3 Zodiac Signs Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships The First Week Of January 2024

We're doing the dirty deed this week.

3 Zodiac Signs Fall Out Of Love & Breakup The First Week Of January 2024 RDNE Stock project from Pexels | Canva Pro

Well, that's ONE way to start the year off, and if breaking up with our partner is what we feel is the right thing to do, then who's to stop us? We're the ones running our own lives, and just because it's the first week of the year doesn't mean we're supposed to act unnaturally, even if that's what other people think we should do.

Before the end of the week, three zodiac signs will know in their heart that while the timing may 'seem' off for putting an end to our romantic relationship, we know better: the timing is perfect, and why? Because we're doing it. We're ending it and if it actually happens, then how could it not be 'meant to be?'


What may be obvious is that a few of us out here are not only dissatisfied with our romantic relationships but that we feel very strongly that the rest of our lives have suffered because of these poor conditions. We want to get back to our careers; we want to keep in touch with friends again. we just want to know that, because of a bad romance, we aren't 'stuck.' This week has three zodiac signs liberating themselves from that rut.

Three zodiac signs fall out of love and end relationships the first week of January 2024:

1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

You could go any which way with this one, Taurus, but you're going to find that it's time to say goodbye. Out with the old and in with the new, and thanks to transit like Mercury Direct, you can finally put into words what you've been thinking for far too long. You need to break up with the person you're with because of one key reason: you are no longer in love with them.


You are also no longer feeling like you are obligated to them either, which practically has you racing out the door to get away from them. You now realize that so much of what kept you attached to this person was that you either felt sorry for them or that you somehow owed them something, like ... money. Well, you're all paid up and guess what? The feeling of love has departed and what can you do? You're not about to fake it. You have a life that you want to live.

The transits that will push you over the edge before the end of the week, will be Mars in Capricorn, Moon harmonizing with Mars and Moon square Pluto. Get ready to mentally duke it out — with yourself — as you prepare your words and actions. You aren't leaving this week with this person as your partner, so figure out your plan of action and get to it, Taurus. This is the beginning of your year ... make it work out for yourself.

RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Is Practical About

2. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)


You might be surprised that you're even still here, with this person, in this so-called 'romantic' relationship, as you totally had it planned to leave them last year, but this, that and the other thing popped up and stopped that from happening. This week, you will be besieged by Mars energy and when Mars enters Capricorn on January 4, it's going to be like an alarm ringing off inside your skull; you need OUT. It must happen pronto — no more waiting.

You may spend a moment or two in a state of panic, realizing that you are either going to do this or lie to yourself for another period of wasted time. It's the first week of the year, and if you let this go, it will become the second, then the third, and suddenly, you'll be at the end of 2024 without making a move. You have to make this happen this week, Capricorn. Mars in Capricorn is for action and determination. Get yourself together. Don't let time take it all away from you.

This is unless you really just don't want to bother. Maybe this miserable relationship is not that bad after all. This is how you will fluctuate, and the part you should be paying attention to is the fact that no matter how many times you convince yourself to stay, you only end up resenting this person more and more. It's a vicious cycle and you have to be the one to break the chain ... or drown your choice, Capricorn.


RELATED: A Definitive Guide To The Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo And Capricorn

3. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

Well, you certainly didn't get into this relationship with the idea of breaking up as soon as the new year began. Yet, here you are, totally dissatisfied and morally broken. You don't like the person you fell in love with; it's that simple. You feel so disappointed and downtrodden over the whole thing, but you are also someone who doesn't stay in the same place, rehashing the same pain over and over. You are the person who makes a move to change things, and even though that change is difficult, you know it's inevitable.

You will be utilizing some of the awesome Pluto energy that rides with you during this week. You recognize that change is not only inevitable but that it's something that you, yourself, have to put energy into. It's not going to happen without you, and that takes guts to both realize and execute. You are on your way to breaking this relationship up, Aquarius. You know it, they know it, and now, it's just a matter of 'when.'


With Moon square Saturn as the last transit of the week, there's a good chance that you'll work with the cosmos on this and end the relationship on January 7. You just don't see the point of extending the torment ... for yourself and them. You want to liberate them as much as you want to free yourself because you know they aren't happy either. What to do, what to do? Ah, this world, so cold, so cruel ... but at the same time, so promising and hopeful. You can do it. Do it.

RELATED: The Best (And Worst) Chinese Zodiac Compatibility For All Signs

Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
