January 5 Love Horoscopes Are Luckiest For 3 Zodiac Signs

We are more open to what our partners have to say during Moon trine Saturn this Friday.

the three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love on january 4, 2024 Dean Drobot, sparklestroke, robertsrob from Getty Images Pro | Canva Pro

While nobody in the world ever wants to hear the words, "I told you so," we're going to find that these three words will be said to us on January 5, 2024, in a very interesting (and acceptable) way. When someone we love tells us, "I told you so," it will have something to do with learning about ourselves ... and during this day's transit of Moon trine Saturn, learning about ourselves from the perspective of love is what it's all about.


Friday, January 5, 2024, three zodiac signs will be the luckiest in love: Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

We oftentimes don't like to be 'taught' by our partners, but that's just an ego thing and one that we can get over if we're smart enough. Because the truth is, sometimes our romantic partners do have a thing or two to say in a way that can actually help us, and for three zodiac signs, we'll find that this is as good a day as any to learn something profound.



We may also feel as though we owe our partners a good listening to, as they feel they have something to say to us, something that could potentially help us if we are open to hearing them out. Instead of denying them the ability to help us with kind words and helpful suggestions, we open to them on this day, and during the transit of Moon trine Saturn, we allow our partners to do their very best ... as partners.


Love horoscopes: The three zodiac signs who are luckiest on January 5, 2024:

1. Cancer, you're ready to love.

Because you feel emotionally stable, you are more open to what your partner has to say on this day, January 5, 2024. You feel as though the two of you have worked very hard to get to the place where you are right now, and that if this person has something they wish to communicate to you, then you need to be open to them so that you don't put them off, as you might have in the past. This day is all about listening, and you seem to be ready to do just that.

Whenever we have a strong transit like Moon trine Saturn, we are looking at how structure plays into our lives.

You and your partner will feel particularly structured on this day, as you will more than likely schedule 'the right time' to have this little talk of yours. You feel responsible for being there, and they feel drawn to being there ... for you. This is a real 'relationship' as you are going to spend this day 'relating' to each other.

You'll also find that during Moon trine Saturn, you feel comfortable with each other, as if all those routines and structures are finally starting to pay off. Comfort is a delightful result, wouldn't you agree? In the comfort of your togetherness, you will be open enough to hear what your partner has to say on this day, as they are here to help and guide you with your personal growth.


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2. Libra, you see love for what it is.

Now that the clouds have parted, in one way or another, you feel as though you can see very clearly now, and that is only heightened by the transit of Moon trine Saturn, which, on this day, January 5, 2024, tends to bring you and your romantic partner closer together. Being that 'togetherness' is what makes up so much of this day's fabric, you will also find that making decisions together is a breeze, not an easy thing, generally.

What's going on during Moon trine Saturn is that both you and your partner are very easily able to nurture each other's needs. 

You don't find them to be too indulgent, and they do not see you as needy or demanding. In fact, providing support for each other seems to go hand in hand with this day's transit. January 5, 2024, brings the two of you together without animosity, challenge or doubt. That, in itself, is cause for celebration.


What your partner may notice from you is that you are even more patient with them than usual ... and you are fairly patient. You aren't here to show them that they are 'on the clock.' you have all the time in the world for them, and you hope that when it's your turn, they'll be just as supportive. They will be, and you'll more than likely find yourself sharing many secrets on this day, January 5, 2024, during Moon trine Saturn.

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3. Capricorn, you are taking love more seriously.

January 5, 2024, brings out your sense of responsibility, and those waters run very deep as you are already a person of integrity; you mean what you say, and your word is golden. The same holds when your partner needs you, and while you might not call their feeling 'need' on this day, you will see that they are, in their way, needy of you, and you are all too available for them. That's what you're here for: anything they want, any time they want it.

You know that you aren't always around for them, and so when you feel the influence of a transit like Moon trine Saturn, you have no problem whatsoever running to their side.


You are a very busy person, but that doesn't mean your love is ever side-tracked; it isn't. When you fall in love, you fall for life, and your partner knows this about you, whether you are right by their side or working hard to keep up with the financial support.

So, this day turned out to be peaceful but exciting in its private way. You are both very respectful to each other on this day. Because the transit of Moon trine Saturn boosts the idea of responsibility and emotional accessibility, you will both see that this is something you can accomplish well and with enthusiasm. It looks like you're both starting the year out right, Capricorn — power to you.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.