The Weekly Tarot Card Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign In Astrology

We are standing strong and we feel good about life when the Sun is in the sign of Sagittarius.

one card tarot horoscope for the week november 27 - december 3, 2023 pavlovakhrushev, Lenita, Los Muertos Crew from Pexels | Canva Pro

Greetings to all who have survived the holiday weekend and are now ready to proceed with the first week of December! We have sure come a long way, and we all deserve a good, solid Tarot reading to help us get by. We're in the home stretch now, zodiac signs, and it's the perfect time to check in with the cards for an update.

This week, we're going to do a one-card reading, which means your faithful reader here will shuffle the deck, cut the deck in three and pick twelve cards ... one for each zodiac sign here. Oftentimes, we will find that the card we choose is simultaneously supported by the astrological transits of the week.


We are in Sagittarius Sun season. The vibe in the air is one of satisfaction and anticipation. While there is still much to look forward to this year, we know that we have squared away most of what required attention. We are standing strong and we feel good about life. Let's now take a look at what the tarot says for the week.


Tarot card reading for all zodiac signs the week of December 27 - December 3, 2023:


(March 21 - April 19)

Tarot Card: Seven of Swords

Hello Aries. It would appear that this week you are going to be working very hard, gathering up resources for something only you know about. This could mean that you are either saving money so that you can see a plan through or that you are mentally gathering your strength for something. One thing to know is that you will be successful at this, as the stars are on your side here.

You are looking at a week where you see the end of the year coming and you are preparing for it. You want to make sure that everything you do this week is in order, and there's an implication in this card, the Seven of Swords, that you might be forgetting one or two details. This tells you to 'dot your i's and cross your t's to make sure everything is as perfect as you'd like it to be.


Keywords for the week: scrupulous, forgetful, driven

Dates and moments to keep in mind: November 27, which is the first day of this week, is the day you're going to make most of your decisions. So, even though you are passionate and focused, don't forget to take care of it all rather than leave anything behind right at the start.

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(April 20 - May 20)

Tarot Card: Three of Swords, reversed

In a very obvious way, this card shows up in your life to show you that you are still carrying around a heartbreak, but in its reversed position, there is the suggestion that this is 'background noise' rather than an all-consuming presence. Yes, you've just come from a situation where you watched your heart break for the sake of another person. While you may not be totally over it (you're not), you ARE able to carry on.


You may find that you are quite able to channel whatever heartache you carry with you into creative acts, even if those acts are based on anger. You do feel a degree of anger but it's not eating you alive. In fact, you're able to make something useful of this anger. As you start to find yourself growing stronger and stronger, you will find that during the week of November 27 - December 3, 2023, you are able to transform yourself completely.

Keywords for the week: transformation, anger, compartmentalizing

Dates and moments to keep in mind: November 27, 28 and 30 will be particularly stimulating for you, Taurus, as you feel that November takes the last of your pain and allows you to walk into December feeling much more like your old self again. You will notice that you are happier as the days go by.

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(May 21 - June 20)

Tarot Card: Seven of Cups, reversed

There's a feeling that you are so close, yet so far, during the week of November 27 - December 3, 2023, and the reality is that you are THAT close to getting something you've wanted for a long time. However, being a Gemini, you won't believe it until you see it, and that's the only thing that will cause you any grief this week. It's basically a very hopeful week for you, but it will be up to you to actually let that hope in.

It seems that you will be offered an opportunity that you will, at first, wonder about in terms of its validity. It's as if you don't trust what you see in front of you and so, in your second-guessing of it, you don't give yourself the thrill of believing in it and looking forward to it. In a way, this kind of self-protection is OK, as it doesn't allow you to get your hopes up ... again. Still, Gemini, something good is coming your way, no matter how you choose to see it.


Keywords for the week: anticipation, dread, hope

Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 3, 4 and 7 will be days on which you get to see whether all of this is real or not, meaning this big opportunity that presents itself to you. You may even feel as though you did yourself a disservice by not believing, as it seems that you really are about to receive something wonderful.

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(June 21 - July 22)

Tarot Card: The World

Whatever you did to get here, Cancer, was the right thing, indeed. This card, The World, shows you that hard work definitely pays off and you can apply that to any area of life where you know you put in the time and effort to create a better life for yourself. In love and life, you worked hard and it will be during the week of November 27 - December 3, 2023, that you finally see some stellar results.


You may not be used to the feeling of having this much power, but you'll also find that it's not uncontrollable. After all, you did all you could to get to this place and now that you're here, you anticipated all that is coming your way and all that is being offered to you. It may throw you at first, but it's all part of the great plan. You designed this plan yourself, so make yourself comfortable, Cancer, as the World unfolds for you.

Keywords for the week: surprise, reward, enthusiasm

Dates and moments to keep in mind: You'll notice that all dates in November are shockingly good for you but that all they are really doing is paving the way for days like December 4, which is your best day of the week. You've got a lot of positive energy supporting your healthy decisions around this time, so live life to the fullest and enjoy what you have.

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(July 23 - August 22)

Tarot Card: Nine of Pentacles, reversed

There's a clear message here coming off of this card, the Nine of Pentacles, and where you are concerned, Leo, you'll be happy to know that the week of November 27 - December 3, 2023, is going to bring you much contentment at home as well as in your bank account. You are very happy to know that you can both take off work around this time to be with family, as well as spend money if you so choose to do.

You are usually not as content with your surroundings as you are this week, and this card implies that old habits die hard, meaning that you might still not trust your good fortune. The good thing here is that it doesn't need your trust and is not affected by your lack of it, should you feel doubtful. What will be will be during the week of November 27 - December 3, 2023, and you will see much happiness.


Keywords for the week: doubt, laughter, comfort

Dates and moments to keep in mind: November is more of a time for you to relax and get past, but it will be in December that you really start to see things pay off. December 4, 5 and 6 will bring you a new sense of joy as you feel both relieved and inspired to continue, as luck really seems to be on your side during this time.

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(August 23 - September 22)

Tarot Card: Temperance

You'll see that during the week of November 27 - December 3, 2023, you adopt a rather Zen outlook to many of the things in your life that disturb you, which mostly goes out to your work life. While it's typical for just about anyone to have a gripe here or there with their work situation, you have never really felt anything but gripes with yours. Because you've made it through 2023 with virtually no change at your job, you will do that one thing you never saw coming: you will accept your situation.


What you're going to see is that, in accepting things, it just becomes easier for you. You'll find that from November 27 - December 3, 2023, you are no longer interested in fighting. You can either accept or leave and being that there's no way you will leave, then acceptance seems to be the more peaceful path for you.

Keywords for the week: calm, revelation, strength

Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 1 is the day it all hits you, but this smack in the face of reality doesn't do you wrong. In fact, you are able to breathe easily for the first time in a very long time as soon as you realize that your situation is much better when you accept it rather than rebel against it.

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(September 23 - October 22)

Tarot Card: The Hanged Man

This week is the kind of week where you stand alone in your opinion, knowing that you are right. This isn't a show of obstinance. This is when you know you're right and actually BEING right, in spite of what others think. You may feel isolated and alone. As this card shows you, what you are really doing is seeing things from a different perspective, perhaps a completely inverted one, at that. You remain true to yourself during the week of November 27 - December 3, 2023, even as others doubt you.

This is not a matter of pride. You really do know what you're doing, and if that makes you seem stubborn or even ridiculous, the last thing you're going to do is concede to a bunch of people who really do not know what they are doing. This may be a family matter, as this is, after all, the holiday season and matters of family tend to crop up during this time.


Keywords for the week: perspective, solitary, individual

Dates and moments to keep in mind: November 27 and 28 will be the dates where you see the most strife, and it will be on these dates that you find yourself standing alone in defense of your ways. Know that on these dates, you will be disapproved of and that might make you feel alone; do not worry. You know what's best for you.

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(October 23 - November 21)

Tarot Card: Page of Cups

This week, November 27 - December 3, 2023, has you feeling like a child again, as so many of your troubles seem to belong to the year that you've just lived through and because you are now trying to steer things into a better light, you feel as though you have control once again and that, if you put your mind to it, all things will work themselves back into place. You see order forming during this week and that pleases you. It also gives you some free time to play your way.


This could end up being a week where you simply decide that you want to give yourself a present, and while that doesn't imply extravagance, you don't see why you shouldn't treat yourself to something that makes you happy. You feel as though your path is now one that is healthy and clearheaded, and you will do your best to avoid all negativity during the week of November 27 - December 3, 2023.

Keywords for the week: optimism, choice, confidence

Dates and moments to keep in mind: During the week of November 27 - December 3, 2023, you'll see that your stand-out dates will definitely be December 1 and 3. At this time, you'll see that as long as you stay on track, you'll be able to guide yourself to newer and higher ground with each and every step. Gone are the days of pain and worry; you have seen to it that those days will stay in the past.

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(November 22 - December 21)

Tarot Card: The Hermit, reversed

To draw The Hermit card in reverse just as Sagittarius season starts its transit is almost typical for your zodiac sign, and it is also quite positive. This is not only the time of year when you like to retreat into your World. It's a great week for you to recoup and plan out your next great adventure. During the week of November 27 - December 3, 2023, you will find that being alone is a necessary luxury that only you can give yourself.

This card shows you that it's not over, and that refers to your creative productivity. The end of the year tends to put many people into a forced slumber of sorts when it comes to creativity, but you are able to take this end-of-year energy and work it towards something great. Your solo efforts are that which heals you, Sagittarius, and you will find that almost every day of this week offers you great inspiration.


Keywords for the week: inspired, solo, withdrawn

Dates and moments to keep in mind: November 28 is a date that will jumpstart your creative mind. As you enter the last month of the year, you'll see that December 1 and 2 continue with that charged-up feeling. You aren't going to disappoint yourself during this time, and you will more than likely feel very, very energetic and artistic.

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(December 22 - January 19)

Tarot Card: The Magician


This week, November 27 - December 3, 2023, can let you feel not only good about yourself but magical in a way. You have come a long way and this year has definitely taken a bite out of you. Yet, here you are, better than ever, and though feeling that way has been a long time coming, you'll know in your heart that if you decide that from here on in, you'll be the best you can be, then so be it. Nothing stops you.

Your attitude is everything this week, Capricorn, as you, in your wisdom, come to realize that it's all about perception and that you're about to choose the best perspective there is. You have done your healing, and rather than spend the rest of the year congratulating yourself on a job well done, you will start to look forward to the future. For the first time this year, you are now ready to let go of the past and capture the brilliance of the future.

Keywords for the week: hopefulness, intention, vision

Dates and moments to keep in mind: December 1, 2 and 3 all bring you confirmation that you are on the right track. What you'll notice during this time is that there is absolutely no good reason to doubt yourself. Even if you've doubted yourself for a lifetime, you can't help but feel hopeful about the days to come. You are walking into a very positive era in your life, Capricorn.


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(January 20 - February 18)

Tarot Card: The Fool

You may not know where you're going during the week of November 27 - December 3, 2023, but you are going to get there, one way or another. You are officially tired of the naysayers in your life who dare to suggest that you are doing the wrong thing or assuming things you should never think about. Your friends think you are off track, but you believe yourself to be right on the money. This card shows that, even if you are a 'fool,' you don't care, as it's your life to live and not theirs.

At this time, you will more than likely reach out to someone while assuming that they want you to reach out to them, which they might not exactly want. You really aren't into the truth during this week, and you haven't been in a long while. The interesting part is that no matter what people think of you, you're still happy. Doing it your way works for you, and not listening to the advice or words of friends is just the way you do things.


Keywords for the week: ignorance, happiness, blind faith

Dates and moments to keep in mind: November 27 has you working out something new in your head, and while it seems like a brilliant idea, you'll receive flak for it right away. This causes you to shut up and do what you'll do anyway, without alerting anyone. December 1, 2 and 3 are made much better for you simply because you've learned to ignore what others say.

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(February 19 - March 20)

Tarot Card: Eight of Wands, reversed

This card suggests that you are nothing less than a warrior of love as the Wands, in this case, are pointed upwards and that means that you are on an upward trend. You are completely optimistic about your love life. While this suit usually represents work or labor, you'll see that during the week of November 27 - December 3, 2023, your concentration will fall on love and romance. Perhaps this, too, is work.


Persistence is something that's always worked for you, and in the same way that salmon must swim upstream, so, too, is it for you in so much as you have to work extra hard to create the right situation for you and your romantic partner. You want success and nothing less, and for you, if that takes hard work to achieve, then bring it on. Hard work has never intimidated you. You're there for it, and you are successful.

Keywords for the week: persistence, devotion, loyalty

Dates and moments to keep in mind: November 30 works to your advantage by giving you an inspired moment where you figure out exactly what your next move will be. December lets you know in the first three days that you're not only on the right track but that all will end up exactly as you wanted it to.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.