What Your Zodiac Sign Can Start Manifesting This Weekend Using A Journal, December 8 - 10, 2023

Raise your vibration with gratitude this weekend.

woman writing in a journal mariasymchychphotos, Isaree5, myersalex216 from pixabay | Canva Pro

A higher vibration allows for an abundant mindset. And an abundance mindset is the only way to manifest your dreams. If you're not grateful for today, why would you be grateful for tomorrow? This is the pre-exercise to your personalized exercise but it's just as important. All the tools you need for success sit inside you at this moment. 

We get some extreme moods over the weekend, but that is no issue. We will ride them out like every other up and down thus far. The moon in Scorpio on 8 energizes us for the weekend. It's a perfect Friday for fun and playfulness with a partner or friend. After which, Moon opposite Uranus has us freaking out over small things when really we just need to go with the flow and begin our gardening.


We are gardening this weekend. In this weather? Yes. And the weather won't affect the seeds we plant for our future, whether it's a good or bad day. That's the beauty of manifestation journaling and, particularly, scripting.

Once you set your intention, the universe instantly goes to work. Even if we don't see our seeds grow, we know they are growing and will bear fruit in the coming years.

Manifesting really is just "set and forget." The worst day of your life will not affect the rate at which your planted seeds will germinate. Things will come to fruition at different times and different rates and that's okay. Just make sure to write it down and do it in a real journal.


You remember better when you write things out long hand. writer Sherman Alexie said, "I write in blood to remember what it felt like to bleed." When you chronicle your ups and downs and your wins, you can never gaslight yourself into thinking "things have always been this way" or "things will never be different..." Both are untrue.

Write yourself a better tomorrow and no bit of rain will ruin your enjoyment.

Here's what each zodiac sign can manifest with a journal over the weekend:

Aries Manifest: self-love

For other zodiac signs reading this, they are probably confused about why Aries needs self-love. Aren't they obsessed with themselves? Stop there. Self-obsession is different from self-love. Behind the bravado often hides a lot of insecurity. The good thing, Aries, is that you are filled with innate gifts and talents, and it's important to know that any confidence you have is based on merit.


Journal Prompt: What are your favorite parts of yourself? 

Clarification on this journal prompt is as follows. Do not focus on what others say they love about you. Stay focused on exactly what You love about yourself. These are your true gifts and where your self-love will come from.

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Taurus Manifest: magic

Magic is all around us every single day but we grow used to its existence and pass it by without a look through. A baby's smile? Magic. A sunny day? Magic. Magic is everywhere and the more you take notice, the more you will be rewarded for those efforts.


Journal Prompt: What magic exists in your environment? The magic of a sunny day? A kind word or shoulder of a friend?

Remember that everything you do not consider magic is the exact thing another person prays for, so just take notice of it and acknowledge it.

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Gemini Manifest: miracles

Miracles are daily occurrences, but when we experience miracles in our lives, we are so happy to receive them that we greedily take them and then move on to the next thing. It's a natural human instinct and nothing to be ashamed of, but instead, just notice it. There have been dozens of "what is going to happen now?" moments in your year and then the thing that happened worked in your favor.


Journal Prompt: What are some small miracles in your everyday life that you pass by unnoticed?

Add to this list throughout the week and you'll be surprised by the amount. Just a quick acknowledgment is what's needed. The universe takes notice of this behavior as well.

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Cancer Manifest: humility

Cancer, Venus is on your side for this month from December 4 - 29 and it will help aid in any figuring people out project you have planned. Use this energy to go forward with any hard conversations or much-needed confrontations in your personal or professional life.

Journal Prompt: What can the worst people or situations in your life teach you about life itself?


A broken clock is right twice a day and no one knows this more than you. It's easy for you to go into resentment mode and forget that we can learn from everyone and everyone has something of worth to say.

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Leo Manifest: divine knowledge

Thank Venus for your stable home life this month because, truly, your home will be most harmonious. And you need this because other parts of your social and physical life are in flux. Still, the relaxed energy with family is a much-needed respite and a time to reflect on how far you've come this year.

Journal Prompt: What sources do you get your greatest amount of wisdom from?


Is it a grandfather, an uncle, a TED talk, or your past experiences? Those words of wisdom can comfort you when you feel particularly lost. Try to keep all these quotes together so you can reference them whenever you need to.

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Virgo Manifest: self-approval

Venus is in your communications house this month and gives you the spirit and energy for all the social obligations you might have. You might even be surprised with how "likable" you've been lately. That being said, sometimes, a lot of positive attention can bring up some negative opinions. Like, what do people around me really think about me? 

Journal Prompt: What do you need to get off your chest?


This is a pretty open-ended prompt because brainstorming will do you best. Let it all out in word vomit. What will happen is one of two things: 1. you feel better, 2. you feel better and more like you're able to address the real-life issues you're facing right now. It's a win/win.

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Libra Manifest: enhanced psychic abilities

The ability to tune into self is one of the most valuable assets we can have here on earth. It is literally our connection to the divine. It does, however, require a few things, mainly slowing down and listening. These can both be very hard.

Journal Prompt: Write every download from the universe, every sign you encounter


A sign is anything that resonates with you. A download is any thought that makes you go "woah," "Huh?" or "That makes sense". Keep track of the messages you are receiving, as they will become vital to you in the coming years.

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Scorpio Manifest: your desired reality

YOUR desired reality is personal and also vague. People often think about what they want but not how they will get there.

Journal Prompt: Take it step by step. Today, script your tomorrow. No, to-do lists. Just write what small steps you're taking toward your goals and why you are doing them. 

Use present tense: "Pick up kids from school and be grateful I have them in my life. Cook a nutritious meal for myself and/or my family that will nourish those that I love. write my intentions in my favorite journal to keep track of them." Writing the purpose of the tasks gives it permanence.


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Sagittarius Manifest: Focus

The time is now to move forward. You want to get everything done and everything done in this moment. That's fine but focus will be key here. It will also be fun to sort out. This is your sign to get real granular.

Journal Prompt: Use the Ivy Lee method to narrow down your 2024 goals. Write the top 25 things you would like to accomplish in the following 5-years. And then circle the top 6.

Those six are the most important and what you will start the year with. It doesn't erase the other 19 goals but just allows you not to worry about them while you focus on the big ones. You've written them down. They're safe and not going anywhere.


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Capricorn Manifest: Balance

Venus will be in your social sector from December 4 to 29 and as such, you will have to navigate a dance between paying attention to your inner world and attending to your outer one. 

Journal Prompt: In what ways can you connect to spirit in your daily life?


Is it visualizing a better future? Pre-planning hard conversations? Spending time in nature? What things center you when the world gets chaotic?

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Aquarius Manifest: Acceptance

Self-acceptance is the first step to change. And you've been wanting to change a lot of things lately. But you cannot change out of insecurity. You have to understand that whatever you may dislike about yourself has held you up and kept you going thus far. You are worth it.

Journal Prompt: this following day, write this affirmation three times: "I am worthy of connection, support and love."

Then, under the affirmation, write "I accept."


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Pisces Manifest: Clarity

Narrowing down your interests will be key for the final weeks of the year. But before you do that, a small spiritual retreat will lift your spirits. Where can you go that will inspire you to take action?

Journal Prompt: Where do you want to go before the year-end?

With only three weekends left in the year, this might take some planning but here in your journal is your space to do just that.

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Venita Johnson is the Assistant Editor for Horoscopes & Zodiacs based out of New York City, who focuses on astrology, tarot and oracle card readings.
