The Five Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Improve In 2024

Let there be space in your togetherness.

The Five Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Improve In 2024 Nicolas Menijes, Syda Productions | Canva Pro

"Love is the only freedom in the world because it so elevates the spirit that the laws of humanity and the phenomena of nature do not alter its course." - K. Gibran. Each year has a theme that presides over whatever you will experience or even choose.

While 2023 was largely about healing, the year ahead will bring unconventionality, freedom and independence. This is when you are asked to step into the autonomy of being able to create whatever romantic relationship suits your needs while never again abandoning them. 2024 brings a deep, lasting commitment and relationship improvements for those who are willing to write their own rules and take a chance on love.  


Jupiter, the cosmic giant known for bringing luck, abundance and good fortune to whatever area of your life it touches, will be shifting into Gemini in 2024. While Jupiter may not be known for romantic themes as much as Venus, when Jupiter touches your heart, it only seeks to expand.

This brings in the ability to meet someone special, deepen a relationship, move in together or even marry. When making romantic decisions under the energy of Jupiter, not only can you feel confident that you are rising to receive the energy of the universe, but you can rest easy in knowing your connection will be blessed in love and luck.  


While Jupiter is seeking to expand your romantic life, Pluto, the lord of the underworld, will be spending the majority of 2024 in Aquarius. Pluto in Capricorn was about removing many of the obstacles that were keeping you in place from seizing, creating or even committing to a romantic relationship that aligned with your inner truth.

Now that Pluto is shifting into Aquarius, the energy and your relationships become vastly different. Pluto in Aquarius brings in a need for unconventionality and independence, not at the expense of your love, but in a way that continues to foster growth as you realize supporting one another in each other's dreams may just be the most powerful connection that exists.  

2024 is truly a year to forget what you've been told about relationships and what milestones you should hit and instead follow the true call of your heart. To recognize that love is the most powerful force in the world, but that it's not just the one you feel with your partner that matters, but most importantly, the one found within.


Allow the cosmos to push you toward authenticity and growth, especially as the Nodes of Fate help you create a balance between partnership and independence that will continue to foster your relationship for years to come. Now that you've done the healing in 2024, you are stepping into the place where you're ready to choose what has been destined for you all along.  

Horoscopes for the five zodiac signs whose relationships improve in 2024:

1. Sagittarius  

(November 22 - December 21) 

As a Sagittarius, you might be known more for exploring your romantic options rather than settling down — but all of that shifts in 2024. What others might not know is that you crave a committed relationship; it's just that for it to work for you, it will also have to look vastly different than what others might create. This doesn't mean that it's not real, committed or even love but that you need a relationship that truly honors your authentic nature.  

With love, it's hard to know which relationship is the one meant for you while you're still figuring out who that is. 2024 will be a year of greater authenticity for you, where you stop seeking the external validations your relationships have often brought and instead choose who genuinely speaks to your soul. This will not only help to create a healthier and more dynamic relationship but also increase your confidence to commit fully.  


In reality, you've taken a path different from others, not because you were afraid of commitment but because deep down, a part of you knew that it wasn't quite right. As you step more into your inner truth this year, you will also focus more on building the romantic relationship that you've been dreaming of, which will lead to any sort of commitment you desire. When you know that you've explored your options and who you truly are, you also create the recipe for love you've always dreamed of. It's okay if your path looks different. After all, you want a love that looks different as well.  

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2. Aquarius  

(January 20 - February 18) 

It can be easy to say that you don't need anyone or that you're okay with things as they are, but in that, you often end up sacrificing an important part of who you are. You are preparing to exit a phase of your life that was largely about your inner healing and being able to embrace the power within yourself fully. But now, as 2024 begins to dawn on the horizon, you will find that it's time to learn how to do that in a true partnership.  


You never have to worry about losing yourself again, simply because once you've found yourself, anything less becomes impossible. While it's normal and natural to worry about losing your identity or independence after you've worked so hard to come back from your last relationship, you're also no longer who you were. You are different now, and part of continuing to grow is realizing you can be both fully in your power and in the romantic partnership of your dreams.  

Let yourself be open to receiving all that the universe brings in 2024, especially for you. It might include marriage or a significant proposal. You have always been working to create the very romantic relationship you are now going to be able to reap the benefits of, but you also need to ensure you're not trying to keep your walls up at the same time. While you may have had to learn how to protect yourself and keep yourself safe, you also must remember that you don't need to keep yourself safe from love. Yet, this also comes down to your trusting yourself and your growth.  

Consciously choose to create space to receive the best of what the universe has planned. Let your priorities become joy, happiness and love. Just because you are always growing and healing doesn't mean the lessons will be the painful ones of your past. Instead, you are now moving into a phase of learning through love, where you are being guided to receive rather than fight against. Trust yourself, your partner and the love you have created so that you can fully embrace the amazing growth and experiences that 2024 promises.  

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3. Pisces  

(February 19 - March 20) 

You've been doing the work, and now, in 2024, you will have a chance to put it all into practice. No one loves like you do, Pisces, which is why it's said that you will always be unforgettable. A big part of why you love so uniquely is that you've also spent so much time loving others in the way you always desired to be loved. Giving to others in the ways you want to receive. Now, in 2024, it truly is time for the lover to be loved, for the giver to be taken care of, and to take what you've learned about your self-worth and allow yourself to receive the love you've always deserved.  

The stars are aligning in 2024 to help you take all the self-growth and healing you've accomplished and create a relationship, unlike anything you've ever been in before. Gone are the days of pouring yourself into someone as you allow yourself to be breadcrumbed. Never again will you put all your energy into showing someone they are worthy of being loved simply because a part of you needed that at some point in your life. You have created a space of healing but haven't trusted anyone enough to permeate that bubble around you and love you in the ways you've always longed for.  

To actually continue to heal, though, you will need to take a chance in 2024. You may feel triggered or even challenged as you start investing your energy into building a romantic relationship that is reflective of your healing. Still, the rewards will far outweigh any difficulties. This relationship, which will be developing or coming in, is everything you've always wanted. It's the love you have dreamed of finding your whole life, but there's a part of you that has given up on that.  


As the perpetual lover and romantic of the zodiac, it's not that you don't believe love exists, but that it's sometimes easier to tell yourself that than take the risk necessary to try. In 2024, that is precisely what you will be guided to do as you start to practice what you preach in your romantic relationship. This will lead to a newfound domestic intimacy and will likely have you moving in together by the year's end, if not earlier. Although you may feel nervous about life-changing, you also must remember that is precisely what needs to happen to create the life and love you've always dreamed about.  

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4. Cancer  

(June 21 - July 22) 

You have had one of the most challenging times romantically, but in 2024, all of that begins to turn around for the better. In many cases, you have either been moving through a break-up or separation or even completely reevaluating what you want from love. It's been challenging and hard, and there have been many moments where you've wondered if you are just meant to be alone forever. But, dear Cancer, you aren't. It's only that you needed to remove all that wasn't a part of what was meant for you so that you could finally find your voice and recognize the true call of love.  


It is hard to have to go through a major growth phase in your romantic life. Still, it's also what is necessary to reach the space of receiving what you've always dreamed of. For you, this phase isn't just about changes to your relationships but also how that has affected your sense of self and the dreams you have for life. You are worthy of having a life that you love and a relationship that supports you no matter what you choose to do. In a healthy relationship, you will never have to prove your devotion or commitment by abandoning or sacrificing yourself.  

In the past few years, though, you've found yourself having to make a choice. This has been between honoring yourself and taking a new path or pushing down your divine truth in order to make a relationship work. Thankfully, though, no matter how challenging or tempting, you have made the choices you need for yourself and your growth. Now, as 2024 arrives, you will see easier times and an increase in positive changes as you open yourself up to a more intimate connection. 

Intimacy is often considered purely physical, but it's the mental, emotional, and spiritual connection you feel with your partner that bonds you together. As much as your choices in the past were reflective of what you thought love should be or what you had to do to receive it, you're now going to realize that the rules are meant to be broken, especially if it's for the connection that truly lights up your soul.

Remember that the person meant for you may at first appear all wrong, so drop any perceptions about looks or career and instead simply tune into what feels right. The heart doesn't care about anything other than the love that is shared, and it's time that you wrote your own rules for love.  


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5. Libra  

(September 23 - October 22) 

You must believe that better times are ahead, as 2024 will take you on an unimaginable journey out of whatever shreds of a comfort zone you've still been living within. For the past two years, you've been reflecting more on your needs within a healthy relationship, along with healing your inner child and learning to advocate for your needs. Despite your best efforts through all of this, you've also realized that the relationship you thought was your forever love was the only one that was meant to be with you in your wounding. Yet, that means the love you dream of is still out there, and it's just a matter of divine timing until you come together. 

While you are the zodiac sign that represents partnership, it doesn't always mean that it comes easy for you. It's often a lesson in learning that your needs matter as much as your partner's and that there is a difference between unconditional love and unconditional acceptance of how someone treats you. Instead of feeling like all the work to create a healthy relationship is one you must carry, you've set that belief down and begun to create space for your partner to do some of the work.  


You may have had to release a relationship or even just a chaotic cycle of struggle with love, but now that you have, you've also had enough inner peace to start asking yourself what you want from life. This has already led to you beginning to step out of your comfort zone, try new things, gs and even travel as you begin to feel greater confidence in autonomy in living the life you dream of — rather than waiting for a partner to create it for you.  

No relationship can survive if the happiness of one individual rests in the hands of the other. Instead, it must be an inside job, as no relationship can make you happy if you haven't done that for yourself. A relationship can only add onto and increase whatever you've built for yourself, whether that's happiness, fulfillment, security or even adventure. So, as you lean more into focusing on yourself and honoring your inner desires, you'll also end up creating the very relationship you've always wanted. By following your desires, you will continue to build or meet someone who is in alignment with your needs and who will help reaffirm the love that is meant for you and won't ever make you struggle to receive it.  

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website
