratitude ritual sometime today to keep this positive energy flowing. You can follow up the ritual with some automatic writing or intuitive dancing to allow the universe to speak to you through your physical body.


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2. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Leo

Best area to focus on: Saving money

Best time of the day: 2 am & 3 pm

Capricorn, prepare to have your mind blown! You are about to receive a windfall that will pave the path for extraordinary things in your future. This can literally be a cash reward or some other form of cashout for some of you. For others, it will be a job opportunity, a new friendship, or something intrinsically valuable.

Just make sure not to splurge your good fortune in one go, even if you have a long list of things you want to acquire. Prudence, with your good luck, will also pay dividends in the future.


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3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Virgo

Best area to focus on: Your choice

Best time of the day: 5 - 7 pm

Pisces, the energy today is warm, beautiful and extravagant for you. You will feel loved and cherished by the universe in a myriad of different ways, whether it's through the people around you, the literal weather outside or some other surprising situations.

You also get to exercise your free will without any concerns because karma has your back and wants you to take good care of yourself. So do what your heart desires, and do so without any guilt or anxiety.


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4. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Capricorn

Best area to focus on: Your choice

Best time of the day: 8 am/pm

Today is an excellent day for you, Sagittarius! You will feel blessed and beautiful, especially in the financial arena of life. So don't be surprised if your investments bring fruits now or if the metaphorical harvest comes in early. You deserve this wholeheartedly!

Also, the universe is offering you a blank slate today. So do as your heart pleases and take care of yourself. Sweet blessings await you at every turn!

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5. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Pisces

Best area to focus on: Whimsical activities

Best time of the day: 2 am

Aries, the energy urges you to take a step back and just relax. Some days are good for charging forward with well-formed plans, but this is not that day. You will benefit more from indulging in self-care activities, updating your wardrobe and having a delicious meal that fills your soul as much as your stomach.

If you feel called to, let nostalgia lead your decisions today. Whether that leads you to TV re-runs of your favorite shows, books that bring you joy, or something else is entirely up to you.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.