3 Zodiac Signs Want To Be Single On December 27, 2023

You are officially tired of the games, and it shows when the Moon is in the sweet sign of Cancer.

3 Zodiac Signs Want To Be Single On December 27, 2023 Dean Drobot | Canva Pro

Let's just put it this way: if you're one of the three zodiac signs who crave the single life on December 27, 2023, it's because you are officially tired of the games. Simply put. Right now, you're not about to hear how great love is, and you really don't care if someone thinks you're bitter or shut down or whatever.

You are what you are and you'll be fine with it. During Mercury square Neptune, you are here to live life on your terms.


What this transit is known for is awakening a person to the idea that, in love, nothing is guaranteed. While you don't mind the idea of having a fling or getting into something fun with a person, as long as there's no commitment involved, you are much more interested in keeping it single and under control. You aren't in the mood to give yourself any false hopes, and so far, you've seen almost too much of that in this last year.


You'll find that your feelings are very much supported during Mercury square Neptune and that if you have misgivings about being in love with a person, you'll think of the whole thing as a vacation from the stress of worry. You want to walk out of this year knowing who you are, and right now, on December 27, 2023, all you want is to be free, single and content to simply 'be.'

Three zodiac signs prefer being single starting December 27, 2023:

1. Taurus, you like the 'idea' of being single, but you're meant for a relationship.

You may crave as much as you'd like, but that doesn't necessarily mean you're actually going to go for the single life. Oh, but how do you wish it were possible? It could be, but that would mean you'd have to go through a messy breakup, and you're not sure that's what you need, either. You feel confused on December 27, 2023, and that's par for the course during the transit, Mercury square Neptune.

What you've noticed is that you and your partner have been at each other's throats a lot lately, and to keep the peace, you simply back down and let them have their temper tantrum. You've learned to ignore them like one would learn to ignore the screeches of an infant. It's there, and you must tend to them. However, in your love life, you've started to see that your partner just whines without reason. OK.

So, during Mercury square Neptune, you like to give yourself mini mental vacations, which allow you to dream of what it would be like to be single.




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Ah yes, the single life; it has to be better than this whole relationship deal. While you know that love has been good to you and that you really do prefer being in a relationship, you can't help but let your mind wander on days like this one, December 27, 2023.

2. Sagittarius, what you've come to know is that right now, you just want to be alone.

So, you might be in a relationship or you might already be single. What's known for you is that you just want to spend this day, December 27, on your own, doing your own thing, your way. Even being single isn't enough for your version of being single, and your version has you holing up like a hermit, but your hermit is the one with the blissed-out expression on their face.


With Mercury square Neptune at large, your desire to be single is an all-consuming mantra; you really don't want to have to answer to anyone.

You aren't into dating right now and you don't have that fling mentality that could bring you a few hours of pleasure, should you wish for that sort of thing. Nope, you are purely independent, and you feel that if you could just be single forever, that would be a splendid life.



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That is, of course, until the next cutie catches your eye and then you'll rethink your plans, but that's another day and you're living in the moment, Sagittarius. This moment demands that you dream of being single in a world where nobody bothers you, makes demands of you or wants you to 'check-in' with them. What keeps you grounded right now is you and your sense of self.

3. Pisces, you just think being single is better for you overall.

The desire to be single and live a single person's life is something that you never thought you'd entertain the possibility of and yet, on December 27, 2023, puts you in a mindset of wanting that and nothing but that. You are just tired of humanity, and well, the people you happen to get involved with are human, so let's do the math here. What you have come to know is that the end of the year has tired you out. You're exhausted and the last thing on your mind right now is getting together with someone for love and romance.

And, during the transit of Mercury square Neptune, you'll find the words 'love' and 'romance' to be practically abhorrent.

You feel as though those very words have taken all they can from you and that you really have nothing to give as of now. Perhaps next year, you'll rethink the whole idea. As of now, there's nothing that seems more appealing to you than kicking back as a single person, with no place to go but the kitchen to stare inside the fridge for hours, if you so choose.




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Not to mention that it's hard to focus these days and the last thing you want is to have to concentrate on a person, of all things, as people are so ... difficult and demanding. Perhaps just a little too demanding for you on December 27, 2023. You are perfectly entitled to your feelings, whether they last or not, but throughout Mercury square Neptune, you'll want to be single. That's your 'big' fantasy.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
