3 Zodiac Signs Who Reconcile With Their True Love During Venus In Pisces, April 5 - 6, 2022

Sometimes you have to fall apart to come back together again.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Reconcile With Their True Love During Venus In Pisces, April 5 - 6, 2022 by Clay Banks on Unsplash

While some mistakes are built to last, others are there to be remedied, and when it comes to relationships, the time for reconciliation is here. Venus in Pisces stirs up in us feelings of sensitivity, nostalgia, and kindness. We want to live our lives as people who believe in good, and we wish to spend that life with those who we trust to be as good as we'd like them to be. It's a season for dreams that can come true. This isn't about manifesting some impossible dream into reality; it's about knowing what can happen, and if it's a good thing, bringing it back into existence as reality.


And that 'good thing' is your relationship, however, in this case, it's the relationship that you no longer have. The one that meant the most to you; the relationship you had with someone you considered to be your true love. Venus in Pisces is the lover's transit, and it wants you to be happy, in love, and with the person you truly love.

It wants you to know that you are loved, and there's a very good chance that this ex-love of yours still loves you and wants you back.

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This is the time for reconciliation and renewal. What accounts for the past is just that: the past. It's over, and today is for change and new starts. This also means that it's time to be honest with yourself; are you still in love with someone who is in love with you and wants to get back together, at least to see if it can work again? If so, Venus in Pisces supports this effort.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Reconcile With Their True Love During Venus in Pisces on April 5 - 6, 2022:

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)

Truth is beauty, and in your life, you've seen plenty of beauty, in fact, if you could give a name to the person you've always felt was your true love, you'd call that relationship 'beautiful.' And that beauty held truth for you: this is the only person you'll ever want to be with.

Life has taken its toll, and it's separated you from this person due to one reason or another, but you can't get past the feeling that this person is 'your person.' No one else seems to fit the bill. During Venus in Pisces, this call in you will be profound; you'll wonder why you haven't gotten back together, even for a chat. And because you are very proactive, you'll crank open your phone and give this person a call. It's time for reconciliation. Let's do this.


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2. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

You have never been one to hide the fact that you've always been in love with 'that one person' and that nobody — not even your present partner — can ever come close to that kind of love. You were impressed years ago with that person and you still can't get them out of your head.

Do they even think of you? Maybe, as people do, from time to time...but you? Yeah, you've made them into the celebrity of your life and they get all the kudos, even if they aren't around. Your partner has come to accept this from you, and all that does for you make you see how weak and submissive your partner really is...or, are they just so bored of your obsession that they just don't care? Venus in Pisces brings out your lovey-dovey side, and you may just take that obsession of yours and make it your new thing.


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3. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)

Ah, to be young and in love again. Unless of course you are young and in love right now, which is a good thing. Venus in Pisces is there to support all love relationships, however, it's also good for making us think about those whom we loved more than life itself, and how their absence kind of wrecks our world.

You've come to accept that "you get what you get and you don't get upset." And that's how you feel about your current situation; it's just too much trouble to get out of it, so you stick around for the long haul. But Venus in Pisces has a way of jolting your memory, and yours will take you back to a place in time where you were much happier, and with someone you really did love. You'd even consider them your true love. Don't be surprised if you find yourself sneaking in a call to them. Stranger things have happened.


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>Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter.
