3 Zodiac Signs Fall Out Of Love & End Their Relationships Mid-Week

We'll be doing what we need to do, which is to...get out.

3 Zodiac Signs Fall Out Of Love & End Their Relationships Mid-Week Yustaf, pinnygirl from Getty Images, Mauricio Graiki | Canva Pro

Mid-week presents us with a lineup of astrological events that may just have us ending our relationships ... and for good reasons, too. The endings that may take place during this week are endings that have been long-planned or even dreamed of. In the same way that we dream of our 'big day' for marriage, engagement or whatever, sometimes, we dream of getting out of dodge when it comes to the relationship we're in.


It is worth keeping in mind that this is a Capricorn-heavy week. We're not only in Capricorn season, but we've got a New Moon in Capricorn and Mercury in Capricorn as well. What does all of this spell? It spells practical magic, and that means that we're acting on our plans to remove ourselves from relationships that no longer function as loving vehicles.



Three zodiac signs will recognize that this is where it all ends ... and happily so. We've got a lot of Mars energy to give us backbone, so there's no backing out. Fear and cowardice are virtually non-existent, and with a fair amount of Jupiter energy to guide us, we'll be doing what we need to do, which is to ... get out.


These three zodiac signs will fall out of love and end their relationships mid-week:

1. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

You probably spent a good deal of time wondering if you're a monster or not when it comes to your deep, dark, secret desire to get the heck away from the person you're in a relationship with. Guilt has a way of getting under your skin and owning you, and you'll feel like maybe this is too much. Why the guilt? You really don't even like this person anymore. Are you supposed to 'act' like you do?

You're going to see that the planets that support your getting out of this old, dead relationship are not only backing you up but egging you on. You're not going to be able to talk yourself down once you get a mouthful of Mercury in Capricorn, and what that means is that you'll recognize that gone are the days for backing out; it's time to GET out, not back out. You need to be free, and the many Jupiter transits that accompany you throughout the week will make sure you do just that.

You don't like admitting to yourself that you take on guilt and wear it like a suit of armor, but that armor is starting to suffocate you and you can no longer deny it. With Mars trine Jupiter coming around on January 12, you can safely guess that you'll be out the door by mid-week. Take care, guilt complex. Nice knowing you. Too bad you're not 'coming with.' Tah-tah. Next life.


RELATED: The Uncharacteristic Way Each Zodiac Sign Acts After A Breakup

2. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)

Whatever Capricorn wants, Capricorn gets. It's all about you making the final moves to end a relationship that you only know as that which brings you misery. Who wants misery? Not I, said the cat. Nobody wants to be miserable, and when we get miserable, the first thing we want to do is find a way out of it. Some stick around for more because they don't have what YOU have, but you do have what you have and that is NERVE.

And, of course, the help of many familiar astrological transits. With this megaton of Capricorn energy, accompanied by Mars, Pluto and Jupiter vibes, your desire to be far, far away from the person to whom you've given way too much of your life already will be on the way to coming true. You know what you have to do, and the time is now. Get on with it, or pay the price ... and there's a hefty tag on that one, Cap.


January 11 brings you the New Moon in your sign, and that's the big day. Think of this day as the one when you either bolt like a person with a mission or you fall back and slink back into the misery that is your sluggish 'romance.' NOPE, it's not happening. Move with the New Moon; take the chance, risk the risk, do the dance and do it NOW. The time is right for flight, so ... fly, fly away.

RELATED: The Hardest Zodiac Signs To Break Up With — And How Quickly They Move On

3. Pisces 

(February 19 - March 20)

January 12 takes you out of your head and into the real world, and that is because, during the transit of Moon and Neptune, you're going to realize that the relationship you're in right now is going nowhere fast and what's worse is that you owe it no more time. You already feel as though this whole thing was a mistake, and while you did your due diligence and 'tried,' you now know that if ever there were a week to split, it's this one.


You've got some Saturn energy pushing you as well, and it's telling you that you want more out of life than what this present relationship is offering you. You'd rather be the one to decide what your life is going to look like as you are really over the person you're with, simply because they are both controlling and overbearing, and that's just NOT the Pisces way. Oh no, no, no, no. You do things your way, and that's the end of that tale.

You've also got the Aquarius Moon working the magic for you and what this transit brings you, on January 13th, is the perception of a future without the person of the present. Yes, you see the future and it looks so good ... if only you were single, or at least totally away from the drag-a-thon, that is what you call your present romantic life. Enough with all of this! End it. Move on dot com. You've got this, Pisces.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.