4 Zodiac Signs Experience A Major Emotional Upheaval The Week Of June 5 - 11, 2023

Nothing makes this easy to accept, but we will get through it together.

zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on june 5 - 11, 2023 People Images-yuriarcurs via Canva Pro

We will notice that love and romance will repeatedly appear in the week of June 5 - 11, 2023. This may sound nice, but we are looking at several Venus transits during the week that may not present love in such a perfect light. We've got a strong Venus in Leo transit which makes feelings of love 'strong,' but the strength here may turn sour as Venus opposite Pluto takes over alongside Moon sextile Saturn. Together, these transits make pets feel hopeless and aggravated.


Our week will bring us many emotions that we might not have wanted to look at, and with the Moon in Aquarius showing up on June 7, we may find that so much of the week is about 'how to deny what we're feeling.'

We won't be able to keep our heads in the clouds for long, though, as Moon conjunct Pluto and Moon opposition Venus shake us back into reality. We really don't want to take responsibility this week. By the week's end, Venus will square Jupiter, which means that if love really is at the heart of our problems this week, it will all culminate by then. Decisions will be made, and many will revolve around whether or not we wish to continue 'as is' with the people we are involved with.




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With Moon trine Venus wrapping our week up, the one good thing we can look forward to is knowing that whatever we decided on was in the interest of our health and wellbeing. Self-love wins in the long run, and while that may be a hard pill to swallow, that's what the stars are telling us this week. Work through it, and get to the other side. Which zodiac signs will experience emotional upheaval during the week of June 5 - 11, 2023?

Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes June 5 - 11, 2023:

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)


Whenever Venus makes a grand entrance, you pay attention as this planet is part of what makes you you, Taurus. While there's a part of you that wants the stability of a good relationship, you also know that you can't ignore certain signs when they come around, and during the week of June 5 - 11, 2023, you'll be besotted with significant moments that tell you that something isn't right.

The stability part of your relationship doesn't feel all that stable, and during the onslaught of negative Venus transits, you'll feel both scared and unnerved. You know that you can't live like this, that the feeling of being insecure is not something you can deal with indefinitely, and so, as the Moon pulls us towards the halfway point in Pisces, you, too, will feel as though you are being pulled towards some kind of radical decision.

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2. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21)


With Venus in Leo, you may be under the impression that you've got everything under control, Scorpio, but even you know this is a slippery slope. Things in your love life are starting to unravel. What you once could trust now looks strange and alien to you. Something is going on, and you're unsure if you want to approach and confront it or pretend it doesn't exist, as if your self-imposed ignorance might make it all go away.

Still, Venus is opposite Pluto this week, which will not bring sunshine and light to situations of love and romance. In your case, it will act as a dissolving agent; you might feel that everything you've worked so hard to keep is falling apart ... but the oddest part is that you might want it this way. Deep down inside, you want it to fall apart. That's what this week has in store for you, Scorpio.

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3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)


This week will have you trying very hard to ignore the facts, and those facts have something to do with your love life. There is something you don't want to look at as if it will bring forth all the truths you've been trying to keep at bay, and yet, they are a-coming, Pisces, and you need to brace yourself. You've got all this weirdly opposing Venus action coming at you this week.

Still, it culminates in the Moon conjunct Pluto. This is dark, but not half as dark as it will be, thanks to Venus being squared with Jupiter, which amplifies all of your negative thinking during the week. While there's evidence to show that your love life will be affected or interrupted, the negative energy is not limited to love and romance. Prepare to use your mind this week, Pisces, to finesse your way out of trouble.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.