Why Today's Horoscopes Bring Massive Confusion For 3 Zodiac Signs Starting November 29

We want to be helpful during Moon square Neptune.

confused woman november 29 RobinHiggins from Pixabay, IncrediVFX from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Today's horoscopes bring confusion for three zodiac signs in astrology, and that is what makes them a bit rougher than usual. Now and then, we just get it wrong. From making the wrong decision to misinterpreting someone else's words, we don't know we're doing it at the time but we're doing it.

It's making us feel weird, confused and off. November 29, 2023, brings us the transit of Moon square Neptune. If confusion is what it offers, then we're helping ourselves to a large portion.


What makes this particularly rough for three zodiac signs today is that we actually think we're being sensitive and compassionate, helpful and 'smart' but we're actually either overdoing it or trying too hard and getting it all wrong. We think we know, and because of that, we want to be helpful, and during Moon square Neptune, we may find that all we are is off base.



We have a choice at that point as to whether to fret it out and begin the process of feeling sorry for ourselves or just accept that we got it wrong and that it's no big deal. The thing with Moon square Neptune is that we rarely see our mistakes as light. On November 29, 2023, we might end up making way too big a deal over something that really doesn't need all that 'hubbub.'


Why three zodiac signs experience confusion on November 29, 2023, as explained by today's (roughest) horoscopes:

1. Taurus, today you're going to feel a little bit forgetful.

Photo credit: hamiltonjch from pixabay, IncrediVFX from Getty Images | Canva Pro

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Forgetfulness is part of who you are, and while you don't mean to be this way, it's just something that comes with you. So, on November 29, 2023, when you forget that someone told you something that you 'should have' been listening to, you will feel the brunt of that wrong move. You were supposed to do something today that totally slipped your mind and while it's not going to end up in anything serious, it makes you feel like a fool for not paying attention.




It's not so much the 'fool' part that bugs you. It's that you do honestly care and that you feel you now look like an insensitive beast who haphazardly forgot to do something important for a loved one. You really do mean well, Taurus, but that mind of yours is sometimes all over the place. Today, during Moon square Neptune, you will see that this kind of inattentiveness can actually make you seem insensitive.

Moon square Neptune is ironic in this way, as you are almost hyper-sensitive. As an empath, you are always there to sympathize with others and feel their pain. However, during this transit, you get to see that you weren't listening at the moment they needed you to pay attention. now you have to deal with the idea that you totally look like you are preoccupied with 'much more important things.' That's not how you are, but there's not much you can do after the fact.

2. Gemini, you try to be someone's white knight in shining armor but it doesn't work out.

 Photo credit: hamiltonjch from pixabay, IncrediVFX from Getty Images | Canva Pro


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This could be a day when you hang your head in shame and then turn to your best friend to cheer you up. The first thing to know is that you have nothing to be ashamed of, and since Moon square Neptune is in the sky, you might feel as though you are the one responsible for someone else's grief or problem. You're not responsible, Gemini, but because you couldn't help them, on this day, November 29, 2023, you will believe that you didn't come through.



In a way, there's a narcissistic touch to this; you believe you are the only person who can help this other person in your life. Because you find that on this day, you cannot help them, you take on the guilt and responsibility for something you cannot be. In other words, you believe that you are THAT important, that crucial to this person's life, when, in fact, you are not as important as you make yourself out to be.


Still, you are beloved and no one is blaming you. That's how this day becomes somewhat rough for you, Gemini. You aren't to blame here, and yet, you feel guilty. And when you feel guilty, you shut down and withdraw, which makes you feel isolated and unapproachable. Understand that during Moon square Neptune, you take on more than you need to, as you are not responsible for the world's happiness.

3. Scorpio, you don't get what you want.

Photo credit: hamiltonjch from pixabay, IncrediVFX from Getty Images | Canva Pro

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Now and then, we all forget that our fantasies, while beautiful, are not actually manifest as reality. On this day, you will have one such experience. On November 29, 2023, during the transit of Moon square Neptune, you are going to suddenly be jolted into the reality that what you thought was real was actually something that existed only in your mind. Yes, this has something to do with romance.

Perhaps you have had a crush on someone, and because your feeling towards this person is so dreamy, so positive, you've sort of built a fantasy around them that has led you into thinking that all of what you think about could come true. You have every right to feel that way, but you must also know that just because you think it does not mean it's real. During Moon square Neptune, you will get that rude awakening: it's not real.



This day has the potential of bringing you down or, at least, humbling you a bit. You overreach when it comes to this one person and you find out the hard way that they are not as 'into' it as you are. This stings at first, but then it merely humbles you and shows you that just because you want something doesn't mean that you automatically get it. It's not the worst day for you, Scorpio; it's just a day that puts things into perspective for you.


Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.