3 Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love Starting September 4, 2023

According to Chinese astrology, romance unfolds naturally bringing love to a new level of depth this week.

chinese zodiac signs are luckiest in love september 4 - 10, 2023 Geralt From Pixabay And Latino Life Both Via Canva Pro

Three Chinese zodiac signs are luckiest in love starting September 4, 2023. No matter which zodiac sign, you are, the overarching message this week is to not wait for love to find you. Don't allow false love to twist you into knots or let emotional vampries drain you of your life. Sometimes, the harshest lessons don't have to be so tough. Sometimes, they are so sweet. We lose our way in the maze, until one day, our eyes open and we can't unsee it any longer. Are you holding on to a sweet poison in your life right now?


Some of you will benefit from doing a candle ritual this week to help you understand your shadow self. You will need a simple white candle for this and some time alone. Then, light the flame while thinking about a romantic couple whose love story inspires you. It can be a mythical pair like Eros and Psyche, a contemporary couple like Serena Williams and Alexis Ohanian, a Netflix fav like the two in All the Boys I've Loved Before or even Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet.



Then, ask yourself why you think their love is the ultimate inspiration for you and what shadows lurk within their relationship, too. (This ritual is inspired by the "light the candle" way shared by Nikki Van de Car in her book Shadow Magic.) Now, let's focus on the three Chinese zodiac signs that are the luckiest in love in the week of September 4 - 10, 2023.


Three Chinese zodiac signs who are luckiest in love September 4 - 10, 2023:

1. Rooster

1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Joy and fulfillment are in store for your love life this week, Rooster. You will feel like crowing from the rooftops when this happens. So keep some fashionable outfits ready and polish those boots to a gleam. You will need it. If you feel like pampering yourself, don't hold back. Self-care is often a strong aphrodisiac to romantic partners when they see you in your almighty glow.

If you are in a relationship, focus this week on the important matters that will affect your and your significant other's future. It can be related to where you will live in the long run, how you will raise your children, how to budget your joint expenses and even healthcare concerns. Just ensure one person isn't doing all the heavy lifting in the name of love. It's not healthy for either partner in different ways.

If you are single, great joy is waiting for you right around the corner. Some of you have worked hard on your manifestation rituals. Your time to shine is coming soon! Just ensure you are not holding onto your exes or could-have-beens, as that will energetically create problems in your new relationship.


RELATED: How To Manifest Love, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

2. Dog

1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Dog, this week's energy is abundant for you in a very monetary way. If your love life benefits from it, then where's the harm? Now's the time to plan that vacation and book those flight tickets. If you have been itching for a shopping spree with your partner (and the kids), go for it! Disneyland and food adventures are also indicated here. You do you.

If you are single, this week romantic love may not be your primary focus. You experience love with your friends, family and pets. Love is love. Don't categorize one as more important than the other. The respect and love you gain from one relationship often pave the way for another. The universe now gives you a blank slate if you are in a relationship. Do what you will with it (of course, in conjunction with your partner). If you have been putting off a difficult discussion, the energy is good right now to prevent a fight. So have that talk and hold hands so you don't forget you are allies and not enemies.


RELATED: The Best (And Worst) Chinese Zodiac Compatibility For All Signs

3. Horse

1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Horse, your moods will greatly impact your love life this week. So be mindful of it even if you can't control your emotions completely. At least this way, you can prevent problematic behaviors or bad attitudes from ruining something tender and beautiful. You are on the best horoscope list for a reason, so don't let fluctuating moods squander your blessings. If you need a break, ask for it.

Those in a relationship will experience extremely sweet and loving moments with your partner this week. From flowers to candies to romantic words whispered under the stars (or in front of the TV), love is all you will need to turn the mundane into magic.


Even tossing the garbage will not feel like a chore for some of you. If you are single, the message about moods is potently true for you. Especially if you have a huge crush on someone and have held onto hope for years, seeing them with someone and facing rejection can quickly turn those tender feelings into seething hatred. Respect their free will. If someone is being wishy-washy with you, go with the washy and wash your hands off of them before you commit a mistake.

RELATED: How To Control Your Emotions In A Relationship, Even During Conflict

Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
