3 Zodiac Signs Handle Life's Difficulties Well On December 9, 2023

When challenges presents themselves, they aren't going away until we confront them.

strong woman maximusnd-zahar, Julia M Cameron from Pexels | Canva Pro

This day is not going down in anyone's personal history as a particularly difficult day due to the presence of Moon trine Saturn, we may find that on December 9, 2023, does come with its annoying little challenges. For three zodiac signs, we may find that those challenges feel so unnecessary that we can hardly deal with them.

Still, in all, when a challenge presents itself, it's not going away until we confront it. We will find that the three zodiac signs that are most vulnerable to the powers of Moon trine Saturn will be upset to see certain things go sour on this day, December 9, 2023. What we're looking at is a feeling of righteousness within ourselves, being corrupted by external forces.


What this means is that, for three zodiac signs, this day is going to threaten our moralistic codes. What we believe in is not merely something dogmatic but something we know is favorable for all people. What will bring the challenge is that, while we know we have the right answer and that our answer is not based on ego, we are being told by other people that we cannot move forward.


Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on December 9, 2023, can handle it:

1. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

Being a deeply emotional person, you may find that you run into some trouble on this day, as your feelings will be deliberately bulldozed away as if your opinion really doesn't have much of an impact on the greater scheme of things. This basically implies that in a group situation, you will be the one who is not listened to, and this will hurt your feelings. It will also bring up a sense of anger in you. This is irrational; you don't deserve this kind of disrespect.

What really bugs you the most on December 9, 2023, is that you didn't get into this so that you could argue your way to the top. You weren't even feeling ambitious; you merely wanted to add to the bigger picture. What Moon trine Saturn brings you is that pushy crowd of naysayers who, for some reason, can only hear the sounds of their voices. This is more than like a work-related issue, Cancer.

So, you might have worked very hard to get yourself to this place, only to discover that no one was ever going to do anything other than what was on their agenda. You feel foolish and trod upon, and you may even wonder what the point of being involved in all of this brings you? Yes, we all must work, but when all you bring to the table is rejected, what's the point? You've done a great job, and it seems nobody appreciates you for your efforts.


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2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

This day will not ruin you, but you are certainly going to want to take a few deep breaths in order not to blow your stack, Scorpio. While you can rest assured that your family, health and love life are safe and sound, the gist of today's BS is going to all be work-related. You are a hard worker, and not only that, you donate the best ideas of the entire bunch. You're starting to feel as though you are unappreciated for your efforts.

During the transit of Moon trine Saturn on December 9, 2023, you're going to see that you really cannot trust the people you are presently working with. You feel that your purpose in this position is to deliver great ideas and to be a force of imagination and creativity. If that is so, then why is everyone rejecting everything you bring forth? It's as if they have their agenda, and it's to place themselves on top. You see this and it angers you.


You're also not fond of this sudden ease of disrespect, which seems to have taken over this one person that you closely work with. What has gotten into them? You may find out that the pressure is now on them to produce and that they are taking out their frustrations on you, which is wholly unfair but quite typical of how Moon trine Saturn works in relation to the workplace.

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3. Pisces 

(February 19 - March 20)

Being a creature of habit, you have found that if left to your own devices, you can do a hell of a lot of good work. December 9, shows you that the last thing you want in your creative world is an intervention, especially the kind that comes from people who don't know what they're talking about. There's a reason you're the expert in your field: you know what you're doing. During the transit of Moon trine Saturn, all the cheap imitations come out to show you who's boss.


At first, you may think this is just a gag, some joke that's being played on you to test your patience. Yet, as the day goes on, you'll start seeing that your space is totally being infringed upon and that all these mouths are speaking to you as if you are their subordinate, which you are not. You are a very serious worker and you don't appreciate the nagging. Moon trine Saturn brings out the naggers, guaranteed.

You may also find that what's rough about this day, in particular, is that you don't want to be the one to tell people off. You're happy in your little world and it makes you feel bad to have to step up and tell something else to back off. Still, you need your space and you can't have the thousand mouths all yapping at once, simply because they can't shut up. This day tries your patience, Pisces, and it's best not to take any of it personally.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.