3 Zodiac Signs Work To Overcome Life's Problems On January 6, 2024

We want to express our true feelings, but we may get caught up in our own egos.

 3 Zodiac Signs Work To Overcome Life's Problems On January 6, 2024 Science Photo Library, pixelshot | Canva Pro

While we really aren't all that fond of finding ourselves in a state of neurosis and irritability this early into the year, some of us may just have to bite the bullet and come to terms with the fact that the early days of the new year come with just as much turmoil as the last days of the year do. It's nothing we haven't seen before, and on January 6, 2024, we may just have to hunker down and accept that with the good comes the bad.


That's just life, and for three zodiac signs, during the transit of Moon opposite Uranus, we may just see 'one of those days' occur on this day, January 6, 2024. We feel emotionally unstable, our behavior is unpredictable, we may see disruptions in our family life, and if that's not enough, we might just end up resistant to accepting any of it.



Moon opposite Uranus brings out the rebel in these three zodiac signs, but that doesn't mean our rebellious tendencies do anything but set us back a thousand paces. We want to express our true feelings, but we get caught up in our ego, and as long as the Moon opposite Uranus is in the sky, we're pretty much its plaything on this day, January 6, 2024.


The three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on January 6, 2024:

1. Gemini 

(May 21 - June 20)

A rebellious streak, anyone? It's not as if you're unfamiliar with this territory, and on this day, January 6, 2024, you'll be back at it, and 'it' will come in the form of you challenging someone in your family to a 'duel' of words. And, because you are also a Gemini, your words can really pack a punch, and you'll make sure you back up your statements with some seriously insulting mannerisms. You are not likable on this day, and you don't care, either.

During the transit of Moon opposite Uranus, you feel frustrated with someone in your own life. It has nothing to do with anyone else, and you are quite clear about the idea that you're the only one who can right whatever wrong there is, but instead of owning it and taking responsibility, you look the other way. And, while you're looking the other way, you see a family member step in by accident, and then — voila! They are your new target.

And, as it goes with you during Moon opposite Uranus, you become like a pit bull who simply cannot let go, and much like a pit bull, you hold on out of pride. You're not going to let this person go. You have a problem with this day and you are just as happy to make that problem someone else's. You know it's not right, but you're confused and you've gotten yourself way too deep into this mess.


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2. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

While you are content with being the person in everyone's life who is known as 'the nice guy' or 'that sweet person,' you are also not all that fond of living up to that reputation on this day, January 6, 2024, as this day really has you cruisin' for a bruisin' as they say. You get like this from time to time. It's as if you get tired of being known to everyone as the nice person who takes it all and doesn't complain, and so when Moon opposite Uranus comes around, it's rebellion time.

You may even find that on this day, January 6, 2024, you will challenge the people you love and trust the most ... and why? Because you can. That's what you'll tell them, too, when they ask you why you're acting like this. "Because I can." That's an answer that will really make people angry because it is so arrogant and cocky. You want to be disliked on this day simply because you don't know what else to do.


When you feel guilty about what you've done because of Moon opposite Uranus, you'll end up not knowing how to get out of it, which will make things even more upsetting. The truth is, you want none of this; you simply can't help yourself on this day. It's not as if you crave negativity. You obviously don't. What you crave is being understood, and your way of going about achieving that on January 6, 2024, is just ... all wrong.

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3. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)

What you may want to try and avoid doing on this day, January 6, 2024, is taking things too seriously or looking too deeply into things that really don't require that much thinking. You may find that during the transit of Moon opposite Uranus, you're taking family matters way too seriously, and even if nothing is going on, or rather, nothing to worry about, you'll go out of your way to find something wrong.


What's going to happen after that is that when you finally find something that you can interpret as 'off' or 'wrong,' you'll step in with all the wrong words to 'fix' it, as if you can. The thing is, there's nothing to fix and during Moon opposite Uranus, it's so much more about you demanding that there really is something wrong, when there isn't. That's what makes you obnoxious on this day. You push too hard, Sagittarius, and nobody wants to be pushed.

If there's one thing you really don't want to admit to yourself, it's that you are bored, and this is one of the top 'no-nos' in your life. You can never admit to being bored, and so, if you happen to feel this way during Moon opposite Uranus, you'll end up finding 'something to do' in the form of arguing someone down or showing someone what a true genius you are. You want to deflect from the fact that you are bored on this day by showing others what a unique and brilliant individual you are.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.