3 Zodiac Signs Feel Super Lucky In Love On January 12, 2024

What we have is worth fighting for.

January 12, 2024 Love Horoscopes Are Luckiest For 3 Zodiac Signs Chikovnaya, Asad Photo Maldives from Pexels | Canva Pro

With all of the amazing Jupiter energy that's accompanying us through this day's journey, we will find that when it comes to love and romance, the most powerful of the day's transits goes to Mars trine Jupiter, as this is the event that lets us know that what we have is worth fighting for.

The day is January 12, 2024, and for three zodiac signs here, we are going to discover something deep inside ourselves that we might not known existed prior to this day. The love we have for the person we call our 'partner' will be called to the task. 


Will we deliver? Are we strong enough to face our fears in order to fight for the person we love and cherish most in the world? With Mars trine Jupiter on our side, the answer to that question would be a rousing, 'Heck, yes!'

With the strength of Mars working on our side and the broad-range vision of the future provided by Jupiter, we know what we're doing with our time on this day, January 12, 2024. We have increased positive energy and motivation, we are bent on taking action no matter what, and we only see a brilliant and optimistic outcome. How can we go wrong with this kind of attitude? Answer: we can't.


Love horoscopes are luckiest for three zodiac signs on January 12, 2024

1. Aries 

(March 21 - April 19)

What you see before you is a limitless horizon that just begs for you to fill it with hope and this comes very easily to you during Mars trine Jupiter on January 12, 2024. You are all too familiar with the rush of power and energy that come with Mars transits, and you know how to play your cards the right way. This day feels like an opportunity is being handed to you, and you want to get it right; you also know that your romantic partner plays a big role on this day, and so togetherness is key.

In the past, you and the person you are with at this point were not always as close as you are now, and because you want this pattern to continue, as ... the two of you only grow and move forward, you will share with them some of your 'rules.' You aren't overbearing or pushy, but you do feel that there's something powerful about this day and you want to take advantage of it, communication-wise.

Mars trine Jupiter allows power to expand on this day, and because it's a trine aspect, you know you can bring your partner into power; together, the two of you can see the future. You can effectively plan for it together, and you can envision success and achievement. This is incredibly exciting to you as you feel this is something you've always wanted to share with someone ... the right someone. This person you are with is that 'right' someone.


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2. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

Getting to the place where you could call what you have now 'harmonious' is definitely a coup for you, Cancer, as the only thing you really want out of your romantic relationship is the idea that you're both safe, secure and happy together. You are aware that all couples fight and that this is part of what makes you grow together. While the transit of Mars trine Jupiter could potentially pit the two of you against each other, you'll see that January 12, 2024, brings you an opportunity to reach past expectations.

In other words, it doesn't have to be 'all couples fight.' That isn't necessarily set in stone for you or your partner. If you have beaten the odds, then it's not for you to sit around waiting to fail but to celebrate the fact that during Mars trine Jupiter, you and your partner don't fall into any pits; you really are the couple that rises above it all. And this is because you both want it that way. You are what you create, and on January 12, 2024, both you and your partner create harmony.


During the transit of Mars trine Jupiter, you feel very motivated to keep this up, as the whole idea of 'not fitting into the mold' excites you and lets you feel as if you and your partner have somehow been separated from the pack ... in a good way. You would fight for this relationship as you know your partner would fight for you, and even though Mars trine Jupiter 'could' bring in an example of this, you'll get to smooth your way through the day without fear of 'war.'

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3. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)

The cosmic influences are at an all-time high when they present you with the transit of Mars trine Jupiter, as this is your gig, right here, Sagittarius. This day, January 12, 2024, has you feeling as though you have the world on a string. Your love life feels like a piece of cake, and everything you do on this day seems to be the result of the good efforts you've put in ... just for the purpose of having beautiful days such as this one.


This day doesn't come without its prideful moments, as you may even turn to boast when it comes to showing off what you believe is 'your will.' On some level, you are correct; you did will yourself into a place of success and romantic love, but you have been helped by the cosmic forces that be, and taking a step back to feel gratitude may be in order on this day, January 12, 2024, during Mars trine Jupiter.

Mars has you claiming the credit, but Jupiter lets you know that you're just lucky and in the long run, you're fine with all of it. You never really thought you'd get to 'love again' and yet, here it all is, laid out before you in ways that you didn't think possible. That's the Mars trine Jupiter touch: everything is possible. On this day, January 12, 2024, you have what you never thought you'd ever have again: someone to love and to give love to. Sweet.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.