3 Zodiac Signs Learn Something New In Love On August 2, 2023

Oh gee, you do THAT, too?

zodiac signs learn something new in love Sketchify Japan from Sketchify Japan and Codioful (formerly Gradienta) from Pexels all via Canva/amixstudio from Getty Images via Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs learn something new in love on August 2, 2023. What an interesting day it will be for three zodiac signs who may have not known something about their romantic partners. Today is a day for surprises and perhaps even a shock or two. Some of these romantic revelations may be wonderful, while others may be ... less than wonderful. No matter what, we will learn just how the transit of Mercury opposite Saturn influences the day of August 2, 2023. This is a powerful transit and it is known for arousing curiosity in the person who seeks knowledge. If we wish to open the book of knowledge in our love lives, then we must prepare ourselves for what we find.




One of the things that may surprise us today is that our partners are not the ideal and perfect people that we might have wanted them to be. This is a personal lesson; why should another person ever have to live to up another person's expectations? Ah, therein lies the rub. In our discoveries today, we may end up finding out more about ourselves than about the person who reveals that which we didn't know about. Our disappointment in them may show us our tolerance levels. Our joyful acceptance of them may show us the degree of truth in our love for them.


We may also find out that our romantic partners are actually much smarter than we've given them credit for. We can either open to this and warm to their intellect, or we can fear their knowledge and act on defense; that's how Mercury opposite Saturn works. And for the three zodiac signs who will make this discovery today, things should be ... interesting.

Three zodiac signs learn something new about love on August 2, 2023:

1. Gemini 

(May 21 - June 20)

Known for doubting people before you get a chance to honor them for what they are really made of, you will come to know that the person you are with is no dummy, Gemini. There's a part of you that might have been relying on the idea that you could underestimate this person, but there will be something that your lover will reveal today, August 2, 2023, during the Mercury opposite Saturn transit that will let you know that this is not the person to doubt.

What's great is that this information will be both heavy to you and liberating; in a way, all you've ever wanted was someone whom you could call your equal, and now you know that this person has always been your equal ... it's just that you didn't allow them to fully shine. Today, they will show you — without your asking — what they are really made of and you will be both shocked and pleased.


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2. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

You're about to learn something new about your romantic partner today, August 2, 2023, and it will shut you up once and for all. What this means is that, in your way, you've always made excuses for this person, as if you project opinions on to other people whether they are thinking those thoughts or not.

What's means by that is that you have never thought much of your partner's intellect, and you have just assumed that others in your life agree with you, so you've made little demeaning comments here and there to pave the way for your partner's personality. What you've done is that you've shown the world that you doubt your partner, and that their intellect humiliates you. Today, during the ironic transit of Mercury opposite Saturn, you will see that you are the one who needs adjustment, not them. They are bright and shiny; now it's time for you to acknowledge for who they are.


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3. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

What you are about to learn on this day, August 2, 2023 is that your partner is a true hero, and what they've gone through is nothing to balk at. You didn't know this about them, mainly because they are humble and they do not show off.

Because you didn't know, you naturally assumed they were 'less' than what they are, and during Mercury opposite Saturn, you will come to know that you are in the presence of a real mensch. Today is going to school you in ways you didn't think possible. You might even start to wonder how you could possibly deserve such a great person, but if they are in your life, Aquarius, then you apparently do deserve them. Honor your mate and never underestimate them; they may be quiet, but they are fierce and braver than you could ever imagine.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.