3 Zodiac Signs With The Amazingly Positive Horoscopes On November 7, 2023

A sweet day is in store for these zodiac signs.

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Patience and perseverance are the themes of November 7, 2023. We are being reminded that good things take time, and justly so. After all, we all have fallen for scammy grocery fruits sometime or another and then promptly stopped giving our business to such sellers. It's good not to be on the other side of that facepalm equation.

Of course, three zodiac signs will benefit the most from the day's energy — Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. The remaining zodiac signs stand to gain something from this message, too. With the Moon in Virgo showing up as the main astrological influence, there's a big need to take a step back and not rush through your chores and responsibilities.


From big projects to small ones, all that impatience will only cost you more time when you need to double back and correct something. Instead, allow yourself to go slow, pay attention to the details and do everything phenomenally the first time around.



Also, with the Moon opposite Saturn adding weight to the day's energy, we are being urged not to equate patience with seriousness or moroseness. Doing something patiently can be fun, too.


In fact, if the activity brings you joy, it's much better to draw it out as much as you can. After all, haven't we all rushed through a delicious plate of food sometime or another in our life and then regretted it when there were no second servings? Now, let's focus on the three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on November 7, 2023.

Three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on November 7, 2023:

1. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22)

Cancer, hold your ground, no matter what. The universe has your back, even if you are alone in an environment with naysayers and toxic folks. As long as you stay true to yourself and your vision, you will find a way. Even "setbacks" will turn out to be a stepping stone to lead you to something better and more beautiful. (This is especially true for those of you who may be getting a divorce right now.)

With Moon in Virgo and Moon conjunct Juno in Virgo standing out as your astrological drivers, the focus is on leaving behind the comfort zone ... but not too much. Don't stress yourself out by going full hog in adventure mode. Tread slowly and carefully instead, and the transition will be smoother and more peaceful, even as you continue to learn and grow. If you can, rely on your friends to help you or helpful forums on the internet where good samaritans tend to aggregate.


Some of you will benefit from focusing on the relationships that truly matter to you at this time and not wasting your life on the toxic ones that just drain and strain you. You can go out and have a nice dinner with your loved ones (or significant other) or gather them at your home for an impromptu dinner party. Bonus points if you have smores!

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2. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21)

Scorpio, if no one has told you lately that you are absolutely amazing and beautiful/handsome, here's us reminding you of the same. The energy is all set to be your wingman, too, and hype you up like a best friend. All you need to do is lean into this blessing and claim it as yours. If you don't, it will respect your wishes and fade away.


Sun in Scorpio, Mercury in Scorpio and Sun opposite Uranus retrograde in Taurus are all highlighted as your astrological benefactors. The message for you is simple — do what feels right to you in a manner that makes sense to you. Don't worry about the petty people who feel burned when you are simply minding your own business.

There's no need for confrontations, even though Mars in Scorpio may be ready with a bludgeon for you. Instead, take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that the universe has your back. Things will be put right soon enough for you.

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3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)


Pisces, you have a big decision in front of you. You may not have to make it, but the energy is strongly highlighting the need to sit down and think about the options in front of you. To put it succinctly, you can either stay in your comfort zone and allow things to continue as they are (and that may not be a bad thing at all) or you can take a chance on your dreams and pursue something bigger than you.

With Neptune retrograde in Pisces and Neptune's relationship with Moon in Virgo showing up as your astrological influences, the point is to live box-free. Whether you choose your comfort zone or those big dreams, make sure you are living according to yourself and your principles. Don't let social media influencers and gym bros turn your head if you are content where you are. Similarly, don't let fearful people convince you to stay small. Do what's right for you.

Seeking your friends and family's counsel may or may not be helpful at this time. Journaling your feelings and thoughts over the next many days will definitely bring you clarity. You can also light incense while you write so the energy continues to stay clean and free-flowing.


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.