3 Specific Zodiac Signs With The Best Weekly Horoscopes Starting August 14, 2023

Essential magic is in the works.

zodiac signs best horoscopes for the week august 14 - 20 edfuentesg from Getty Images Signature, and hani via Canva Pro/Activedia from pixabay via Canva

Three zodiac signs have the best weekly horoscopes for August 14 - 20, 2023. Here's what to expect. Don't turn away from change that will bring revolution into your life. It can feel uncomfortable in the moment, even scary in some cases, but the outcome and eventual new chapter will make the journey worth it.

Some of you are holding on to a relationship (or relationships) that is not in your best interest from the perspective of your well-being, health and self-esteem. Sometimes it can be difficult to acknowledge these truths, especially if one feels alone and unsupported or is surrounded by villains of all kinds, but you must do so this week.




The New Moon in Leo on August 16 is the main astrological event of the week. Now's the time to look into yourself and know who you are and what you stand for. With Venus Retrograde also in Leo, the focus may be past romances and relationships that initially felt promising with a disaster. Let the transit of the Moon through Leo, Virgo and Libra this week help you find your place in the larger world and step away from people who intrinsically feel you.


Also, if you feel called to, you can create a "higher power" box this week for your divine petitions. Depending on your spiritual beliefs, you'll it something else also. The core idea is to have a box where you put your petitions and wishes into you with your manifestations.

From bits of paper to stickers and pressed flowers, anything and everything that represents your wishes can be put in this box. You can clear out the box every few months once your wishes start coming true. Let's focus on the three zodiac signs with the best weekly horoscopes for August 14 - 20, 2023.

Three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes this week:

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)

Taurus, this week will be an introverted week, with slow, sedate and rejuvenating activities bringing you the most joy. Of course, if you invite your closest friends or significant other to share these experiences with you, be it at a spa, a go-kart club or along the side of a mountain with your rock-climbing gear (after all, introversion is not isolation).


You will find the energy doubling your joy and peace. Some of you may even stumble upon some surprising discoveries while in these pursuits, whether by yourself or in the company of your inner circle. Jupiter in Taurus will form square aspects with Sun and Moon in Leo at the beginning of the week. So hold your ground and don't let the pettiness of others get to you. This is especially true if you feel people are throwing in their lot with your enemy, especially in the workplace. They will just as quickly switch teams to your side if they feel they will benefit from it. Better to steer clear of such parasitic associations.

If you feel called to, this week is also great for closing out old chapters by writing letters to your younger self or those from your past who played a role in your life. Clarity and closure don't have to originate from others. This exercise will also help you avoid such individuals or circumstances in the future so history doesn't repeat itself.

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2. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22)


Cancer, fate will be active in your life this week, but their hand is obscured now. This can feel daunting and stressful. After all, life has a habit of throwing lemons at the most awkward instances, but you are on the best horoscopes list for a reason. You can easily navigate the twists and curves if you believe in yourself and your abilities (including your intuition).

The new Moon on August 16 will be highly potent for you. Hidden feelings will come to the surface and masks will be dropped without any nudging on your part. The dramatics that will ensue may give some a headache, but it will also make the path forward obvious to you. When the Moon moves into Virgo eventually, you will know exactly what to do.

Gratitude journaling will also help you tremendously at this time. So if you don't maintain a notebook for this already, pick out one that evokes a sense of gravity in you. A leatherbound journal (whether faux or real) may be just what you need to set the mood. Then write three things you are grateful for about your life from six months to one year ago. Do this exercise for the next seven days to add to your blessings.

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3. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

Leo, your teachers and mentors will play a big role in your life this week. This is being indicated only for those authority figures who genuinely act and speak from a place of love, compassion, wisdom and genuinity. So don't delude yourself into giving too much credence to the fake ones!

Venus retrograde trine Chiron will affect you strongly this week, especially during the beginning of the week when the transiting Moon moves through Leo. If your emotions feel unmanageable, take a few deep breaths and try to focus on the triggers. The only way to let go is to confront. Some of you may also benefit from doing this in a therapy setting and joining a therapy circle.


Also, blue crystals will be very lucky for you this week. Just make sure to pick one that resonates with you or holds some historical significance. The crystal will make it easier to express yourself to the right people

RELATED: How The Zodiac Signs Deal With Sadness, According To Astrology

Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.