3 Zodiac Signs Want Love They Can't Have On April 20, 2023, During The Solar Eclipse In Aries

Leave it to Aries for showmanship.

zodiac signs want love they can't have april 20, 2023 viktoriiaablohina and Isai Hernandez both via Canva Pro/Buddy_Nath from pixabay via Canva 

Three zodiac signs want love they cannot have on April 20, 2023, during the solar eclipse in Aries. It may almost feel like a cosmic joke, with a solar eclipse in Aries happening on the first day of Taurus. It's as if Aries will not take its proper leave, and to show dominance, it will make sure we take notice ... and who doesn't notice something like a solar eclipse? 

Unfortunately, this display of power is the kind that can make many of us feel overshadowed, ignored or pushed aside for three zodiac signs that, unfortunately, is what we'll be feeling today. We want attention from our romantic partners and won't get it during the solar eclipse in Aries.


The solar eclipse in Aries is about to overshadow anybody's need for attention, so we might as well sit back and enjoy the show rather than decide we need to BE the show. The show has nothing to do with us today; the quicker we own that, the better off we'll be. We want lots of love and attention today, and it seems we won't get what we want due to cosmic circumstances. This is where the phrase, 'deal with it,' comes into play. Deal with it, zodiac signs.



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Don't go looking up at the Sun, either. Yes, it's true we may not get the attention we want today, but that doesn't mean we need to do something stupid to get someone to notice us. Remember, Aries is the star today. That means anger, headstrong behavior, pushiness and bullying — that's the main course. We can either participate in it or witness it from afar. Either way, we are not celebrities today ... we are the audience. Just ... deal with it.

Zodiac signs who want love they can't have on April 20, 2023:

1. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

Today will be a mind-blower for you, Leo, because while you are doing all the right things and being the most perfectly attentive romantic partner anyone could dream of, your actual partner will hardly notice you exist today. This isn't personal, but naturally, you will take it very personally.

What's going on is that the solar eclipse in Aries will have everyone in your life preoccupied with ... something. Their minds may be on serious topics or on things you have very little interest in, but all you translate that as is 'they have no eyes for you.' In fact, no matter what you do or say today, you'll be overshadowed by someone else's interest in whatever isn't you.


This is how it works under the solar eclipse in Aries; you'll be yelping, "Hey, look at me! I'm here; I'm still here!" Nice try, Leo. Better luck tomorrow.

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2. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21)

On this day, April 20, 2023, you will get it into your mind that, for some reason, you should be paying attention too. It's about time, in that mind of yours, and while you feel like you've done so much good these days, you can't help but feel as though it's 'your turn,' and the person in your life whom you've been doing all these nice things for should perhaps put down what they are working on and show you some love. That's all you really want—just love and a little attention, nothing too big.


During the solar eclipse in Aries, you'll find that your romantic partner, while loving you more than anyone else, cannot find the time to hang out with you today, as everything in their life is suddenly 'more important' than hanging out with you. If you can spare yourself the idea of taking it personally, you'll get by, but once again, as it goes, when Aries puts its foot down, nobody gets to move an inch.

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3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)

Forget about getting the love you want today; another day must come. During the solar eclipse in Aries, things like love and attention are not on the menu, and the more you adjust to that, the easier it will be for you. Your partner has 'things' on their mind which are very them and not you. This may anger you, as Aries transits tend to rile us up, but you'll realize you are angry because you aren't being paid attention to, making you feel slighted.


You may think you don't deserve this kind of behavior on the part of your mate, but the truth is, they aren't doing anything to you; they're not giving you the abundant love you seem to be demanding them today. It's just about moods; they are not in the mood, and you are. This will pass, Pisces. Deal with it and let it go.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.