3 Zodiac Signs Make Tough Times Look Easy On December 19, 2023

We take it upon ourselves to start our transformation now.

zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on december 19 Jea Gavina from Sketchify Education and g-stockstudio from Getty Images both via Canva Pro/myersalex216 from Pixabay via Canva 

With an Aries Moon joining us on this day, December 19, 2023, during the transit of Moon sextile Pluto, we need to get with the idea that it may present a few obstacles along the way. As it goes with this end-of-year 'feel,' we tend to speed things along. Of course, we all know none of that is going to happen.

Because we're looking at a Pluto transit, we're looking at three zodiac signs who get it into their heads that this day would be a great day to rebel against the 'lazy vibe' that we're currently in and start something new like ... a diet, or exercise regimen. We don't feel the need to bum around like the rest of the sloths, so we take it upon ourselves to start our transformation now.




Can you hear the laughter ensue? That's good because that's where all of this grandiose effort leads us to a state of laughter. After all, no such transformation will happen, nor will it begin in earnest. Let's just pat ourselves on the back and give ourselves props for having good intentions while knowing we're not starting anything, December 19, 2023 ... not during Moon sextile Pluto, that's for sure.


Horoscopes are rough for these three zodiac signs on December 19, 2023:

1. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

You take pride in the idea that you don't march to the beat of anyone else's drum but your own. On this day, December 19, 2023, you'll assert yourself with the idea that you're not going down with the gluttony ship, meaning that, while everyone around you is packing it in as if every day offered them their very last meal, you'll be the one to keep the discipline of healthy eating up. You really do not want to make January 1 the day you have to 'go on a diet.'

Words are so easy, aren't they, Libra? During Moon sextile Pluto, you'll find that you are able to sell yourself all the words you can handle, as you totally convince yourself that you will not only stand alone in this holiday food-fest but that you will be the one who shines like a rockstar at the beginning of the new year. You want to look good, feel good and be an example of what clean living is all about. It all sounds good ... in theory, doesn't it?

One little temptation leads to another, and before you know it, December 17 becomes the day the floodgates come down and in comes the flood, just as you knew it would but tried so hard to deny. OK, give yourself a break. You don't have to be an example of restriction and austerity during the holiday season. Just be yourself and enjoy the days to come. The only disappointment here is the kind you create for yourself. Live a little.


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2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

Here we are, smack dab in the middle of December and honestly, you're over it already. It's one thing to get yourself in the mood for the holidays, but what happens when that mood doesn't get sated right away, as it never does? You've been on the holiday train since Halloween, and every year, it feels as though it takes longer and longer to get through this series of expectations that never really pay off.

It's December 19, and you are bored and impatient. During the transit of Moon sextile Pluto, you'll feel as though time is just taking forever as if one hour is the equivalent of one week, and it's really grating on your nerves. When your nerves are grated, you usually turn to whoever is closest to you to start an argument that goes nowhere and has no point. YES, it's that kind of day. You feel the need to create energy, even if it stirs up the negative.


Another thing that may happen to you on this day during Moon sextile Pluto is that you want to be with family, as you may have a deep desire for an emotional connection to someone, just to take the pressure off. So, you'll condemn everyone and everything around you because they are not the person you actually want to be with. You are particular and a little mean, and hopefully, your friends will let it slide.

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3. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)

What gets on your nerves, Sagittarius is the idea that the one person you want to be with can never seem to make time for you. You'd like to think they really want to be with you, but one excuse after the next has you wondering what their true intentions are and if they even have any that include you. How this turns sour for you on December 19, 2023, is that with Moon sextile Pluto in the sky, you might get a little paranoid and decide, to yourself, that they want nothing to do with you.


On any other day, you'd laugh at yourself for being so dramatic and over the top. On this day, during Moon sextile Pluto, you'll believe that you've got it all figured out. You'll also convince yourself that you really do know, that your insight is flawless and that this one person is seriously damaging the relationship by not being there at your beck and call. The upside is that the transit Moon sextile Pluto works on your sense of transformation and change, and you may start to see this person in a different light.

You will find that the conflict that accompanies you throughout the day is the kind that has you trying to justify their behavior so that you can accept that 'as they are.' You want to change and grow so that things like this don't bother you, but at the same time, you can't help but feel rejected. You take things personally when there is no need to, and that is what makes December 19 feel so rough and raw.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.