3 Zodiac Signs Who Put Themselves First In A Relationship On December 1

It's not about stepping on others to achieve an agenda, but to work with our partners to reach a common goal.

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New month; new you. That's the main feeling behind what's going on astrologically today, December 1, 2023, especialy for three zodiac signs who put themselves first in a relationship.

The three zodiac signs who put themselves first in a relationship are Taurus, Virgo and Sagittarius.

There's a distinct feeling that follows us around today and it lets us know in no uncertain terms that we need change and that in order to get it.


we must be the agent that moves us into the action. This day is not about stepping on others to achieve an agenda, but it is about getting somewhere and the push to place ourselves first in line.

When we have the transit of Mercury in Capricorn, and this is one very assertive, very determined astrological event it changes how we view love.


For three zodiac signs, December 1, 2023, is the day when we realize that we're the power source behind our actions and that if we really do want something to occur, then we have to admit that we're the ones to make it so. In love and romance, we take the initiative today.

We may have to put ourselves first during Mercury in Capricorn, and that's not to say we'll be putting our loved ones 'second' per se, but it might feel that way to them.

That's the tricky part about this transit and this day: we know what WE have to do and we aren't doing it to make anyone else feel bad, yet ... they might. In December, we put ourselves first in love, and we deal with the consequences of this kind of bravery, if any should come of it.

The three zodiac signs who put themselves first in a relationship on December 1, 2023:

1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)


You have already made up your mind, and now that it's the last month of the year, on this first day of December, you know what you have to do. You need to step up and put yourself first when it comes to your love life. You have made it known to your partner that you need to achieve certain things in your life and that they can either come along for the ride or be left behind. You aren't sure of what they will choose, but you know what you have to do.



During the transit of Mercury in Capricorn, you're going to see that it's easier than you thought to make up your mind and 'dare' to do something that might jeopardize the romance. You know that you love your partner. You also know that your life is on the line as well, and when it comes to survival, you will do what you need to do because so much of 'survival' translates as 'happiness' to you. You don't feel you're here on Earth to be unhappy.

so, in your efforts to build yourself a happy life, you put it clearly to your partner: 'Come with me, or wish me well on my journey forward.' You are leaving it to them, and on December 1, that's just fine with you. You do not feel responsible for this person's reaction, nor do you feel like you have to cajole them into joining you. You will do what you need to do and you will feel good about placing yourself as 'number one.'


RELATED: Taurus Friendship Compatibility & Facts About Having Taurus As A Friend

2. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

Like many people, you see the first day of the month as an opportunity to transform yourself in the days to come. There is nothing like the first day to make a resolution that allows you thirty-some-odd days to take effect. On this day, December 1, 2023, you will be inspired to own your feelings and some of the things you've been feeling lie in the idea of you needing to put yourself first where this relationship is of concern.

You have always been very diplomatic when it comes to sharing and sharing alike, and your partnership has been going along very smoothly ... as long as you don't rock the boat. During today's transit, Mercury in Capricorn, you're going to want to rock that boat. However, as a Virgo, that's quite easy for you to do. Your mode is verbal, and on this day, December 1, 2023, you will let your mouth do the work that puts you in the first position.


You are more than happy to be with your partner forever if that's your fate. You know now that things must change, at least to a degree, because if they don't, you'll feel repressed. You are repressed, and you are no friends, and you won't let things just 'sit' inside you for long. Today is one of those days when you let it out. You need to make sure your partner knows something important about you, and in this way, you put yourself first when it comes to love.

RELATED: 20 Best And Worst Virgo Personality Traits

3. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)


During the transit of Mercury in Capricorn, you will feel very excited about the idea of sharing something important with your romantic partner. You have come to realize that sometimes you withhold and that withholding is not really in your temperament. You aren't fond of lying or omitting details to make another person feel more comfortable with you, and so on December 1, 2023, you will come right out with it.

What's going on today is that you finally feel as though 'the real you' is coming out, and while you've always been open and honest, you aren't happy about withholding to your partner. You might not feel as though they are ready to accept you as you are, and so you've held back on expressing yourself authentically. On this day, December 1, 2023, during Mercury in Capricorn, you will know that you have no choice. You must be free to be yourself.

Mercury in Capricorn empowers love and has you feeling that perhaps this is really about placing yourself above your partner, and while that might not be what you want to do at any other time, you feel this is your only option today.


You really need to do this for yourself. You need to explain to your romantic partner who you are and take that chance. You know that, on some level, this isn't going to work unless you put yourself first in this regard. The chances of success are great, Sagittarius. Fear not.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.