The 3 Zodiac Signs Most Affected By The Full Moon In Cancer Starting December 26

We are way too inside our heads, and for many of us, that's not the best place to be.

The 3 Zodiac Signs Most Affected By The Full Moon In Cancer Starting December 26 JacquiDickens from Getty Images | Canva Pro

What we may find is that even though this week is hyped up as one of the most celebratory weeks of the entire year, we're not all on board with the holiday spirit. For some of us, particularly for three zodiac signs, we feel the opposite of what is expected of us. While it would be nice to set our cares aside and just run with it, for many of us, this is a hard week to deal with.

We will see that we are way too inside our heads and that, for many of us, that's not the best place to be, as we are overthinking too much and going over the events of the year, much to our dismay. Whether we are in a good place mentally or just overworked and tired, three zodiac signs will find this week and Capricorn season is to be more taxing than it is joyous.


There's a lot of Mars energy guiding us this week, as well, and a Full Moon to boot ... these events shape our week in a way that may not feel positive. We tend to sway to the 'dark side' and we may find that we clutch tightly to the bad moods we develop. We know it will pass, and that's the whole 'last week' thing, which is really just a mental trip. Still, these three zodiac signs may have a hard time coping.


How the Full Moon in Cancer affects three zodiac signs this week:

1. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

You will have the distinct feeling of 'Can we just get this over with already?' You aren't forcing your negative mood on anyone, and you'd like to 'fake it 'til you make it' when it comes to pretending that you're enjoying the holiday season as much as the next person. The truth of the matter is that the whole thing is a royal bore to you, founded on expectations and things that never come through.

You have no intention of raining on anyone else's parade, however, and that's because you are a good person at heart. When Jupiter goes direct on December 30, shortly after a Full Moon in Capricorn, you'll be very happy for those around you who do believe in magic and have faith in this miraculous life that we all share. Good for them, you'll say, though you'll still feel impatient and over it all. That's OK; this will pass.

You may even feel as though smiling does actually help, which is also when you'll realize that it takes too much effort to smile and fake it, which is why you'll spend as much time as possible during the week of December 25 - 31, 2023, alone and on your own. You aren't a misanthrope; you simply prefer the company of your mind during this time, and that seems easy enough to accomplish.


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2. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)

The Full Moon brings you is that secret feeling that undermines your general good nature. You are all too happy to bring it when it comes to good cheer and holiday spirit. In fact, it genuinely brings you joy. However, you're also tired and the truth is, you just want to relax. That's not exactly a horrible request, either, but you are the person whom everyone has chosen to be the one who provides, and provide you shall.

So, your secret burden is that you are just pooped and that you can't let anyone know this, or they'll feel sorry for you and then you'll be relieved of your responsibilities. Secretly, you totally wish for this to happen but you will never relinquish your responsibilities and that's basically because you're a Capricorn. With a Full Moon in your sign coming this week, you feel obligated to 'be the person everyone expects you to be.'


It's all OK, though. As you know, you'll have your day in the sun as long as you take care of business now. You look forward to the first week of the new year as 'all this' will become the past and you won't have to feel as though you're the chosen caretaker of the masses. You really do feel put out, but you keep up the charm for the sake of others, as you really do care about their feelings. You put them before yourself, and that is why you feel tuckered out.

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3. Pisces 

(February 19 - March 20)

If you can get through the week, then you'll resume with your pleasant attitude and optimistic outlook on life. As for this week, it is going to bring you nothing but the waiting game. What are you waiting for? You are waiting for the year to end, of course. Why? Because you're bored of all the intended excitement and you are tired of being the jaded one who can't have any fun.


What keeps you moving, however, is that this week brings you a rush of creative energy and that helps you cope. You've got a lot of Venus energy assisting you in your love life, so that's not your problem at all this week. What IS your problem is the way you just can't feel something you can't feel, and that is ... the holiday spirit. You don't want to be 'that person,' you know, that one who sees only doom, gloom, and the annihilation of humanity. You can't help it; that's just who you are!

OK, so that's a bit dramatic (or is it?). The truth is, this last week has always bugged you and now, during December 25 - 31, 2023, you've got a heaping load of transits that back up and support your feelings of hostility, boredom and negativity. Hey, it's only one week, and you do this every year. Maybe ... this is your holiday spirit, Pisces. Maybe this is 'Intolerance Week' and this is how you celebrate.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.