3 Zodiac Signs Need A Break From Love Starting December 16, 2023

On December 16, Venus takes a different spin on romance.

woman taking a break from love Chikovnaya, Sergey Nivens, Maddy's Art, aleksandarnakovski from Getty Images | Canva Pro

As we come to know the ins and outs of astrology, we get to learn that just because we have Venus as a major influence during a certain day, it's not always about love and romance. On December 16, 2023, we're going to see that Venus takes a different spin on romance, as it shows us that sometimes we just need to get away from it.

The influential transit is Moon square Venus, and whenever we have a squared transit, we have to look at the other side of the spectrum. In this case, and for three zodiac signs, today is going to be about recognizing a very important and oftentimes ignored symptom of love: the need a break from love, or rather, the need to claim some personal space.


December 16, 2023, will be one such day, and for the three zodiac signs mentioned here, we will know that personal space is not only requested but also a serious requirement if we are to keep our sanity.

It's only human to need personal space, and it's no insult to the person we love. We just have to smooth them into knowing that ... it's not personal. We just need our space, that's all.


Three zodiac signs need a break from love starting December 16, 2023:

1. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

You have been through so much recently, and while you are more than grateful to the people around you for their help and their committed support, you are also really tired of having people around. This isn't personal; you love these people dearly, and your romantic partner has shown that they are the best person in your life. But you are tired of having them around, waiting on you, hand and foot. You are appreciative but the time has come to demand your personal space.

The thing is that on December 16, 2023, during the transit of Moon square Venus, you'll have to make this request gently, as the person you are about to ask is more than sensitive and you can already tell that they'll take offense, to this simple request of yours. You don't see the point in having to explain it to them, as it seems to you to be one of the more obvious things in life. Yet... you know them, and you know they'll get huffy.

So, that's why it is a little hard for you. You mean well, and all you really want is just to be alone. It's not a lot to ask for, and yet you'll be dealing with the hypersensitivity of a partner who takes it all personally, which definitely makes it all much worse for you. This is the opposite of what you wanted because now you have a weepy martyr to deal with rather than some free time just to relax and be yourself.


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2. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)

You'll find that on this day, December 16, 2023, you're able to be with someone whom you really love ... but that this person also drains you, and even though you want to be 'all in' for them, you can't help but admit to yourself that they tire you out. By this time of the year, everything tires you out, so the added personality crisis that this person brings is just extra weight. You want to be there for them, but in all truth, you are weary.

During the transit of Moon square Venus on December 16, you'll see that this person is fine and happy to let you have your own space. The problem here is that you won't speak up for yourself and ask for it because you fear offending this person. You love them and want to impress them as someone who always welcomes their presence continuously, and so it's you who holds back and deprives yourself of the space you need today.


Moon square Venus has a very sly way of twisting situations that have something to do with love. Today will show you that it's not about love but about the very real need to just spend some good, quality time on your own. You know this has nothing to do with the person you love; this isn't 'having to get away from them.' This is about needing some downtime, a breather, and some personal space. Will you deny yourself this small gift? You might just do that.

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3. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)

As we come closer and closer to Capricorn season, you might feel the need just to step back and have yourself a good, long think. You are really in need of being on your right now, and you also happen to have a partner who is just as needy for you as you are for personal space. Ah, what you do for this person is unbelievable at times. It seems that on December 16, 2023, you will, once again, forfeit your space for them.


During Moon square Venus, you'll see that love has nothing to do with it. What demands all the attention is 'neediness' and your partner has that in truckloads. You have always deferred to them and their moods and once again, during Moon square Venus, you'll do it again, and Capricorn ... you shouldn't. Your partner will live if you take some time to dwell in your own private space. This isn't an affront; this is you, being a human being with needs.

So, during Moon square Venus on December 16, 2023, you will come to face the fact that, once again, you are sacrificing your precious time to feed the neurosis and ego of a needy partner who can't handle the idea that all you want is a few hours to yourself. Heck, you might even want a few DAYS to yourself, and is that so bad? Is that too much to ask for? No, it isn't. Here's your chance to stand up for yourself, Capricorn. Do it.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.