3 Zodiac Signs Are Lucky In Love Before January 2024 Ends

Our relationships are bound for glory.

3 Zodiac Signs Are Lucky In Love Before January 2024 Ends boholine, Monkey Business Images | Canva Pro

There's a lot to look forward to in 2024, and January really kicks it all off rather nicely. We could probably all agree that if love were to be a part of that equation, then all would definitely be well in our worlds.

Well, Bingo! Love is here and for three zodiac signs, January of 2024 is going to usher in change, hope and BIG romance.

For some of us, we might never think we'd be on the list for romantic adventures or tender moments. Still, January of 2024 is so filled with positive and amazing transits that we may end up shocking ourselves simply because we can't deny that we are THIS fortunate.


Our relationships are bound for glory, and we might even find ourselves laughing with joy over the idea.

For the three zodiac signs mentioned here, we may also see the kind of love that comes to us after a great healing. While Venus practically rules over the entire month, it will be during Venus trine Node that these three zodiac signs really get a taste of what love is all about.

We've got a lot going on for us during January of 2024, and we will be very grateful to start the year off on such a high note.

These three zodiac signs will have good luck in love before January 2024 ends:

1. Aries 

(March 21 - April 19)


Yes, that's right ... you knew it would happen. You tend to feel these things in advance and it seems that during January of 2024, all of the fantasies about love that you had last year are coming true right at the top of the new year. You've got a lot of Mars energy backing you up and with Mercury going direct on the first of the year, it's as if you finally 'got your voice' back ... and you plan on using it.

The Mars vibe is there to keep you strong in ways that only Aries can handle, and that means that you might also be going through a personal transformation of sorts. You are well aware that love is now a power player in your life, but you don't want it to take over your mind. You want to enjoy this new and beautiful love, but you want to retain some control. Gone are the days when you give yourself over without thinking things through first.

So, January of 2024 brings in the idea of intelligent romance. With Capricorn season ruling most of the month, you'll know that your approach is both calculating and correct. Why bother getting involved if you can't predict at least a little bit of what's to happen? Life is full of surprises and you get that, but you also want to be prepared emotionally, physically and mentally. You are doing the right thing, Aries.

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2. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)

While you know things are going well for you at this time, you never in a million years expected LOVE to play such an important role during January of 2024. You feel good about everything, and you've stepped into what you feel is this new round of karmic successes; you've fought hard to get here and now you are open to the rewards of being such a devoted worker ... but love? Where did that come from?

You will be overjoyed at the idea of perhaps falling in love, mainly because you never expected it to happen. You were quite content going about your life, grabbing your little victories here and there, but you never really made room for love in your life, and that is why, in January of 2024, you will be shocked and stunned by the idea that there's someone new in your life. They have fallen madly in love with you. And you? You like it!

Venus squares Lilith the week of January 8th and that's what has you feeling that there has to be a mistake here, but on January 15th, you will realize that because of the healing vibe that pours all over you from Venus trine Node, it's really happening. Yes, Sagittarius, you, too, can fall in love and enjoy a romantic relationship. You no longer have to believe otherwise. This month brings love back into your life and you will be very pleased to know it can happen.


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3. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

The last thing you might expect during January of 2024 is for your love life to turn around completely. You have seen some ups and downs recently, and you haven't been all that sure that what you have is going to work out. You've considered ending it, but you didn't really see what the future would bring you and the future is now, and we call it January of 2024. What's happening is that you will end one relationship and start another.

Holy cow, that was fast. It's just as much of a surprise to you, too, as this was not on your playlist. Being happy in love was, however, although you didn't know it was going to take the form of an entirely new relationship. Still, you're open to it, and you're certainly not a silent observer this time. You created this, and while it's hard to think that your will made this happen, well, it shows that you are more powerful than you think, Aquarius.


Let's not forget the fact that Aquarius season starts on January 20th, which always gives you a lightning bolt charge of electric positivity. It seems that you are destined to be happy, even if that surprises you. You've always been somewhat 'happy-go-lucky,' but this new romantic happiness? Wow, it has the potential to change your entire outlook on life. Good for you.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.