What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest When Mars Enters Scorpio Starting October 12, 2023

As Mars shifts into Scorpio adopt the power of attraction to manifest all you desire.

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Within the dark realms of Scorpio, a new life is forged. You are transformed by what you choose to conquer, grow because of and pursue at all costs. The more you believe in yourself, the less you will need others to validate your choices. So, you become your most powerful self as you enter divine alignment with the universe.  

On Thursday, October 12, Mars shifts into Scorpio, intensifying your desires and passions while infusing you with the courage to manifest what you genuinely want. Mars rules over themes of passion, ambition, determination and the willpower to succeed. Scorpio governs transformation and alchemy so you can turn your greatest struggle into your most beautiful success. Together, they create a powerhouse of energy for you to dive deep, honor your truth and know you can turn whatever you wish into gold.  


Mars in Scorpio invites you into a place where nothing is taboo, impossible or off the table. Because of that, you can find greater freedom in pursuing your authentic desires. There will be an added energy of intensity as Scorpio tends to feel things in more absolutes or extremes.



However, this will also let you identify what is meant for you and what isn't because there's no need to pour energy into something that isn't part of your divine path. Because Mars in Scorpio creates a magnetic attraction, you will find greater success in simply calling in all you desire as you realize your greatest passion will always lead to your divine purpose.  


What you need to manifest with Mars in Scorpio

Leading Energy: Scorpio, Water 

Best Time For Your Ritual: Anytime 

Chakra Point: Solar Plexus 

Herbs: Rosemary, Thyme and Lavender 

Essential Oils: Sage, Patchouli and Ylang-Ylang 

Crystals: Black Onyx for happiness, Red Jasper for courage and Abalone Shell for transformation 

Incense: Black Copal 

How each zodiac sign can manifest with Mars entering Scorpio starting October 12, 2023 

Aries: Transformation 

(March 21 - April 19)  

Mars In Scorpio Affirmation: I embrace change at every level.  

Let yourself surrender to the transformation process with courage as Mars shifts into Scorpio. Begin by writing down your affirmation, then place it in a small jar. Add in rosemary, cloves and red jasper. Repeat your affirmation as you fill the jar with water and set it in your garden to help you embrace transformation in your life.  


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Taurus: Passion 

(April 20 - May 20) 

Mars In Scorpio Affirmation: I am attracting a more profound passion for living.  

Your deepest passions go far beyond the bedroom as Mars in Scorpio invites you to live a life you are in love with. Create an offering using pine, chamomile, sage and basil. Repeat your affirmation as you safely burn it and then scatter the cooled ashes over the earth. Pour a glass of water with the essential oil of cinnamon to help honor the Scorpio energy.  

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Gemini: Focus 

(May 21 - June 20) 

Mars In Scorpio Affirmation: I am focused on manifesting all I desire.  


Embrace a greater sense of focus as you effortlessly attract all you desire while Mars is in Scorpio. Create an intention jar using rosemary, lavender, cloves and red jasper. Fill it with water before sealing it with orange wax. Repeat your affirmation while placing it on a west-facing window to honor the energy of Scorpio.  

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Cancer: Commitment 

(June 21 - July 22) 

Mars In Scorpio Affirmation: I am committed to honoring myself while I embrace greater joy.  

Reflect on how your sense of commitment can increase your ability to manifest as Mars shifts into Scorpio. Begin by collecting a pomegranate, symbolizing Scorpio and repeat your affirmation as you wrap a blue ribbon around it. When you're finished, place this on your altar next to a red candle.  


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Leo: Nurturing 

(July 23 - August 22) 

Mars In Scorpio Affirmation: I am softening as I embrace greater nurturing and care.  

Let yourself embrace the nurturing and care of your home while Mars is in Scorpio. Create an intention bundle of sage, rosemary, lavender and cinnamon. Repeat your affirmation as you hang it above your front door.  

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Virgo: Transparency 

(August 23 - September 22) 

Mars In Scorpio Affirmation: I am transparent in all my conversations as I become more authentic.  

As Mars shifts into Scorpio, be more mindful of your transparency in conversations with others and yourself. Collect a water bottle and write your intention on the bottom of it. Place a few pomegranate seeds inside, symbolizing Scorpio, black tourmaline and tiger's eye. Silently repeat your affirmation each time you drink it as you visualize embodying greater transparency.  


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Libra: Self-Worth 

(September 23 - October 22) 

Mars In Scorpio Affirmation: I am worthy of creating all I dream of.  

Try to embody a deep sense of self-worth as Mars moves into Scorpio. Begin by collecting a seed from a tree, such as an acorn or hawthorn, symbolizing Scorpio. Light a white candle and then anoint the seed with rose essential oil. Repeat your affirmation as you hold it above the flame, then bury it in your garden with garnet or help embrace your inner self-worth.  

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Scorpio: Determination 

(October 23 - November 21) 

Mars In Scorpio Affirmation: I am determined to take every opportunity to grow my life to the next level.  

Seize the immense power you must create, whatever you wish, as Mars shifts into your Scorpio zodiac sign. Begin by writing your affirmation and intention for what you want to manifest in your life specifically. Take this, fold it three times away from you and anoint it with patchouli essential oil. Repeat your affirmation as you place the letter in an abalone shell with cinnamon, cloves and sage. Keep this on your front steps to help you seize every opportunity life brings you.  

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Sagittarius: Spiritual Growth 

(November 22 - December 21) 

Mars In Scorpio Affirmation: I am spiritually growing; as I do, I release the darkness and step into the light.  

Allow yourself to grow your spiritual abundance while Mars moves through the water sign of Scorpio. Create a sacred scrub using coffee grounds, salt, coconut oil and the essential oils of patchouli and ylang-ylang. Repeat your affirmation as you use this in the shower, and then place an amethyst under your pillow before going to sleep.  

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Capricorn: Supportive Connections 

(December 22 - January 19) 

Mars In Scorpio Affirmation: I am calling in supportive connections to help make my dreams a reality.  

Focus on attracting positive and beneficial connections into your life while Mars moves through Scorpio. Create an intention jar using rosemary, lavender and black onyx. Repeat your affirmation as you seal it with blue wax and then place it on a west-facing window with a geranium or marigold blossom to call in the energy of Scorpio. 

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Aquarius: Career Opportunities 

(January 20 - February 18) 


Mars In Scorpio Affirmation: I am focused on attracting new opportunities into my professional life as I strive for more extraordinary passion and purpose.  

Focus on infusing more passion into your professional life as Mars shifts into Scorpio. Begin by cracking an egg over a bowl, and while repeating your affirmation, add pomegranate seeds and crushed basil. Take this and pour it around a sage plant or the base of a tree to help you attract new aligned career opportunities.  

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Pisces: Abundance 

(February 19 - March 20) 

Mars In Scorpio Affirmation: I am the embodiment of abundance.  


Let yourself become all that you are seeking as Mars moves into Scorpio. Create an aura spray using plain witch hazel and the essential oils of patchouli and ylang-ylang. Add a piece of black tourmaline and jade, then send your intention into the aura spray. When ready to use it, repeat your affirmation as you spray it around your energy, home, work desk or car. You can also place a few cloves or cinnamon sticks in your dresser to help attract even greater abundance.  

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website
