3 Zodiac Signs Find True Love Before The End Of The Week

We finally believe we are worthy of such great fortune, thanks to the Sun trine Jupiter.

3 Zodiac Signs Find True Love Before The End Of The Week karandaev from Getty Images, lifeisticac | Canva Pro

Imagine finding your true love at this late date in the year. Well, that would be timely, wouldn't you think, and wouldn't you also think that there must be some kind of cosmic magic going on 'out there?' It is not an impossible thing, however, and we will see that a few of us will, indeed, find that one we've been looking for during the loving transit of Sun trine Jupiter before the end of the week.


Three zodiac signs have put in the legwork, and that means that it's not going to come as any big shocker when we see that the love of our life is right there before us, willing to get into a relationship with us.

We've put those wheels into motion; what we'll get is the confirmation that we did ourselves right. We wanted this to happen, and with the help of Sun trine Jupiter, it happens. Starting this very day. Wowzers.

Let's also keep in mind that so much of this 'good fortune in love' comes because we finally believe we are worthy of such great fortune. This week shows us that we get what we create for ourselves and also allows us to think that we can keep on going in this fashion for the rest of our lives. We created the atmosphere for true love, and guess what? We're living in it right now — nice going, zodiac signs.


Three zodiac signs find true love before the end of the week:

1. Leo, you are ready to love.

While you don't want to be rude, you can't help but feel that you've been through a few clunkers when it comes to romantic relationships. That is precisely why it feels all the more intense for you, Leo, because as it stands, this week is when you get to experience 'how the other half lives,' meaning that it will be on this week that you get to find true love. Not the weird stuff, not the wrong stuff and not the fake stuff. This love is true.

What you're going to know up front and personally, like, is the transit of Sun trine Jupiter and how it works to make everything in your life a better place. For you, all you've ever really wanted was to have someone in your life whom you could trust and enjoy as a romantic partner. You don't feel as though you've been too picky, hence the 'clunkers,' but you're really not into wasting any more time: Voila, Sun trine Jupiter to the rescue.

You've always known, on some deeper level, that you were meant to have a brilliant love life, and for whatever reasons, you stood in your way for most of it. That's about to change for good as Sun trine Jupiter really and truly launches you into a new way of thinking, and because of this new, open mind of yours, you're able to draw to you the person of your dreams, your true love.

RELATED: The One-Of-A-Kind Traits Of A Leo Woman In Life And Love


2. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

What attracts the perfect person to you before the end of the week is that you have finally gotten yourself together. Even though the year is almost over, and you still have a lot on your plate in other departments, you're about ready to let love in. You know who you are and what you are capable of, and you've also seen that the hard times of recent weeks only make you a stronger person. You are determined to rise above anything, and it is that strength that becomes magnetic. That's how your true love finds you.

Life is hard, and the minute you come to realize that, it all becomes easier and that's because you started to become aware of the pitfalls and the problems. You have not spent any time closing your eyes to the truth, but in doing so, you've also created yourself as a warrior, and in your case, during the transit of Sun trine Jupiter, it would be a warrior of love. You are irresistible to the person in your life; they cannot resist your strength.

And, during transits like Sun trine Jupiter, you're all the more stoic and resilient, and that crosses over into the world of love and romance, too. You are able to find your true love because you are not playing games anymore. You have self-love bolstering you every step of the way, and that will have you coming off as a very self-secure person, which is an undeniably attractive feature.


RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs That Are Libra Soulmates

3. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

So it happens just like that. Even though you knew it would happen, meaning you know that your true love would manifest sooner or later, you won't be able to control your laughter as it really did happe.  It's pretty clear that the transit of Sun trine Jupiter not only favors you, Aquarius but it's slated for big rewards. You put in the good intentions, and well ... knock, knock, 'I'm here.'



During the transit of Sun trine Jupiter, you'll practically burst out of your own body with giddiness because this really is happening and you are out of your mind with joy over the prospect that your true love has finally arrived. Yes, you're not living in a fantasy world. This isn't someone who literally 'just arrives out of nowhere' and knocks on your door. This is someone you know, for sure, but you never knew that they were 'this' interested, and well, you sure do like fact!


Another thing that Sun trine Jupiter does for you is that it makes you realize who you are and what you are capable of. All that 'magical me' stuff had a purpose. You weren't kidding yourself when you did all those affirmations and put all that positive energy into your love intentions. It's all here and now, and you can tell your friends that self-belief is the best thing ever because look at you now: it worked! Hoohah, let's party.

RELATED: What Are The Air Signs? Gemini, Libra & Aquarius Traits

Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
