3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On March 5, 2022

Let go of the old so that the new can find you.

 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On March 5, 2022 Master1305/Shutterstock.com

The astrology of March 5, 2022, kicks up again. You will be asked to purge your life of any old emotional baggage you still carry around. 

It is no surprise, given that today is the last day of Venus, Mars, and Pluto all being in Capricorn, it's time to eradicate what is holding you back. 

Everyone has emotional baggage. We learn from both good and bad experiences. However, if you do not pause and allow yourself to release it, it will be a part of every decision you make. 


It has been an exploration of what matters most to you and whether you are making choices from that space, whether past emotional baggage or even situations are affecting it instead. 

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The purpose has been for you to see what has a solid foundation. What can withstand the tests your own growth might sometimes bring to the surface.

Make sure that what you are spending the most time on is something or someone reciprocally investing within you. 

None of this is a small matter, and it has been intense, but now you are nearing the end of it, as tomorrow this cycle will close. 

This is your last day to truly set down what is not part of you, becoming your best self or living the life you dream of. If you want something new, you must create the space to receive it. 

This Saturday, the 3 zodiac signs who benefit the most and will have a great day on March 5, 2022, include Aries, Pisces, and Aquarius.

1. Aries 

(March 21 - April 19) 


When was the last time that you asked yourself what you wanted? When was the last time someone made your happiness their priority? When was the last time it got to be about you? These are not self-centered questions, but part of the process you have been moving through of feeling like a reciprocal balance exists within your life. 

This especially applies to relationships as well. While you are never responsible for another's happiness, the person you are in a relationship with should naturally enhance that by being their authentic selves. 

And it does go both ways. Today brings a shift to no longer wanting to continue to fix things. They are what they are, and acceptance comes when we no longer believe that life or love should be a struggle. 

Yes, there may be challenging times or moments of growth, but it should not always be a struggle. Those meant to be in your life will want to naturally rise to meet you there. 


And if you are in anything less than that, then it becomes more about why you are not making changes than how to change anyone else. So use today as a stepping stool to greater confidence about your decision. You are not wrong about how you feel, so it is time to start trusting in that. 

RELATED: How The New Moon In Pisces Affects Each Zodiac Sign During The Month Of March 2022

2. Pisces 

(February 19 - March 20) 

The luscious connection between the Sun and Jupiter that began yesterday is still in effect today and gives you a warm and inviting energy that people will be attracted to.

These two planets often return the light after an incredibly dark time in your life, but they also make you shine in ways that you previously have not. 


Do not worry if everyone wants to talk to you today. You will be feeling social and ready to share that light with everyone around you. 

There may be a few energy vampires out there looking to take a little for themselves, so as social as you feel, just make sure it is around people who fill you up. 

Because you will be feeling more like yourself today, you also will be in the place to be more explicit about what you need to address and focus on in your life right now. 

This should not be anything too big but will give you that final push from holding on to letting go. Pisces Season is always such a magical time for you. It often brings the most beautiful kind of surprise, which is no different. 


You are being your fabulous, radiant self. This helps to attract precisely what is meant for you and give you confirmation that there are no mistakes in life, only redirections. 

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3. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18) 

It is your time now, which also means it is time to really embrace all that is good in your life. The Moon makes two different connections to Mercury and Saturn, both in your sign and bringing some grounded and inspiring energy to your life today. 


With various things going on in your life recently, it may have felt challenging to really focus on the direction-specific areas, like your relationship, are headed in. However, the energy of today lets you return to thinking about what matters most. 

Conversations will specifically center around setting up the foundation now for what you would like to happen later.

Whether in terms of a relationship or even the practical planning of a trip, it is essential to ensure that you are honest and authentic about what you want, not just your needs. Everyone deserves to have their needs met, no matter what they are, and that includes you. 

It does not matter if, logically, you cannot explain it or even how to get there, but that is why you have other people in your life. A season of happiness is genuinely beginning for you, and today is about making sure you lay the groundwork for all the moments of beauty you have ahead of you. 


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Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.