3 Zodiac Signs May Have Rough Horoscopes On September 1, 2023

Take time to talk it out today, as we experience a bit of frustration at the start of the month.

zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on september 1, 2023 Be keronyart from Keronyart's Images, cokada and OpenmindedE both from Getty Images Signature all via Canva Pro

Here we are on September 1, and three zodiac signs already have a problem with it. It's not that we're looking for trouble, but what's on our minds today is that we didn't complete something. In other words, we were working on something related to our love relationships in August, and we never concluded that we are open to the influence of today's strongest transit, the Moon opposite Mars, which will make us feel like backing up a few days.




We needed to get something done last month, and here we are today, feeling like we're still dangling in mid-air, waiting for 'whatever' it is to happen. For three zodiac signs, this could mean waiting for a romantic partner to commit to us or let us know what's going on regarding this relationship. Having all the Mars energy around us doesn't feel like a good way to get a fresh start, and September always means fresh starts are waiting for us to be a part of. Still, feeling secure is difficult with Moon opposite Mars affecting our love lives. We need movement and we need it now.


Today may bring frustration, but it is worse. It could inspire an argumentative nature in us. We don't want to fight because we're tired of fighting. We desperately want to resolve whatever it is that's holding us apart, and we can't seem to do that until both parties come to some sort of agreement. That's all we want: an agreement. This way, or that way ... today gets on our nerves, and Moon opposite Mars exacerbates the whole dark mood. We just want an answer!

On September 1, 2023 the day feels challenging for three zodiac signs:

1. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

You have every intention of walking into September knowing exactly what was going on regarding your romantic relationship, and here we are today. You feel just as clueless as you did before. You and your partner have been at odds for a while now, and it's not the kind of thing that will end in disaster but it's something you both need to talk through. 

While the transit of Moon opposite Mars is here on this first day of the month, you won't be able to control your negative thinking. You will jump to conclusions, knowing that's not the way to handle it, but you won't be able to stop yourself. You want things to go well so badly that you're almost tripping over yourself to make it happen, yet you need to get a positive sign from your partner to know where you stand.


RELATED: September 1, 2023 Horoscopes Are Best For 3 Zodiac Signs

2. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

September 1, 2023, puts you in a frame of mind that you don't want to look at. The last thing you want to admit to yourself is that the person you love — the person you've loved for a long, long time has somehow become emotionally unavailable to you. Whoa, this was not part of the plan. However, you may be over-assuming during Moon opposite Mars, as it's not up to you to interpret what someone else is thinking when they have not offered their point of view.

What's going on today is that you are relying on assumption, which is a bit arrogant if you look at it with an open mind. You can't just 'know' what your partner is thinking without asking them, and yet, you fear asking them today because you assume they will say something hurtful, something you won't be able to accept. You'll never know until you ask, so ... ask away.


RELATED: Monthly Love Horoscope For September 1 - 30, 2023

3. Pisces 

(February 19 - March 20)

September 1, 2023, isn't working out the way you had in mind because what you had in mind was a scenario of love and romance, and today looks more like 'hurry up and wait.' What you're going through today, Pisces, is typical of Moon opposite Mars and how it affects our perception. We tend to veer towards the negative on this day, seeing the glass half empty, as it were.

You need to know that you aren't necessarily right in judging your romantic partner so harshly, as they may be clueless about what's going on. This is a real good case for communication. You need to approach your partner and ask them if this is a good time to have a heart-to-heart talk session. Rather than jump to conclusions and write their end of the story, take the time to listen to what's really on their minds. It might not be as bad as you've imagined it to be.


RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Change For Love On September 1, 2023

Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.