3 Zodiac Signs With Fabulous Horoscopes On October 19, 2023

It's a beautiful day to spend with the ones in your heart.

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Three zodiac signs — Leo, Virgo and Taurus — have a fabulous day in store for them on October 19, 2023. It will be sweet, simple and relaxing for them. There's something here for the other zodiac signs, too.

With the Moon in Sagittarius lighting up the sky right now, the focus is on following your heart and making friends in the unlikeliest places. If that means stepping out of your comfort zone and going on a solo journey somewhere, do it! It doesn't have to be somewhere out of town. You can stroll through the unexplored parts of your city or town and learn something new. Who knows? You may bump into a familiar face along the way.


Of course, with the Moon forming a connection with Vesta in Cancer, the focus is also on relationships today but not just of any kind. We are talking about the ones that resonate with us deep inside — whether you have known these people for decades or just met them three weeks ago. It doesn't even have to be an offline relationship or friendship. Discord servers and Twitch communities count, too!



If you feel called to, do a Moon meditation sometime today to align yourself with the beautiful energy permeating the cosmos. You'll know the magic is real if it helps dissolve conflicts and misunderstandings. Let's focus on the three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on October 19, 2023.


Three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on October 19, 2023:

1. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

Leo, lean into your power and don't apologize for being yourself. You are in your authority era right now and the path forward will be challenging beyond anything you have known. It will also be deeply fulfilling, especially if you are carving out a new path for yourself as a pioneer or firebrand.

Neptune retrograde in Pisces is firmly in your corner right now. It's telling you to trust your instincts. That liminal space can be weird to tap into, but the ideas, inspirations, and nudges that emerge from it are worth their weight in gold. You may also realize that an idea you previously dismissed as ridiculous isn't ridiculous after all. You were ahead of your time back then and didn't know it.

Some of you will benefit from working closely with your friends and trusted collaborators right now. An extra set of eyes can make a huge difference if the project means something tremendous. If you wish, the cosmic forces will send you more help.


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2. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

Virgo, today will be an extremely productive day for you. You may even notice more details than usual that will help you solidify your ideas and strategies or help you fine-tune your decisions. Working with others at your workplace or within your family will be an easier experience today. You may even realize that effective communication was the only thing blocking good camaraderie between all of you.

Venus in Virgo and Venus inconjunct Neptune in Pisces are in your corner. They remind you that you shouldn't avoid trying something new, especially in beauty and overhauling your wardrobe. You aren't giving yourself enough credit. Some of you will benefit from working on your body image issues and rooting out those conditioned beliefs.


Journaling your thoughts about the same will bring you a ton of clarity. You can even work with fire quartz to level your inner energy and focus. But chatting with a trusted friend can have the same effect for some of you.

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3. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)

Taurus, trust your inner counsel today, no matter what. Don't let anyone confuse you with arguments about your age, "lack of experience," or other things — context matters. You've got this in the bag. Of course, being confident and being cocky are too very different things. So, try to stay grounded so you can continue to make good decisions as you move forward.


Uranus in Taurus is your main astrological benefactor today, and it's here to toss everything up in the air and change the status quo. Maybe things must be shaken up to prevent everything from falling into despair. You are at the forefront of those changes, setting the tone for what's to come.

The connection between Uranus and Moon in Sagittarius is also highlighted. You will learn much from people you don't see eye to eye with now. So don't dismiss wisdom from the other side of the table or a different walk of life. But find a way to make it make sense for you and your goals.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.