April 26, 2023 Horoscopes Are Best For 3 Zodiac Signs

The details you don't want to focus on are the very ones you need to.

zodiac signs with the best horoscopes april 26, 2023 Gilaxia from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs will have the best horoscopes on April 26, 2023. As we journey through life, Taurus, Pisces and Cancer may believe that time is always on their side and that any decision we make will have the same outcome. However, this illusion can prevent us from living the life we truly desire by blocking us from reaching the next level of our lives. By avoiding the necessary steps to move forward, we fail to overcome the unpredictability that stands between our current selves and the life we yearn for.


The Eclipse Portal we are currently traveling through is a crucial time to face those challenges we have put off for too long. The current Mercury retrograde in Taurus amplifies this need. By having conversations and making plans, we set into motion a series of events that lead us not just to where we want to be, but where we need to be. Trust that these plans will bring about greater abundance and growth, even if they don't go precisely according to plan.



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Remember, growth is not easy, and it's normal to feel like we are mourning what we thought was real. But we are redefining ourselves, becoming part of something greater than we can even imagine. Take the time to mourn, but also embrace the joy within the chaos and trust in your intuition and dreams. By doing so, life will align more with your desires, and you'll be one step closer to the life you're meant to live. Don't let confusion and uncertainty hinder your growth. Trust in the process and know that everything is happening for your highest good.

Three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on April 26, 2023:

1. Taurus  

(April 20 - May 20) 

It's natural to have doubts from time to time and question if you really know anything at all. With Mercury, the planet of the mind, retrograde in your sign, you may feel like nothing is certain and everything is up in the air. It can be overwhelming to feel like you have missed a step and unintentionally ruined everything. However, this is just Mercury retrograde influence making you rethink and question everything that you previously believed was certain.

Even though it may feel confusing right now, this is also an opportunity for you to discover what is real. Use this time to examine your thoughts and beliefs to determine which ones are truly yours and which may have been influenced by others. Despite feeling like everything is falling apart, you are actually creating space for things to come together.


Today, the Sun in Taurus aligns with Saturn in Pisces, allowing you to finally see through any limitations that are not yours and become clear about what you want to pursue in your own life. While others may be of assistance during this time, your own desires and dreams should never be replaced by theirs, even if yours seem riskier.

Taking risks is a part of living, and it's a journey of learning and growing into the person you were always meant to be. While Mercury retrogrades in your sign, the Moon in Cancer can help you express your emotions. It may not be logical, but it will be guided by love.

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2. Pisces  

(February 19 - March 20) 


Expressing yourself can be a challenge when you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, and with Mercury retrograde in Taurus, it's even more difficult to put your thoughts into words. It's not that you've become closed off, but you may find it hard to think logically, plan, and reason through things.

This is only temporary, though. The confusion hides a worthwhile process that you're going through. With the Sun also in Taurus and Saturn in your sign, you're taking a serious and dedicated approach to achieving your dreams. You're determined to not let anything get in your way.

It's okay if you don't know what's next or if things seem undone. This is part of the test you're going through. Trust your intuition and dreams, as they often know what's ahead before reality catches up. The more you trust these thoughts and soul hits, the more aligned your life will become.

The Moon in Cancer today can help you find beauty in the chaos and joy in what seems undefined. This will bring you one step closer to seeing that your dreams create your reality and not the other way around.


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3. Cancer  

(June 21 - July 22) 

Realizing that nothing is as you thought it was is disarming. Especially when it is about those things you thought you could rely on. But this is the space of growth that you are in. The space of anything is possible and of things changing in such a way to bring about greater abundance and growth for you.

No one ever said that growth was easy though. No one ever said that you will feel confident in your decisions or know straight away which choice is the one that will lead to where you want to be. But Saturn in Pisces is blessing everything for you right now. Even in the spaces where it seems heavy and overwhelming.


Something to remember is that while growth will lead you to destinations you could not even have dreamed of, it does not mean that it is not sad. It is normal to feel like you are mourning what you thought was real, what you thought would last a lifetime. You're redefining yourself, who you are, and all the pieces of your life that satellite around you. Take this time to mourn, even if you are simultaneously experiencing boundless joy. You can do both.

Not everyone in your life will be available to come to the next step. Not everyone is meant to remain with you forever, but those that do make the transition or those that come in will help you become a part of something greater than you can even imagine. But there is no rush Cancer, there is no reason to think that you must have it all figured out or that you even need to be finished with this process that you are in. Instead, you can surrender to observing everything as it plays out, trusting that where you are in this moment is as valuable as where you are headed.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website
