3 Zodiac Signs Lay Low When Life Gets Tough On December 16, 2023

Me, me, me! Notice me, please!

zodiac signs with rough horoscopes Be Keronyart From Keronyart's Images, SrdjanPav From Getty Images Signature, And Grebeshkov All Via Canva Pro/Blende12 From Pixabay Via Canva

Have you ever been in one of those situations where everyone around you seems to be way cooler than you are, and you find yourself trying to keep up with them? While we know that there's no need to go that far, we still have this weird need to be accepted by these people and so we end up 'acting' like them so that they won't notice that we're not 'like them.'

Today is one such day, and this kind of competitively odd day is brought to us by the transit of Moon square Uranus, which falls on this day, December 16, 2023. We all know innately that playing the comparison game is a losing game, but for three zodiac signs, this transit, Moon square Uranus, is going to have us vying for attention and going at it in all the wrong ways.




We may even come across as obvious today, meaning that if we're trying to impress people, it may show as insincere or done out of neurosis. While we humans can definitely show our neurosis, transits like Moon square Uranus really bring out this need in us NOT to be seen as different than the mob. We want to be 'just like everyone else' today, and these three zodiac signs lead the way.


Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on December 16, 2023

1. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

During the transit of Moon square Uranus, you might feel as though all that you are and all that makes you a brilliant, beautiful individual is just not enough for the people who make up your world. You want to be special and you want to come across as 'that wild and original person' but part of you believes that you're just faking it for the sake of being accepted by the people you believe you respect. But ... do you? Do you respect them, or do you just idolize them?

December 16 has you wondering why you act the way you do and if you are being authentic with yourself when you act this way. It's true that you definitely want to be accepted by the people you admire. Still, it also occurs to you that you might be putting on a show for them and that, if they are as 'great' as you imagine them to be, then perhaps they are smart enough to realize that you aren't being sincere. This brings on the spiraling effect, and down you go.

Do yourself a favor and just be your wonderful Cancer self. You may not feel totally comfortable in your skin, but hey, that's the only skin you have, so don't worry that much about faking it. You may end up seeing that it's YOU who they want to love and accept, and not so much the facade that you've been building for their sake. Trust that you are perfect as is and that trying to fit in comes more naturally when you, yourself, act naturally.


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2. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

You've got yourself convinced that you're the leader in all situations, but what you never really see is that you are desperate to 'come off' looking like you're the cool one. While you definitely are able to sway many people into thinking you're this unique individual who thinks on their own and always comes up with an original idea, what they don't know about you is that you bow down to someone else, always.

During the transit of Moon square Uranus, you're going to think you are a fraud because you know how vital it is for you to be accepted by your chosen group, and the truth is, you've never felt accepted by any group. This is why you overcompensate so much, and on December 16, 2023, you're going to stare right into the mirror and see exactly what a fraud you've become. You are a scared child and all you want is to be loved.


The thing is, Libra, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be loved or even being scared. It's that you have turned your fear into some superiority complex and on this day, during Moon square Uranus, you'll confront it head-on. This may be started by having to defend yourself while someone in your life 'sees through' your facade and challenges you on it. That's what you will find threatening, and that's what's going to wake you up.

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3. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)

While you might not be someone who lets their guard down too often, you might find that during the transit of Moon square Uranus, you will see something about yourself that really shakes you up. On December 16, 2023, you are going to recognize certain behavior patterns that you thought you gave up in childhood. It seems that you are just as neurotic as you were when you were a child, and even though you've worked your whole life to get past certain things, BOOM, Moon square Uranus brings them all back.


What this means is that your old fear of not being accepted by your peers comes shining through today and it really bugs you. It's also not something you can just toss aside, as it's very real. You don't want your peers to think that you are anything less than a total genius, and what today, December 16, 2023, brings you is your chance to overcompensate in ways that have you feeling like you've really gone too far.

Yes, you want to be accepted, but most of you feel this bad about it. Yes, Moon square Uranus works on that sense of poor self-esteem, but isn't this just a passing phase for you? Capricorn, it is a passing phase, so give yourself credit for coming this far. You are allowed days like this, and you certainly know in your heart that comparing yourself to others in intelligence, romance, finance ... that's a game you don't want to involve yourself in. Walk on by, friend.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.