3 Zodiac Signs Become Their Own Hero On November 25, 2023

Mars square Saturn confirms that whatever you've been doing, you've been doing it right.

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Now and then, we can't help but feel so strongly about that which we believe in that we feel we are the very representative of strength and perseverance ourselves. We've often been told how 'strong' we are and that what we've gone through would put a weaker person out of business. We also know that when the times require us to be strong, we just do what we can.

On November 25, 2023, we have an interesting astrological event taking place and that is the transit of Mars square Saturn. This transit is no small potatoes. In fact, it will be during this time that three zodiac signs feel something almost ... heroic ... brewing inside our hearts. We are the heroes in our story today. We are a force of nature, unstoppable, brilliant and driven towards good.


Mars square Saturn has a way of letting us know what our priorities are. This is a particularly strong transit and it brings out a particularly strong sense of what we will stand for and what we must get rid of in our lives. This covers love, romance, health, money and even location. Today is the day when three zodiac signs make big decisions about what they wish to do with their lives.

These three zodiac signs are their own hero starting November 23, 2023:

1. Aries 

(March 21 - April 19)

You see this day as your big chance to step up and change the things in your life that you know need changing. You have not been satisfied with so much of what's been going on while simultaneously KNOWING that you're the obstacle that has been standing in the way. You've needed this kind of day, this Mars square Saturn kind of experience, as this is what pushes you to the front of the line, mentally and emotionally.


All it takes with you, Aries, is one moment or proper inspiration and you can use it to change the entire world. You are the essential meaning of 'give an inch, take a mile' and in your case, this has to do with potential. You don't need much to send yourself on a trajectory for pure goodness. You just need the right moment, the right time when inspiration meets trust, and here you have it today, November 25, 2023.

Not everyone can claim that they feel like a force of nature, but when you, Aries, get on top of that mountain, you prove it all night and day. You are the quintessential force of nature and you'll be using the elemental forces around you today to change your world dramatically. Mars square Saturn could take a lesser person and twist their perception on this day, but not you, Aries. You are all clearheaded vision and positivity.

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2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)


If you are to see the light, then you're going to need a powerful light. That's exactly what's taking place on this day, November 25, 2023, for you, Scorpio. What you'll see happening today is that you not only wake up feeling like a force of nature, you feel as though every single thing that you've been planning on is now coming to fruition. You are witnessing your success, and you know that it's because YOU put yourself here.

Believing in yourself is a path that was paved in much self-doubt, and yet, here you are, knowing that you did the right thing. Your efforts to heal, to rise above the odds were not in vain; you did it, Scorpio. You've gotten yourself to the level of success that you've only dreamed of. While there may still be some 'pinch me' moments, you know that all the goodness that surrounds you is there because you put it there.

All of this only leads to more and more self-belief, and it almost feels like a vacation. Finally, your dreams are coming true, and you've done it all on your own. The help you've received over the years is well appreciated, but it is YOU who is the force behind it all. On this day, during the transit of Mars square Saturn, you will see that congratulating yourself on a job well done is definitely in order.

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3. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)

Feeling like a force of nature is sort of par for the course where you are concerned, Capricorn, but you don't always take credit for this feeling. You are, by nature, a humble person and you rarely like to stand out in the crowd. In fact, you don't like getting attention unless you can control the situation. On this day, November 25, 2023, during the very intense transit of Mars square Saturn, you're going to find that ... you can control it and that you like controlling it.

It will be on this day that you come to realize that the best things in life, for you, are indeed thing things you can control. While that makes you seem like a control freak, you've come to see it from a different vantage point. Being in control allows you to see what works and what doesn't work. The immense power that you feel during Mars square Saturn is the kind that confirms that whatever you've been doing, you've been doing it right.


The feeling of being a true force of nature really shows up for you when you realize that you can help others now. All that control was not only for yourself but for the purpose of showing others that they are safe and secure. That's how you do things, Capricorn. You are humble, but you are also smart and generous, and your power comes in the form of compassion and kindness on this day, November 25, 2023.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.