These 3 Zodiac Signs Can't Get A Date On October 1, 2023

October is just beginning...enjoy yourself.

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The power is down during the Waning Taurus Moon on October 1, 2023, which means that the ability to attract a romantic partner may be at an all-time low for three zodiac signs. It's OK. We'll get it back once again. It's just the way the universe operates. Sometimes, we have it, and sometimes we don't. It's the ol' ebb and flow, and if we use lunar vocabulary, we can apply the idea of the Waning Taurus Moon to the ebb and flow of our love lives. Today, we're 'offline.' Tomorrow, we will be back on track.


OK, so basically, this means that if we're looking to go out on a date, whether we just have bad luck getting one or we run into a situation where our scheduled date doesn't show up, we know this: today, October 1, 2023, is not for romance. At least it's not a romantic day for these three zodiac signs.

We might have had this day set aside just to go out on a date or get together with that special person for the first or second time ... but this Waning Moon is a trickster. It creates disruption situations. People will back out of plans during the Waning Taurus Moon on October 1, 2023.



So, don't worry and don't put too much emphasis on it either. If your date stands you up, treat that as a disrespect you can work with. If the person you want to date doesn't want to date you, count that as a heads-up on how to keep your self-esteem. Nothing that can or cannot happen today won't be counted as a lesson. You can grow from days like this, and if you are one of the three zodiac signs mentioned here today, then take it all in stride. Better days ahead!


Three zodiac signs who can't get a date on October 1, 2023:

1. Gemini 

(May 21 - June 20)

There's no luck in the love department today, and the truth is, during the Waning Taurus Moon on October 1, 2023, you might not care all the much, either. You aren't particularly fazed by the idea that the one person you want to go out with just has ... other plans, and it doesn't look like they are inviting you along, either.

OK, so what? It happens, and while you don't like admitting that you're used to it, you're also strong enough to roll with it. What's another day without getting what you want? It's just ... another day. You have moments where things don't go according to plan, but you also have those days when everything's coming up Gemini. Love will just have to take a backseat today, and for you, Gemini, all that does is give you time to work on the minutia you love getting your hands on. Hobby time!

RELATED: 6 Zodiac Signs Who Are Emotionally Empty And Feel Nothing


2. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

The idea that YOU can't get a date when you feel like today is THE day you set aside just for this purpose aggravates you and has you flipping it on its side to the point where you decide you don't want to date. You just won't admit to the idea that nobody wants to go out with you. So, during the Waning Taurus Moon on October 1, 2023, you decide that it's their problem, and they are the ones who are missing out on the prize that is you.

You know what, Virgo? They are missing out, although there's nothing much you can do about it. What you'd be advised to do on this day, being that you can't get a date, is just to let it go. OK, today, you just don't have the magic. That doesn't mean tomorrow follows suit. You still have what it takes. It's not in full power mode on October 1, 2023.

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3. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

You might not fully understand why you, of all people, cannot get a date during the Waning Taurus Moon on October 1, 2023, but the thing is ... it's true. Even you, power and charismatic Libra, have your 'days off.' It's OK. You know you can resume mass seduction tomorrow, so don't let today's 'rejection' ruin your day. That is, of course, a tall order because this ends up being an ego thing, and you don't like the idea that you can't have what you want at the moment you want it.

You're used to being fawned over and paid attention to, and honestly, you're worth all the fuss. However, today is not your day for love and romance. If going out on a date is on your mind, spare yourself the pain and hold out for a more auspicious day, as this day, October 1, 2023, will not see you on a date, having fun. It's OK. Read a book or start a project. October is just beginning ... enjoy yourself.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.