3 Zodiac Signs Overcome All Obstacles December 17, 2023

We want it all now, right here, right now.

zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on december 17 IncrediVFX From Getty Images Via Canva Pro/SHOTPRIME Via Canva

Okey, dokey. What we're looking at December 17, 2023, is the ironic situation of finally 'getting it' and not being in the right 'time slot' to make it all happen. Let's dissect that, if you will. OK, so what we have here is the transit of Sun square Neptune, and while this is a highly inspiring and intellectual transit, we're also not in the right time slot for making big dreams happen.

Why not? Because it's the end of the year. We can, however, take this new and monumental energy and hang tight while creating a plan of action for next year. Three zodiac signs will show that on this day, December 17, 2023, we have no patience and that waiting is just ... torture. That's what we get for figuring it all out too late in the day.




In all truth, this could be the beginning of something really fabulous, and if we can hold on, we'll walk into 2024 feeling ready, willing and able. What brings trouble on this day, during the transit of Sun square Neptune, is that we want it all now. The world seems to have stopped its momentum, leaving us to wait through these last two weeks. These three zodiac signs will make it feel like it's taking forever just to get through a few hours. Weird!


Horoscopes are rough for three zodiac signs on December 17, 2023:

1. Aries 

(March 21 - April 19)

Only the truly impatient will find that this day, December 17, 2023, is a rough one and here you are, Aries, leading the pack. Behind that impatient exterior of yours lies a person filled to the brim with marvelous and productive ideas. You want them to start now. You finally got the whole point of it all, and the only things you hunger for on this day are success and momentum, both of which you will get the full stop on, thanks to the 'holiday season.'

It's not that you're a buzzkill; you like the holidays just as much as anyone else does. You are also perplexed as to why we all have to wind down to such a degree that it seems as though we've all just fallen asleep at the wheel. You can multitask! You've got places to go and people to meet and, and, and ... what's the holdup, folks? That's Sun square Neptune for you. The great ideas are there, and yet, there's no green light.

If you can, try to use this time to plan your ideas for the new year. Don't worry about not getting it all done because it's NOT getting done and you have to cope with that. Your impulsive nature might get the best of you. With Sun square Neptune's added push towards 'overthinking,' it really is going to be up to you as to how you hang on until your brainiac ideas can be implemented.


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2. Gemini 

(May 21 - June 20)

It's a beautiful day for you and your Gemini mind, as this transit, Sun square Neptune, really does you a good turn. Technically, the only problem with December 17, 2023, is that you can't bring forth your brilliance in a way that ends up creative, meaning that what you know is a good idea won't see the light of day for a few weeks. Can you hang on and wait? Of course you can, but during Sun square Neptune, you won't think you'll be able to.

Another interesting point here is that this may be the day when you realize that you really need to tell someone something. That person could be a love interest that you have finally come to understand ... or at least, you believe you understand them. You are inspired to approach this person and share with them your intellectual gems and theories, and because activates impulsiveness, you'll reach out and no one will be there.


It's not that they are rejecting you; it's that they aren't around, and this makes you feel as though you can't get your timing right. The thing is, Gemini, it's not you; it's Sun square Neptune and the idea that this transit falls on December 17, 2023, makes you feel as though the timing of everything is against you. It's not. It's really about you hanging in there and knowing that not everything happens at the exact second that you are inspired.

RELATED: 6 Zodiac Signs Who Are Emotionally Empty And Feel Nothing

3. Leo 

(July 23 - August 22)

You really are a treasure, and you have a way of sharing your love to such a degree that if one is lucky enough to be a part of it, they luck out in all ways possible. On this day, December 17, 2023, you'll feel like the day was made just for you, in so much as offers you the opportunity to reach out and make the person you love most in the world laugh. You are all comedy and smiles, and you can't wait to let loose on your partner.


That's where the humbling aspect comes in, in the form of Sun square Neptune. You may feel as if you are the Angel of Love and Light. Still, with this transit hovering above you, you are met by the Angel of Bad Timing, and that's basically how it goes. December 17 is a day of frustration for you, Leo, and while another person may just let it roll off their back, well, you're not any old 'other' person. You want to make someone happy and you are being prevented from doing so by ... TIMING. Jeesh.

So, you get humbled by timing, and it kind of hurts you. All you had in mind were good intentions. You wanted to bring a smile to the face of the person you love, and you aren't able to do so because of this, that and the other thing. This obstacle course frustrates you and puts you off, possibly throwing you into a moody funk. So Sun square Neptune gives you the option of getting over it or sinking into it — your choice.

RELATED: The 7 Moodiest Zodiac Signs In Astrology


Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.