3 Zodiac Signs Make Great Personal Choices On October 21, 2023

There's nothing we can't achieve if we believe in our own selves.

moon trine uranus october 21, 2023 DAPA Images, fatido from Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

October 21, 2023, has us making great personal decisions regarding how we wish to proceed with certain meaningful things. At the same time, we may not always take things that seriously. We'll find that during the transit of Moon trine Uranus, three zodiac signs will want an upgrade, so to speak and that going for it is what we do.

Moon trine Uranus is a special kind of transit in so much as this is when we take chances on things that aren't guaranteed. We are more prone to trust our gut instincts, even if those instincts are out of the box or somehow that goes against the grain. We realize that we can't do everything that everyone else does. Now, we take the chance to do something completely different.




The results will be stellar for the three zodiac signs that feel confident enough to outline in a new direction. We will find out how taking a chance is worth our while. In the long run, we are the ones who know what's best for us, so it only makes sense that if we trust our gut, then we will make the right personal choices and we will succeed and find happiness in them.


Three zodiac signs who make great personal choices on October 21, 2023:

1. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

What's going on with you, Cancer, is that you will feel as though you've reached your limit on how many pieces of advice you can take from people who have no idea what they are talking about. This inspires you to get brave and make your mind up. On October 21, 2023, during the transit of Moon trine Uranus, you'll feel that all you are hearing from other people is 'noise' and being that none of it makes sense to you, you'll listen to the beat of your drum.

You know exactly what you want and not caring what others think. The days of waiting around for approval are over, as those days belong to the past and a past version of yourself that you believe was someone less capable and more dependent on people's approval. During Moon trine Uranus, you will trust your gut feeling and go for it confidently and with direction.

Making a personal choice relies on what YOU feel, not what someone thinks you'll feel. Only you know how you'll react. Only you know whether or not to proceed. So, on October 21, 2023, you will proceed because you are no longer afraid to move independently. This is your life, and you'll do as you see fit ... and more power to you, Cancer.


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2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

If something has been on your mind and you've been in a state of either confusion or hesitation, you may find that on October 21, 2023, you will suddenly snap out of this feeling and proceed with the plan. What is the plan? To change your life, of course, being that it's the third week of October, you feel there is no time like the present. Time is rushing on and you want to leave this year knowing you made a serious effort.

During the transit of Moon trine Uranus on this day, you'll finally see that what you're asking for is not too much to attain and that you had better make the moves sooner rather than later. You get a distinct feeling of 'enough is enough' during Moon trine Uranus. The energy from this transit lets you believe your plans or thoughts are not that farfetched. Indeed, they are attainable, so ... why not make them a reality?


You know that only you are the authority in your life and that life doesn't last forever, so what are you waiting for? You'll be fueled by the power that comes with the transit Moon trine Uranus, as it reminds you that you've always made good decisions, so why not now? Now is the moment, Scorpio, and you know you can do this. Make that great personal choice and live to see the wondrous results.

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3. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

You always do well whenever there's a Uranus transit in the sky, even if that transit pushes everyone over the edge like Moon trine Uranus has the potential to do. In your case, however, you can harness the power of this transit and put it towards making some truly remarkable and positive changes in your personal life. You aren't always the first to embrace change. On October 21, 2023, you'll do the right thing yourself.


October 21 puts you in the right place at the right time, giving you confidence. With everything looking like it will work out, you may feel like taking a chance. What's to lose? You don't see the negative and you don't need to. This transit, Moon trine Uranus, emphasizes what you already believe in, leading to positive change and well-needed personal transformation. 

You may have to endure listening to the advice of friends and family. You'll let them have their moment and then do what you plan on doing without their approval or acceptance. This is done mainly because this is who you are. You're not here to wait around for approval from anyone, ever. You're on the verge of making a great personal choice. Honestly, this one is completely up to you. You are strong and bold, Aquarius. You do you.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.