3 Specific Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love On July 28, During The Moon In Sagittarius

Are you feeling joyful and optimistic?

zodiac signs luckiest in love on july 28 yayasya, The Branding Co, and efks from Getty Images via Canva Pro

It's July 28, and the Moon is in Sagittarius. So, which three zodiac signs will be the luckiest in love? Here we have a day when everybody benefits, potentially. Though three zodiac signs will rise to the top, we all stand to see a fairly good and lucky day thanks to the Moon in Sagittarius, which rises in the sky on July 28, 2023. For those of us who are in love, we can know that we'll not only be in good spirits during the Moon in Sagittarius, but we'll agree on just about everything.




That also means that today is a good day to discuss certain topics. How can we go wrong if we believe our partners will agree to our proposal? Today is filled with optimism and high hopes, and honestly, that's a thing none of us can say no to. What we'll also see happening on this day is that we can take chances. 


We aren't afraid to broach topics we might feel inhibited about at one point. Our romantic partners are more open to us today than on any other day, and that means that we could potentially start a 'new chapter' in our romantic lives if we just take the risk and challenge them in a friendly and loving way. This could be an inspiring day that results in a future with many positive days.

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For three zodiac signs, it's a day of healing and working on what went wrong. We're not dwelling on what went wrong, we're healing it, and that's a whole other thing. We can knock a lot out today if we believe in ourselves and our relationships, and it sure does look like many of us will see great success in this area. Which signs are susceptible to the power behind the Moon in Sagittarius?

Three zodiac signs are luckiest in love on July 28:

1. Aries 

(March 21 - April 19)


If there's one thing the Moon in Sagittarius brings you, it's the inspiration you need to make things happen. Your partner likes to get your goat. They want to tease you and make you react, but it's all to make you feel good. However, they are intelligent, and their goading behavior gets you on the move. You see their point and you feel inspired by their actions, and once you get a move on, there's no stopping you.

Together, you can create something wonderful today, July 28, 2023. with the Moon in Sagittarius at your back, it's as if you are working on the same battery. Togetherness plays a huge role in today's success. Now that you think of it, that's exactly how you like it. Unity works for you.

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2. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)


Sagittarius energy has always worked its magic on you in great ways, and during the Moon in Sagittarius on July 28, you and your romantic partner will once again come to that place where you both recognize each other as 'the perfect match.' All things are 'go' on this day, and even if you've had hard times, certain things make it known to you both during this time that guarantees that you will stick together like glue.

You just get along well, and during the Moon in Sagittarius, things like romantic compatibility rise to the surface. Your relationship is not just romantic. You are sincere friends, which keeps you together. This is a fabulous day for being giddy and silly. High hopes are good, and so are hilarious dummy jokes. Just have fun.

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3. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)


You will find out on this day, July 28, 2023, that your love partner is also a very inspiring and motivating person, and during the Moon in Sagittarius, that's just what you need. If you've been in a slump lately, you can count on the fact that the person you are with will be the person who will help pluck you out of that stuckness.

This is one of the things you love best about this person. They have the uncanny ability to know when you're down and when they can or should intervene. Today is one of those days, and your partner has just enough nerve to get you out of your funk and into a happy place. You can't be unhappy, as the Moon in Sagittarius brings light and energy to all things joyful and optimistic. 

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.