What Your Zodiac Sign Can Manifest By Journaling This Week

2024 starts on a Monday. For the type A personalities out there, let that motivate you to begin a new for the coming year.

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Mondays, 1sts of the month and New Year's, of course, always feel like a fresh start (though you can begin again at any time, even 5 pm on a random Friday can be a fresh start).

Cheerful attitudes sweep us off our feet like a lover at the start of the week. It'll be easier to avoid conflicts and enjoy those around you. Use that time to savor these easy moments.

On December 19 - 20, the Moon will be in Aries. An Aries Moon lifts our spirits again, giving us energy for our goals and confidence to act.


Act we should. Moon in Taurus on December 21 comes right in time before Christmas Eve, reminding us to be frugal and tend to what needs tending to — an excellent opportunity to do winter cleaning and review finances.

Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Sagittarius on December 23, giving us the ability to express ourselves, our thoughts and our feelings. For those who are often tongue-tied, we may be able to transfer our brain thoughts to paper or person with greater ease.


Lastly, the Moon enters Gemini on December 24 and makes us sharp and responsive to requests. Picking up on an abandoned online courage and finishing up some forms as you'll have the mental focus and we need to take advantage of those times whenever possible.

Neville Goddard, author and mystic, wrote many effective scripting prompts. One of the best is, if you want something, write about it as if it's already happened in the past. His example is, "I remember when … we got our first dream house."

This exercise encourages you to visualize the moments you crave in detail. Detail it down to the weather and what you eat the morning before. The clearer your visualization and journal entry, the more possible the universe can provide what you want because you made it so it will be.

What your zodiac sign can manifest this week by journaling:


Manifest: Protection 


This month will bring a lot of your responsibilities that have been plaguing you to the forefront. Aim for the stars. You are prepared for what is coming your way.

Journal Prompt: what soul memory or even keeps you tied to? How can I regain control?

Protect your energy. Cut energetic cords

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Manifest: Courage

On December 23, Mercury retrograde will reside in your intimacy sector. This will allow you to see things from a new or differing perspective. The sin in your spirit sector on December 21 will give you the energy and vibrancy to have complete follow-through with your goals. Any problems coming your way will present themselves with built-in solutions that you just need to identify and follow.


Journal Prompt: script the dialogue/email/voicemail

Souls calling don't overthink. You are in the exact right place to accept. You need the whole plan.

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Manifest: A New Dream World 

On December 21, a slew of situations come your way with dilemmas as well as opportunities in your personal life, love life, and money opportunities. Such is life. Nothing happens and then a bunch of things happen simultaneously. These experiences can all be navigated and you may have the luck to choose between two favorable options in life and love. Choose wisely.


Journal Prompt: Write the following affirmation three times in your journal before your to-do lists or calendar." I am fully prepared to accept the call of my destiny. I have every tool I need."

Because you do!

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Manifest: Freedom

Retrograde hits you especially hard as many things you're waiting on will be delayed. You realize the need and importance of support. On December 22, intuition will be strong. If something just hits you, listen to it and figure out the facts later. December 23 will bring you to tend toward your health and work sector, so check, check and recheck any projects you complete.


Journal Prompt: what is no longer serving you? What outdated model or patterns of behavior have served you thus far? How did it serve you and why is it no longer needed?

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Manifest: Solid ROutines

This week will have you focusing on worth, health and skill building. Focusing on fine-tuning your routines before the new year will pay off in dividends. Habit formation and wellness are where your focus should be.

Journal Prompt: what tasks can you delegate, even temporarily, to other people, apps or sites to help mitigate stress for the end of the year?

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Manifest: courage to leap

This is it. This is your permission to go forward. Dive headfirst and have faith that the universe will catch you. 

Journal Prompt: Do two things: review all communications clearly. There are gold nuggets revealing themselves to you. Make sure you write them all down. Prompts for this include going over the major happenings in the past month in your creative work, love life, and social events.

You'll be better able to understand yourself and others with this activity. 

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Manifest: gratitude

Things are winding down in the year, and you are feeling exhausted. Taking the time for rest is paramount and will have you preparing yourself for a flurry of activity coming up. In this downtime, your mind will be relieved of many happenings, many from your childhood and past. Sift through them and remind yourself there is a past, but more importantly, there is a blank slate future.


Journal Prompt: What are you grateful that is currently happening? What are you grateful that is no longer happening?

The necessary first step to manifest the life of your dreams is gratitude. Why? Because if you don't appreciate what you have now, why would you appreciate the next good thing to happen to you? 

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Manifest: Soul Integration

Your mind and interests are pulling you in many different directions. Take your time to sort through all the options and enjoy every step of the way. You may even be promoted to teach others things you have recently learned. Things are changing on many levels at once for you. This is a time of collecting all the spiritual downloads coming to you at once.


Journal Prompt: Write down every spiritual download (thought, intuition, epiphany) that comes your way this week.

You will be awakened to:

1. Hidden motives.

2. Others' true selves

3. Business ideas

4. Next steps

5. Patterns and connection.

6. The subtext behind others' words.

It will come to you slowly and then all at once. Be prepared.

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Manifest: Supportive love

Maris is in your zodiac sign for the entire month. The Sun will reside there until December 21. When Mercury turned retrograde on December 13, it was your sign to put energy into your finances and get your affairs in order. A lot is coming your way; without you knowing it, it's prepping you to be a potential partner. Everything affects a relationship, so being your best in many areas as healthy for you ensures you can get your all to this partner.


Journal Prompt: Supportive love is on its way. How can you prepare yourself for it?

In what ways can you improve your emotional regulation, conflict resolution, and physical health?

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Manifest: Powerful Self-Care rituals

The Sun will be in your sign on December 21, and there will be a lot of attention on you. You are prepared and ready for it but you need to make sure you have go-to rituals to keep yourself peaceful and healthy. With so many projects coming to completion, you might find yourself overthinking everything you've done—no need for that. You did and have been doing your absolute best.

Journal Prompt: How can you continue to fill your cup before filling others?

You are joining a long line of people who are willing to implement change. With great power comes great responsibility.

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Manifest: Intuition

Listen to your intuition. Divine timing is on your side. You can clearly visualize what you want. You can even taste it. This is good because even without the details and every step planned out, the first step or two has revealed itself and that is all you need.

Journal Prompt: what are the pending questions in your life? Some areas to consider are love, dating, career, family, where you live, career, health, mental health and spiritual life.

You have trepidation about it but you can relieve it and confirm your participation.

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Manifest: Your Life's Calling


This week has you rethinking your goals and career. This can be a good thing as some misdirection is leading you like a GPS to backtrack and go in the right direction. To help make this decision, review the past month.

Who you have associated with, met and pay attention to every communication you have during the week to pick up on any relevant information that can help you make an informed decision.

Journal Prompt: are you living in your deepest calling? Are you headed in the direction that you need to go?

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Venita Johnson is the Assistant Editor for Horoscopes & Zodiacs based out of New York City, who focuses on astrology, tarot and oracle card readings.
