4 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On December 5, 2023

There's a change in the wind.

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What are your priorities in life? Are you living true to them? The energy today, on December 5, 2023, is focused on this.

While four zodiac signs — Capricorn, Taurus, Aries and Leo — stand to gain the most by leaning into this, the rest of the zodiac signs can learn something from this too.

First of all, with Mercury retrograde slated to happen on December 13, there's a change in the metaphorical winds right now.


So don't wait until the retrograde period to get your ducks in a row. Pay attention to the details now so the retrograde does not cause breakdowns to force you to pay attention. Some of you may already be feeling the change in the cosmic scheme of things.

Moon in Virgo is the second astrological focus today. We are being reminded that paying attention to detail doesn't have to be a draining task and mind-numbingly boring. Let your creative side create a game out of the experience. Or, set the intention to ground yourself through this. You will hone your patience too this way.


If you feel called to, walk in nature sometime today to align yourself with this energy. If you live in the heart of a metropolis with not a single tree anywhere in sight, go to the roof of your building and just bask in the moonlight. Stargazing counts too! Now, let's focus on the four zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on December 5, 2023.

Four zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on December 5, 2023:

1. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Leo & Pisces

Best area to focus on: Relationship with nature

Best time of the day: 3:13 pm

Capricorn, the energy today has a poignant feel to it for you. You are being urged to turn inward and think about your future to tap into the cosmic blessings available to you. Journaling your thoughts, setting new financial plans into motion or looking for new job opportunities are some things indicated here. Let your intuition guide you to the right path.


Your relationship with nature is also being highlighted here. So if you can make some time, go to a park and walk around the greens for a while. Or sit underneath a tree and feel the earth ground your soul. Even basking under the light of the sun or the moon is a good way to connect with the cosmic energies everywhere.

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2. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Aries & Cancer

Best area to focus on: Public relations

Best time of the day: 5 pm

Taurus, you must trust your counsel today above all else. Seeking opinions from trusted sources is great, but let the final decision be yours based upon the intricacies of your situation that only you know 100%. Your future life is also being highlighted here. So, there will be far-reaching consequences, depending on what you do today.


Some of you need to be more mindful of the people in your social circle and the various layers of influence therein. Who is in your inner circle? Who are part of your social network and considered acquaintances? Whose words matter and whose opinions count? Ponder upon these questions today to gain more clarity.

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3. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Taurus

Best area to focus on: Guilty pleasures

Best time of the day: Equal opportunities

The cosmic forces are giving you a blank canvas, Aries. Make the most of it! Anything you set your mind to today will benefit from these divine blessings. So focus on your priorities, whatever they might be. Some of you are being urged to remove people-pleasing tendencies from your repertoire. It will only get in the way of your happiness, even if you feel otherwise.


Interestingly, your intimate romantic life is also being highlighted here, along with activities that you consider "guilty pleasures." Everyone deserves a cheat day, and let today be that for you! Just make sure you are mindful of what you are engaging with so you don't have regrets tomorrow.

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4. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)


Best zodiac sign to work with: Taurus

Best area to focus on: Dancing/hobby

Best time of the day: Your choice

Leo, your creative life is the MVP today. So pay attention! You can take advantage of this cosmic blessing to really push yourself forward in whichever area is a high priority for you, whether that's your love life, career or something else. The more you step out of your comfort zone today, the better things will be for you!

Dancing is also highlighted here for you as a means to let loose and let your inner child out. You can substitute this with other hobbies that do the same for you, like bathroom singing, playing tennis, gardening and more.


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
