3 Zodiac Signs Beat All Odds On January 5, 2024

The clear and present danger looks like a personal fear of losing control.

zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on january 5, 2024 Kakosoto from artnovi2, claudiodivizia, Elnur, maximusnd-zahar | Canva Pro

You may not have had a 'power struggle' on your agenda for January 5, 2024, but now that you know, don't say you weren't warned. What's going on during this day is the transit of Moon square Pluto, and being for power and attention is only a small part of this day's troublesome events.

For three zodiac signs, the clear and present danger looks like a personal fear of losing control.

This could cause us to hold on extra tight to that which we fear losing, or it might bring out in us a fear of being abandoned. We don't want to be alone simply because we interpret being alone as being 'left behind.'


So much of this day's negativity is about misplaced emotion and the intensity that brings the challenge. We might not have even known this about ourselves, and that is why this day, January 5, 2024, is going to come as such an unwelcome surprise. 

We so desperately want to be loved, secure, in control, certain of the future that we end up overdoing it in every capacity. Desperation leads to irrational behavior for three zodiac signs on January 5, 2024, during Moon square Pluto.


Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on January 5, 2024:

1. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

Be prepared to throw yourself all in when it comes to OCD, and understand this: if you're human, you're compulsive on some level, so don't be put out by the use of the term OCD. We're all OCD to a degree, and on January 5, 2024, you will get to experience how your mind works when it works against you. During the transit of Moon square Pluto, you're going to find that you just can't understand certain things, no matter how you try.

What's worse is that you'll be convinced that you ARE trying, but the reality is that you're not. That's how Moon square Pluto plays tricks on the mind. 

You'll have yourself convinced that you're doing all the right things at the right time, but what you're really doing is the same thing that you've always done. Because you are stuck in a rut, you aren't accepting the change that is basically knocking at your door right now.


All of this has to do with change. You feel it and you know it's happening, and that's why you're clinging to the habits of the past: because you don't want to change. You feel fear on this day, but it's also something that you know you'll eventually flow with. Moon square Pluto introduces the idea of 'something different' and it's simply that which you have a problem dealing with on this day, January 5, 2024.

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2. Leo 

(July 23 - August 22)

You may feel that this day is almost unfair in how emotional you feel so suddenly, as if the day itself is 'against' you. You want to be the one who calls the shots, and when it comes to your life and the new changes that have been introduced to you right at the top of the year, you're not so sure you want to tread at this pace. It's way too fast for you, and you wish it would all just slow down a bit. You want to control time, and as we all know, nobody gets to control time.


During the transit of Moon square Pluto, it will be you who feels threatened, but if you try to name what threatens you, you'll draw a blank.

Moon square Pluto is more about the fear itself rather than an actual event or thing; nothing is threatening your world. Your romantic life is fine, your personal life is doing OK, and your professional life is as good as it can be at this point, so what's the trouble?

The only real trouble there is, Leo, is that you can't sit still because this day is spent overthinking yourself into a tizzy. You sense that you are about to experience a deep emotional transformation, and you don't know if you're ready for it or not. January 5 comes on strong for you, and with Moon square Pluto at the helm, you might feel as though you are oppressed ... and it's you who is doing the oppressing. 

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3. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

You know that on this day, January 5, 2024, you will face something big and you will do it with the idea of victory in mind. There is something in your life that needs serious healing, and in order to heal it, you will need to be fully present so that you can take it all in and process it in reality.

That's a lot of mental work for you to take on, but you realize that during the transit of Moon square Pluto, there is no other option.


You need to heal and put it into effect as of this day. There is no waiting for tomorrow, as each day adds to your burden and you feel that 2024 is not for carrying around the weight of the past. You are tired of this, and you want help ... and you want to rid yourself of this heavy load right now, on this day. You have all the good intentions that a person could have ... it's just getting over the hump; that's the last hurdle.

You see that you have what it takes to heal, to mend and to learn from past mistakes so that the future is paved with hope and optimism. You know you can do this, Scorpio, and just the idea that this day feels so oppressive and hard means that it's now or never. You're tired of living in the dark with your secret, and while revealing it isn't the entirety of the goal, it's part of it. January 5, 2024, helps you to release the pain of the past.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
