3 Zodiac Signs Find Their Inner Strength Before The Weekend Arrives

Capricorn's energy makes things feel a bit rough, especially around the New Moon.

zodiac signs with rough horoscopes this week Gabrielle Scarlett, Abrielle MStudioImages from Getty Images Signature, Thanapol sinsrang from Getty images | Canva Pro

Well, we know that someone's going to have a rough week, and we find our inner strength as a result. So it might as well be challenging because by going through tough times we get to see who we really are.

All we know is that this week comes with a couple of frightful transits (Venus square Mars and Saturn, the New Moon conjunct Mars, and Pluto at a critical degree). And, all these tough transits are determined to make us want to change our ways.


Change our ways, that's all? What's so bad about changing our ways?

Number one: Many of us are stuck in our ways, and the idea of change is abhorrent, as in no way are we not doing it. So, if we are one of the three zodiac signs that find change intolerable, we may just see how this week could turn out to be less than blissful.


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What do we have? For starters, it's an all-Capricorn affair, meaning there's no room for interpretation or poetry. We get to a certain way of way of looking at things. With transit like Moon conjunct Mars, Mars trine Jupiter and Moon in harmony with Mars adding to the fear and power, we might as well accept that we'll be doing a bit of changing, whether we like it or not.

Three zodiac signs find their inner strength before the weekend:


(March 21 - April 19) 

So, here you are, full of confidence and spirit, and you know that if you keep going at this pace, then the only result will be superstardom and absolute success. You've got your eyes on the prize, except you forgot one thing: there are other variables at play here and just because you think you have it all figured out, that nasty old Capricorn 'sensibility' seems to walk right in and smack you upside the head, telling you to make sense of it all.


Huh? What did you miss? You really thought you had all the bases covered, but it's during this time that you come to realize that if you're to get what you want out of this week, then you'll have to do a little rearranging of your personality. Basically, you've got a great plan, but you're still YOU, and that means your approach will be brusque, rude and possibly even narcissistic. Yow!

Dates and moments to keep in mind: Big days for you to be aware of are January 10, 11 and 14 because that's when Mars and Pluto come out to play, and by 'play,' we mean wreak havoc on your personal life, which will cut into your professional life simply because once one card gets pulled, the whole house of cards collapses.

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(April 20 - May 20)


The interesting thing about you, Taurus, is that once you adapt to change, you think you know it all. You'll get that funny little reminder that, no, you don't see what you're doing. What's worse is that you don't want to be reminded. You feel as though you've come such a long way and that you've changed so much about yourself already; you didn't consider that this is a process, not a signed deal.

You'd like to believe that nothing is close to you, and even with all the Saturn energy that is seemingly preventing you from totally accomplishing what you set out for, you still don't want to be bothered to check yourself. What this means is that you are making mistakes left and right and you refuse to admit this is happening. Any reminders just make you angry.

Dates and moments to keep in mind: Take care of yourself on January 12, as Mars trines Jupiter and makes you feel as though you are just a little more talented than you actually are. That may sound like an insult, but the point here is that you may not actually be up to a certain task that requires a skill set that you do not have because you weren't trained in it. So ... be careful. Don't get 'bigger than your britches' as they say in the days of old.

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(May 21 - June 20)

This week brings you an attitude like you've never seen before. Yes, it's your very own. Even if you shock yourself with your nerves this week, and you see it play out with people at work, and boy, oh boy, you will be in the frame of mind to surprise everyone in some of the most outrageous ways. This week has you believing in show value. The only problem is you are totally off base with your delivery system. You are, quite simply, getting it wrong flawlessly.

It's also during this week that you feel justified in being mean to people as if that's ever worked for anyone on Earth. There's a lot of misguided Mercury energy going on in your life, and with a New Moon in Capricorn coming your way, you'll find that when you have to jump, you'll jump off a cliff rather than jump into a new and exciting 'safe' situation. It's all metaphor, Gemini, but that doesn't lighten the pain you'll inflict on yourself this week.


Dates and moments to keep in mind: If you can put off a certain major decision this week, then do so because that New Moon energy is not working for you. You could definitely make the wrong move if you aren't able to remove your ego from the decision-making, and with Mercury in Capricorn, let's just say your ego is going to be on full display. Get the point?

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.